Thursday, January 3, 2013


so much going on at home, work and all...but I am trying to keep a positive outlook on it all.  I've chosen a "One Little Word" for 2013...if you don't know what that is, there is a thread on 2Peas on the NSBR board.


I have the tendency to dwell in the negative, so I am trying to make it a point to shake myself out of that.  When I catch myself, to stop myself and learn to see things in a positive way.

Diana, my Jenny Craig consultant, has been encouraging me to do that for a while now.  Instead of putting up fat pics of myself to discourage me from overeating ... put up a pic of myself when I did have success, to positively remind myself that I can get there.  

Sparkpeople encourages it by encouraging a visual board of what you are working toward...not a visual board of what you do not want.  Instead of dwelling on my failures (oh, like eating 3 of the sees candy put out on the file cabinet yesterday) dwell on the successes (like when I was tempted to get a 4th, I closed the box instead)

and the Bible encourages it,  I think of the verse that says "Whatever is true, holy, righteous, think on these things" (my paraphrase)  and "be transformed by the renewing of your mind"

so, for 2013, that is what I am going to try to concentrate on.

not be a 'pollyanna' who does not see the reality of the situation, but to approach that situation with a different attitude.

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"  Winston Churchill.

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