Friday, November 18, 2011

A day off, well from work at least

A day off! yay yay!! Wish I was heading to a showing of Breaking Dawn, but ddil and I are looking at going Monday. Hopefully, at least the kiddos will be in school and the crowds not so bad...we'll see.

This morn, I need to work on letters for a display ddil is doing at the church's minstry day...and work on the scrapbook for Jenn's wedding.

I might start a li'l online Christmas shopping. I have not done much to start Christmas and it feels w e i r d. I'm usually one of those who starts in Sept. Of course, with kids grown, it is all very much simplified. But the day after Thanksgiving, I'll pull out the decorations. I do a different color scheme every year...I'm leaning toward a blue this year. Oh, maybe a lime green. or blue and lime green....oooooooh! that could be cool.

I have a Bunco get together tonight. Not sure if enough gals are going, but if not, we will hang the goodies and watch Bridesmaids instead. Still sounds good. I'm looking at bringing something sweet, as there are a lot of 'savories' already signed up for. Pulled out my Prairie Girl cookbook...I'm sure I'll find something good.

So, off to start my busy day off...!!!

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