my li'l Adriana had croup, it started Thursday, I saw her on Fri and Sat...but Nyki says that she had a 'more normal' voice by Sunday. phew! I HATE it when she is sick, I can't tell you the sleepless nights I had! Now, her parents have cold symptoms, but I seem to be spared. Not even a sore throat. DARN. I even shared food and drink with her... oh well, need another excuse to get out of work.
I got to crop all my Nice, Monaco and Monte Carlo pics done!
Because I wasnt' sure about whether I was going to get any symptoms, I did not decide to go till Sun morning. So, I just packed real quick...and took essentials. Not many embellies, but figured I could embellie at home. Feels real good to get them down on paper.
Michele, just did a 'count'...I have already done 48 layouts of our trip, and I just finished Rome and the French this rate I'll need at least 3 books!
As you scrappers know, some of the layouts I LOVE! and some I'm a li'l ehhh about..but hopefully as I finish embellishing...we'll see.
Oh, Webster's Pages Seaside Resort...perfect collection for the French Riviera...I'm just sayin'...those papers are sooooooooooo beautiful! Also, used Graphic 45 Romantique for the Church in Monaco (where Princess Grace and Prince Ranier were married) Can I call it the "Fairy Tale Wedding of the Century"...I'm sure I can, cuz Princess Di and Prince Charles's marriage was not.
So, gotta finish the details..and prepare for our next stop...Florence...Firenze!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
sooo, went to email my 'other' sis a happy b-day
I went on her fb thru a mutual friend, figured I'd leave her a message, and saw this under her picture.
decided not to leave her a happy b-day, my life is so much better without her and her stuff in it.
Had to delete some people due to the spying of 'B' using her daughter's account. CHARACTER? NOT!
I go out for prayer requests and she puts an evil spin-REALLY?
We had a second opinion yesterday on his skin lesions and another one removed.
decided not to leave her a happy b-day, my life is so much better without her and her stuff in it.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
took a couple of days off work, and was real lazy this weekend
oh my! sooooooo lazy Saturday and Sunday...watched tv, read books, scrapped a very little. Almost tooo lazy. (though I LOVE lazy, pajama days)
then, spent yesterday with Adriana (to free up Nyki so she could finish a couple of projects with a looming deadline), no chance to be lazy at all. (I napped when she did) That little girl is active, active and active!! But sooooooo much fun. We did watch a you-tube video, "Wheels on the Bus" that features her favorite Baby Einstein puppets. She did not want to eat her carrots, so g'ma ate them. She is soooo funny, she does not share food very much, (kinda like her auntie Cierra) anyways, she had no trouble sharing those carrots with g'ma.
today, I took the day off. BUT I WILL NOT be lazy. I just put up a post-it to remind myself that the tv is only on for treadmilling. It is my weakness, if it is on, I'll become a slug.
So, I was reading blogs on Sparkpeople. I ran across someone who is on an 8 week challenge. Because I've been so un-motivated these past couple of months, think I'll go on my own 8 week challenge. So, starting today...for 8 weeks, I am going to more li'l cheats, like an 'occassional pepsi'...not for the next 8 weeks. I ordered Biggest Loser for my wii...looking forward to getting it. But in the meantime, on that treadmill or do boxing or something on Wii Sports. Plan menus again. I've actually done well with my August daily goals. well, some of them. siiiiiiigh
Tomorrow is my sisters' birthdays. Yes, plural, they are twins. I did send a card/gift to one of them. We have a 'tradition' of sending each other scrap supplies, the ones we 'overbuy' as gifts. A small bag of an assortment collected thru the year. For my birthday, she sent me a selection ( actually a big one of K and Company's Blue Awning) (one of her favorite collections) I used some for some of the pics from my cruise to the Mediterranian.
The other sis, I haven't sent a card yet. She's the one I had the big bruuhaha with a couple of weeks ago. I don't want to 'not' send her anything, as I am the only family who is still in contact with her...but I don't know what to say. I made some cards at my last Expo, and picked one to send...but...what do I write in it? I know she will probably just throw it away, and that's okay, if that is what she does...I just have to do my part, you know what I mean?
then, spent yesterday with Adriana (to free up Nyki so she could finish a couple of projects with a looming deadline), no chance to be lazy at all. (I napped when she did) That little girl is active, active and active!! But sooooooo much fun. We did watch a you-tube video, "Wheels on the Bus" that features her favorite Baby Einstein puppets. She did not want to eat her carrots, so g'ma ate them. She is soooo funny, she does not share food very much, (kinda like her auntie Cierra) anyways, she had no trouble sharing those carrots with g'ma.
today, I took the day off. BUT I WILL NOT be lazy. I just put up a post-it to remind myself that the tv is only on for treadmilling. It is my weakness, if it is on, I'll become a slug.
So, I was reading blogs on Sparkpeople. I ran across someone who is on an 8 week challenge. Because I've been so un-motivated these past couple of months, think I'll go on my own 8 week challenge. So, starting today...for 8 weeks, I am going to more li'l cheats, like an 'occassional pepsi'...not for the next 8 weeks. I ordered Biggest Loser for my wii...looking forward to getting it. But in the meantime, on that treadmill or do boxing or something on Wii Sports. Plan menus again. I've actually done well with my August daily goals. well, some of them. siiiiiiigh
Tomorrow is my sisters' birthdays. Yes, plural, they are twins. I did send a card/gift to one of them. We have a 'tradition' of sending each other scrap supplies, the ones we 'overbuy' as gifts. A small bag of an assortment collected thru the year. For my birthday, she sent me a selection ( actually a big one of K and Company's Blue Awning) (one of her favorite collections) I used some for some of the pics from my cruise to the Mediterranian.
The other sis, I haven't sent a card yet. She's the one I had the big bruuhaha with a couple of weeks ago. I don't want to 'not' send her anything, as I am the only family who is still in contact with her...but I don't know what to say. I made some cards at my last Expo, and picked one to send...but...what do I write in it? I know she will probably just throw it away, and that's okay, if that is what she does...I just have to do my part, you know what I mean?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Long week, filled with family drama.
Don't want to go into it, but to summarize...Weds morn, get a call from the sis no-one else is talking to...did some research into her claims, 'called' her on it, screaming ensued, I hung up. Got an insulting text, and then she defriends my dd and I from her FB and leaves a post calling me evil. Later in the afternoon, got a 'what happened, I thought we were ok email'...All of which I ignored. Thurs there was an incident at her home, police were called. I think she has mental issues and is on a serious 'downward spiral'.
This all stems from a 'custody change order' she is pursuing. They go to court on Monday...please pray for my nephew, though he is 14 and has 'petitioned the court' the judge will not talk to him.
I don't understand my sister, esp the incident Thurs night...yes, she may physically restrain and legally keep her 14 year old son from leaving, now. But doesn't she realize once he becomes an adult, he won't have anything to do with her? He HATES her now...if she continues this does she think things will get better? My own mom is in 'hiding' from her. She does not even want this sis to know where she is living, mom left her cell phone here, and wants no contact.
In my sister's mind, it is never about her and her behaviour, its always because people are 'turned against her'. Yes, there is a natural 'pulling away' by teen boys with their mothers, but her s'mother mother techinques and this incident only magnifies that. But she will NEVER see it.
As a child, she was the family 'crybaby' mom says,whenever she was called into the office for her, it was always because the 'teachers don't like me', her 'victim mentality' started young.
As a young woman, she was diagnosed 'manic depressive', then she got in a car accident and after that got addicted to prescription drugs...she also did recreational drugs as a teenager. I blame the drugs for this break from reality.
Her reality is simple, she is always the victim. She needs a villian, and on Weds, I became it.
My other sis and I think she has NPD, and a co-worker who I've shown the text, FB post and email, thinks she may be paranoid schizophrenic.
I don't know, but caught in the middle is my 14 year old nephew...who wants to get away. He has already stated that if she gets custody, he is running away. Please pray for him.
thanks for letting me vent.
This all stems from a 'custody change order' she is pursuing. They go to court on Monday...please pray for my nephew, though he is 14 and has 'petitioned the court' the judge will not talk to him.
I don't understand my sister, esp the incident Thurs night...yes, she may physically restrain and legally keep her 14 year old son from leaving, now. But doesn't she realize once he becomes an adult, he won't have anything to do with her? He HATES her now...if she continues this does she think things will get better? My own mom is in 'hiding' from her. She does not even want this sis to know where she is living, mom left her cell phone here, and wants no contact.
In my sister's mind, it is never about her and her behaviour, its always because people are 'turned against her'. Yes, there is a natural 'pulling away' by teen boys with their mothers, but her s'mother mother techinques and this incident only magnifies that. But she will NEVER see it.
As a child, she was the family 'crybaby' mom says,whenever she was called into the office for her, it was always because the 'teachers don't like me', her 'victim mentality' started young.
As a young woman, she was diagnosed 'manic depressive', then she got in a car accident and after that got addicted to prescription drugs...she also did recreational drugs as a teenager. I blame the drugs for this break from reality.
Her reality is simple, she is always the victim. She needs a villian, and on Weds, I became it.
My other sis and I think she has NPD, and a co-worker who I've shown the text, FB post and email, thinks she may be paranoid schizophrenic.
I don't know, but caught in the middle is my 14 year old nephew...who wants to get away. He has already stated that if she gets custody, he is running away. Please pray for him.
thanks for letting me vent.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Santa Clara Scrapbook Expo aka heaven on earth
This year, I got to go to the Expo! and stay at the adjoining Hyatt all 3 nights, what can I was heavenly. (I also had to relinquish the credit card when I got home, it is now locked in the safe)
Thursday, left work early...and checked in, unpacked (which i never do, I usually live out of the suitcase)..@6pm got my will call tickets...back to the room, where I read a little James Patterson and went to sleep. Soooooooo relaxing
Friday morning, had breakfast delivered 6am. (figured high calories would keep me from overdoing throughout the day). Was lined up for the all day crop by 7:30...found my friends' reserved table and got the table next to them. On Friday, at our table was just me and Ashley, and she was running late, so I plugged myself to my MP3 and got a LOT of layouts done. Went to the copics class, learned airbrushing...yes, I bought a set-up...and cropped till 11:30! Oh, Ashley and I did go out for a late dinner, she needed to re-park closer to the convention center...and stopped at Joanne's...why Joanne's?...there wasn't much cardstock for sale on the convention floor, and J's was having the core ones 5 for a $1, and everything else 40%off.
I actually won a couple of prizes...the copics class, my name was drawn for a package of paper...the distress class, my name was drawn for distress ink, I picked the green...and at the 2nd crop, my # was drawn and I got a chipboard book...I NEVER, I was pretty excited.
Saturday, got the same table, but this time it was me, Ashley, Nyki and Michele...well, was 'visiting' more, so not as many pages done...maybe 6.
I was first in line and got our same breakfast, which of course meant more random munching thru the day. Used up all my cash, so had to hit the ATM for money for dinner. Ashley got us takeout (she grew up in the area, and knows all the spots)...YUMMY Italian.
Okay, 'idiot' moments. Friday, I brought my gypsy...but forgot my cord! Had to call Nyki and ask her to bring me the cord and a cart so I could use my gypsy...and it worked GREAT on Saturday...but note to self, bring my own matt..the ones there are not so great.
Saturday, my nose is a li'l 'drippy', so I decide to take an allergy pill, as I pop it in my mouth...'wait, that's pink"...yeah, I took a nighttime one. I did not fall asleep during the day, but drank 3 pepsis!! prob another reason I wasn't as productive..cuz I was in a fog.
Both my classes were excellent, taught by Christina Guardini (?)...anyways would highly recommend her. The first was copics the second painting with distress inks.
I liked the shopping on the floor, I didn't see much for cardstock, though there was the buy it by the pound and AC packs...but the color selection was not for me.
The booths I did the most damage at were Cricut Dan (had to have the gel pen set and a cart)...Tattered Angels...Tessler Stamps...Pugnacious Stamps..and a li'l embellishment place called Mimi's (I think) sold the net butterflies, had $1 grab bags, must have picked up a dozen or more...Krazy Kreations...these are what come to mind. Did not see Scrapbook and Stickers (I like their pp selection) and the Cat's Pajama's stamps (they are soooo cute!). Only one booth even had BG packs and coordinating cardstock. But there were at least 3 - One Dollar type booths. I did go to one, Scrapbuck...but passed on the others.
Though I missed a couple; overall, I wasn't disappointed.
Came home yesterday, and still haven't fully unpacked...I'll try to get some pics of layouts up...but, here is my 'take' from that embellie booth...
from the $1 grab bags.
Thursday, left work early...and checked in, unpacked (which i never do, I usually live out of the suitcase)..@6pm got my will call tickets...back to the room, where I read a little James Patterson and went to sleep. Soooooooo relaxing
Friday morning, had breakfast delivered 6am. (figured high calories would keep me from overdoing throughout the day). Was lined up for the all day crop by 7:30...found my friends' reserved table and got the table next to them. On Friday, at our table was just me and Ashley, and she was running late, so I plugged myself to my MP3 and got a LOT of layouts done. Went to the copics class, learned airbrushing...yes, I bought a set-up...and cropped till 11:30! Oh, Ashley and I did go out for a late dinner, she needed to re-park closer to the convention center...and stopped at Joanne's...why Joanne's?...there wasn't much cardstock for sale on the convention floor, and J's was having the core ones 5 for a $1, and everything else 40%off.
I actually won a couple of prizes...the copics class, my name was drawn for a package of paper...the distress class, my name was drawn for distress ink, I picked the green...and at the 2nd crop, my # was drawn and I got a chipboard book...I NEVER, I was pretty excited.
Saturday, got the same table, but this time it was me, Ashley, Nyki and Michele...well, was 'visiting' more, so not as many pages done...maybe 6.
I was first in line and got our same breakfast, which of course meant more random munching thru the day. Used up all my cash, so had to hit the ATM for money for dinner. Ashley got us takeout (she grew up in the area, and knows all the spots)...YUMMY Italian.
Okay, 'idiot' moments. Friday, I brought my gypsy...but forgot my cord! Had to call Nyki and ask her to bring me the cord and a cart so I could use my gypsy...and it worked GREAT on Saturday...but note to self, bring my own matt..the ones there are not so great.
Saturday, my nose is a li'l 'drippy', so I decide to take an allergy pill, as I pop it in my mouth...'wait, that's pink"...yeah, I took a nighttime one. I did not fall asleep during the day, but drank 3 pepsis!! prob another reason I wasn't as productive..cuz I was in a fog.
Both my classes were excellent, taught by Christina Guardini (?)...anyways would highly recommend her. The first was copics the second painting with distress inks.
I liked the shopping on the floor, I didn't see much for cardstock, though there was the buy it by the pound and AC packs...but the color selection was not for me.
The booths I did the most damage at were Cricut Dan (had to have the gel pen set and a cart)...Tattered Angels...Tessler Stamps...Pugnacious Stamps..and a li'l embellishment place called Mimi's (I think) sold the net butterflies, had $1 grab bags, must have picked up a dozen or more...Krazy Kreations...these are what come to mind. Did not see Scrapbook and Stickers (I like their pp selection) and the Cat's Pajama's stamps (they are soooo cute!). Only one booth even had BG packs and coordinating cardstock. But there were at least 3 - One Dollar type booths. I did go to one, Scrapbuck...but passed on the others.
Though I missed a couple; overall, I wasn't disappointed.
Came home yesterday, and still haven't fully unpacked...I'll try to get some pics of layouts up...but, here is my 'take' from that embellie booth...
from the $1 grab bags.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
anyways, over the weekend something got me thinking...
We had another couple over for dinner. During the course of the conversation, dh shared a 'compliment' I had given the young lady earlier. I just commented on one of her strengths as a Christian. Her ability to be compassionate and love people and simply believe God's word. So, Michael repeated this to her...and made the comment, "And you can take that to the bank, because, Karen does not compliment ANYone, I should know".
to which I replied, "Well, I WAS raised by Ayako" (my mom is a pretty negative person, always complaining and pointing out the bad about everything)
But he is right, I'm not as bad as my mom, where I will 'look' at people and have something bad to say...but I also don't compliment/praise the people around me.
So, I've added to my daily journal the line "compliment" and am going to make it a point to say something to at least one person every day.
Yesterday, it was Betsy. She handled an odd accounting situation perfectly, and it balanced just right. So, I went to her and told her that. She looked so startled and confused....aye yi yi.
oh, my journal, because I let July get so out of hand, I am back to keeping a daily checklist of disciplines. Included are things like taking my vitamins, daily exercise, Bible reading, leaving for work on time (which I'm pushing with this blog entry) and now a daily compliment.
I'm not tracking food...but will if I start regaining. It's just a little tool to help me stay focused. Not gonna let August get away from me, and I still have weight to lose.
okay, gotta get going, I have 16 min till I gotta be out the door, and need to hang some shirts out of the dryer and pack lunch before I go!!
have a great hump-day!
to which I replied, "Well, I WAS raised by Ayako" (my mom is a pretty negative person, always complaining and pointing out the bad about everything)
But he is right, I'm not as bad as my mom, where I will 'look' at people and have something bad to say...but I also don't compliment/praise the people around me.
So, I've added to my daily journal the line "compliment" and am going to make it a point to say something to at least one person every day.
Yesterday, it was Betsy. She handled an odd accounting situation perfectly, and it balanced just right. So, I went to her and told her that. She looked so startled and confused....aye yi yi.
oh, my journal, because I let July get so out of hand, I am back to keeping a daily checklist of disciplines. Included are things like taking my vitamins, daily exercise, Bible reading, leaving for work on time (which I'm pushing with this blog entry) and now a daily compliment.
I'm not tracking food...but will if I start regaining. It's just a little tool to help me stay focused. Not gonna let August get away from me, and I still have weight to lose.
okay, gotta get going, I have 16 min till I gotta be out the door, and need to hang some shirts out of the dryer and pack lunch before I go!!
have a great hump-day!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
scrappin again!
I haven't scrapped much this it feel good. I'm participating in a weekend progressive on AND a correlating Bingo game.
Yesterday's progressive resulted in this lo:

A progressive is fast and is like a 'simon says' with scrapbooking, a moderator tells a story, and based on the first response from the participants she gives instructions. Like yesterday's started with "it's been a long hot summer, how do you cool off, go for a swim or air conditioning?" AC was the first answer, so the first instruction was to do a 'sketch'. And it goes on like that for a couple of hours.
This progressive was, 1) a sketch (I found one in an old Scrapbooks Etc. mag) 2) distress your pp or bg papers, 2 different ways. I distressed the edges of the large cardstock and crumpled the small strip across. 3) 1 pic double matted and distress mat or pic 4) handmade embellies but not flowers...I made my tag and the reindeer is a cut out that I added glossy accents..5) had a list of embellies to add, I chose brads and glitter with the glitter pen. Also had to use either ribbon or fibers, I used ribbon. Then 6) the title had to be bling (so used stickles on the letters)
Also for the Bingo:
all lines have a 'lift' of some type, for this one I lifted an old lo of mine...that had masking/misting and mosaics...also needed something representing the letter C and E/ C is cats and E/F is fiber.
There will be another progressive today at 3pm Eastern. Ya'll should try it out.
its at under the Interactive Forms then Challenge Thread. I can't find a thread for today's progressive, but HERE is yesterday's.
Yesterday's progressive resulted in this lo:
A progressive is fast and is like a 'simon says' with scrapbooking, a moderator tells a story, and based on the first response from the participants she gives instructions. Like yesterday's started with "it's been a long hot summer, how do you cool off, go for a swim or air conditioning?" AC was the first answer, so the first instruction was to do a 'sketch'. And it goes on like that for a couple of hours.
This progressive was, 1) a sketch (I found one in an old Scrapbooks Etc. mag) 2) distress your pp or bg papers, 2 different ways. I distressed the edges of the large cardstock and crumpled the small strip across. 3) 1 pic double matted and distress mat or pic 4) handmade embellies but not flowers...I made my tag and the reindeer is a cut out that I added glossy accents..5) had a list of embellies to add, I chose brads and glitter with the glitter pen. Also had to use either ribbon or fibers, I used ribbon. Then 6) the title had to be bling (so used stickles on the letters)
Also for the Bingo:
all lines have a 'lift' of some type, for this one I lifted an old lo of mine...that had masking/misting and mosaics...also needed something representing the letter C and E/ C is cats and E/F is fiber.
There will be another progressive today at 3pm Eastern. Ya'll should try it out.
its at under the Interactive Forms then Challenge Thread. I can't find a thread for today's progressive, but HERE is yesterday's.
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