Wednesday, February 17, 2010


legs are sore from last night's 2.5 miles on the tm...shoulder still sore from adding weights to part of my dvd workout...

yeah, I know, "Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body"...ha!!

Don't wanna go work today...I'm filling out the company's census..blah, blah, blah

I want Monica's job!! We are preparing to move the company, and she is picking out the floors, paint, and even the new bathrooms!! Now, that would be a fun thing to get paid to do.. But, I don't want her job the rest of the time. H.R...yuck, dealing with everyone's thanks.

This has been a good week for me, so far. Got to babysit my dgd on Monday, had dinner with them last night...yay!! AND I will be babysitting her for 3 days in March, while her parents go to Vegas...can you say YAHOO!!!

AND we have a trip to Tx planned for my birthday in May.. I get to see MY 'baby'!!!
(and the Okie, too) ha!!! jk!! I actually do like my son-in-law, even if he is an Okie...teehee

Gotta face my morning, drink my protein drink...hit the shower...and yes, work. pooey

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