the past couple of days, I've been organizing my books. I've had quite a few in boxes in the guest room for a while, bought a new shelf and decided it was 'time' to free up the room.
So, cuz I'm a little weird that way, I decided to count my books.
Just about every room has books. Even my pantry has cookbooks. by room
the guest room, I tried to keep to Literature and children's books...249 books
the 'princess' room, a few kids books and dd's old series and college stuff...78
the guest bath, a book of famous speeches...1
the hallway bookshelf #1....87
an old business series from dh's family...13
the office...22
borrowed from the Ingrams....1
the hall shelves (a wall of old Ethan Allen shelves from my dad)...525
suite...craft books for my scrappin and on the coffee table picked to read... 44
suite bedroom....a couple of shelves against the wall....192
great room...50 nightstand alone ...28
dh's closet...13
my closet...(cough cough)....120
scraproom...books to alter and stuff for my 'art'...4
books to toss....6
for a total of 1466 books scattered throughout my house
oh, I also carry one in my totebag that goes to work with me
1467 books!! Hopefully there weren't any calculator errors. HA!
Now, a lot of these were my dad's...he was so into books, but yeah, quite a few are mine. AND I cannot say I've read them all. BUT I have read a lot.
disclaimer, I did not include journals and yearbooks and magazines.
And the thing is, my kids and grandkids aren't gonna want them...they will be able to keep all this on a Kindle!! That may not be a bad investment. Sure would save space. But what to do with all these books! It is very tough for me to destroy, toss books. Though, I am willing, but if it bought for that express I have a dictionary I keep to tear pages out for scrappin and art exploration. (my ddil won't even do that)
Of course every area has that special book. There is the copy of Gone with the Wind that my dad gave me to read when I was 14 years old. And I have an American Etiquette book published in 1882. Just a couple that come to mind.
Which book am I actually reading?, George W. Bush's "Decision Points". Started it last night. Of course, I've always got a bookmark in "Twilight" (the first book is my fave)
oops, edited...found 30 more American Girl boxed set...creating a new grand total of