BUT at the end of the day I was exhausted. All I can think is the combo of less calories, 30 min on the recumbent bike, chasing dgd for a couple of hours...finishing my SMASH book ... and my mind just going and going...pooped this old lady out.
So, need to revamp the day so I won't be too tired for the goals.
The daily goals I am tracking are:
my water, want to be up to 8 - 8oz per day
taking my vitamins, important on a 1200 calorie per day diet (had some hair
loss this past summer when I neglected this)
logging calories, I find logging them in the morning (since I'm on Jenny and it is
pretty much preplanned) helps me to really see what I doing each day
exercise at least 30 min 5 days per week.
daily yoga, have the disc situation that this helps with
did I cheat on my JC plan?
did I buy anything?, yes, gotta learn to budget
did I "Spark'?, go on the Sparkpeople web site to help stay focused
and read my Bible.
Not included in the log, so not quite resolutions...but I want to stop spending so much time watching reruns on tv. (no Storage Wars marathons for me) Instead use the time to read. I did not watch reruns...but I also did not read.
Did select a book to start the New Year with. One of my goals is to read more 'classics'...so, I just stuck my hand under the table next to my bed and grabbed the first book, unseen, from the pile..Thomas Hardy "Far from the Maddening Crowd".
At the start of each quarter, I plan to read a classic. So, that will give me 4 classics for the year. You should see the stack of books on top of my table...this is a 'book table'..made to store books inside and then I have a stack under...I got it from my Dad's estate. I also got my love of books from him.
A big part of my buying problem is not only scrappy stuff but also books. siiiigh.
BUDGET what a nasty little word. ANd for this year, I want to buy only one book per month, the Goodreads group book. AND as far as scrappy, will limit myself to the 2 club kits per month. A good discipline, let's see if I can do it.
Also, want to rearrange the back room for an elliptical. Dh says he will get me one, so I have till Valentine's day to make the space. He would like to see the entire back room (formerly mom's suite) become an exercise room...but I have some scrappy overflow, my Wii, the spare tv (for those days dh watches football, Bond and Westerns)(yuck) and her couch back there and I don't see those moving.
So much on my noodle and so much to do.
BUT how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, right???
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