After my cat's 10am vet appt, I have a li'l time to do some things at home.
So, do I get my 2010 receipts ready for taxes? Do I take care of some dusting and cleaning? or do I break into my shipment from 2 peas and play in my scraproom....decisions, decisions.
There is also another weekend progressive at
Past week has been busy, working 3days; took one day to go get some bloodtests; my ddil got the nasty cold going around, so I'm babysitting when I can to help her out.
Like yesterday, I took the afternoon 'afternap shift'. Not that ddil did something normal, like, say... rest, nope, she took care of some errands.
Adriana and I made some taco soup for a family who just had a baby. Okay, she supervised, I cooked. They live in ddil's neighborhood, so we packed up the stroller and walked the dinner over. Ddil joined us. I just hope her cold doesn't get worse. Adriana and I had the cold the first round, so hopefully we are immune. DDil tells me Ds is showing, he's next.
Out here it's like this 10 day super-cold that is hitting everyone! We all get different symptoms, like ddil had a slight fever...but this cold just seems extra nasty. Dh and dd got bronchitus after it, I had a sinus infection...its just odd. At work, no one is immune. Guess I'm gonna take some Clorox wipes and give my desk a once-over to be sure.
of course, Adriana and I have fun...I'll ask her, 'what does mommy say?" She puts her hand to her mouth and says 'coooough coooough" tee hee.
Monday, I've got 2 dr appts...the first one is the sonogram to try to find my ovaries, plus I'll get results from the blood test verifying that I don't have cancer...did not know the biopsy is not enough. Then we'll set the date for my hysterectomy. I talked to my bosses at work, they want me to try to get it done Mid-May so I can be back Early-Mid July, in time to take care of the quarterly taxes and stuff.
Right now, each day is filled with things I gotta it wrong that I'm looking forward to the recovery period when the days won't be so packed??? Or will I be so incredibly bored??
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Stylish Blogger, how fun!
Stylish Blogger!
Thanks to Trumpet Wives Club for nominating me for the Stylish Blogger Award! Thank you so much! Go check her out ladies!

So, I have to list 8 things about myself:
1: I was born in San Bernadino, CA (a 'valley' girl), but grew up in Houston, Texas. We moved when I was 4 years old so my dad could work for the Space Program thru IBM.
If you watch the movie Apollo 13 and see the kinda geeky guys with their big frame glasses, short sleeves shirts with the pocket protectors and slide rules..well, he was one of them.
2: I am one half Japanese, my mom and dad met while he was in the Navy. Now, growing up bi racial in Southeast Texas during the late 60's, early 70's...yeah, not fun...but all a part of my story.
3: I have two younger sisters who are twins. 'Nuff said.
4: I LOVE cats, I think they are God's perfect creature and that He was only joking when he made dogs. I got my first cat when I was 14 years old...I would be the crazy cat lady if my dh hasn't threatened to divorce me if I got anymore! We only have 3.
5: We are a Marine Corps (military) family. Long line of service dating back to the war of 1812!
6: I have 2 of the best kids ever! I was extremely blessed in this area, both kids are simply good human beings that make me and dh look good.
7: I am a grandma! The best thing in life is being a grandma, and I am sooooo lucky they live nearby, so I get to see her at least a couple of times a week. She calls me 'gammy' and I call her my 'sweet pie' or 'missy boo'
8: I am a Christian. A relationship with Jesus is important to my dh and I. We've been very fortunate. My first influence were our neighbors growing up, who had 4 daughters, they lived out their faith...they had a whole, loving family...and invited me in. They got 4 girls thru the late 70's, early 80's and none of them did drugs or slept around. So, when I had my first child, I thought of them...and decided I wanted to raise my kids like that. AND that is when dh and I started looking for churches. And learned that Christianity is not about a religion and set of do's and don'ts but about a relationship with Christ. This will give you desire to do the do's and not do the don'ts.
I am also supposed to nominate 8 stylish blogs I love. Here they are:
1. Of Cats and Cardstock
2. 2paws designs
3. Moved to the Mountains
4. Living, Creating, and Appreciating
5. Amarilys's Little Corner
6. Dynamo
7. Hayster's Scraps
8. Wendance Designs
Go check out these ladies and give them some love! Thanks again, mse006 , for nominating me!
Thanks to Trumpet Wives Club for nominating me for the Stylish Blogger Award! Thank you so much! Go check her out ladies!

So, I have to list 8 things about myself:
1: I was born in San Bernadino, CA (a 'valley' girl), but grew up in Houston, Texas. We moved when I was 4 years old so my dad could work for the Space Program thru IBM.
If you watch the movie Apollo 13 and see the kinda geeky guys with their big frame glasses, short sleeves shirts with the pocket protectors and slide rules..well, he was one of them.
2: I am one half Japanese, my mom and dad met while he was in the Navy. Now, growing up bi racial in Southeast Texas during the late 60's, early 70's...yeah, not fun...but all a part of my story.
3: I have two younger sisters who are twins. 'Nuff said.
4: I LOVE cats, I think they are God's perfect creature and that He was only joking when he made dogs. I got my first cat when I was 14 years old...I would be the crazy cat lady if my dh hasn't threatened to divorce me if I got anymore! We only have 3.
5: We are a Marine Corps (military) family. Long line of service dating back to the war of 1812!
6: I have 2 of the best kids ever! I was extremely blessed in this area, both kids are simply good human beings that make me and dh look good.
7: I am a grandma! The best thing in life is being a grandma, and I am sooooo lucky they live nearby, so I get to see her at least a couple of times a week. She calls me 'gammy' and I call her my 'sweet pie' or 'missy boo'
8: I am a Christian. A relationship with Jesus is important to my dh and I. We've been very fortunate. My first influence were our neighbors growing up, who had 4 daughters, they lived out their faith...they had a whole, loving family...and invited me in. They got 4 girls thru the late 70's, early 80's and none of them did drugs or slept around. So, when I had my first child, I thought of them...and decided I wanted to raise my kids like that. AND that is when dh and I started looking for churches. And learned that Christianity is not about a religion and set of do's and don'ts but about a relationship with Christ. This will give you desire to do the do's and not do the don'ts.
I am also supposed to nominate 8 stylish blogs I love. Here they are:
1. Of Cats and Cardstock
2. 2paws designs
3. Moved to the Mountains
4. Living, Creating, and Appreciating
5. Amarilys's Little Corner
6. Dynamo
7. Hayster's Scraps
8. Wendance Designs
Go check out these ladies and give them some love! Thanks again, mse006 , for nominating me!
Monday, February 21, 2011
sights from yesterday, Sunday...
a few pics from yesterday,
while waiting for the progressive to begin, I decided to move some of the 2010 receipts from my drawer to a storage bin. Gotta start thinking about taxes, right?
Well, of course Winston helped. Helped dig some of the papers out of the files and put teeth marks in them.

Here are the 'kids' sharing a bit of sunshine..the black cat is Cassandra, the larger cat in the middle is Percy and the striped is our very own troublemaker, Winston...

And I got to babysit for a couple of hours after dgd's nap. Can you tell I dressed her? We got the pj pants and tutu on...but she wanted to keep her church sweater on. I was there while the parents had a 4 person conference call. When she first woke up, they had a question for me, so mommy gave her her afternap banana and juice...but guess I took too long answering the question, she came up to me, sat in my lap, took my face between her hands, then 'signed' "all done!" I had to laugh, and tell the kids that the 'boss' was telling me "I'm done". (she is learning baby sign language)

last but not least, took part in the last round of Sunday's progressive and was able to finish my Japanese Heritage Album. Yay!! another album out of the scraproom to be displayed on the shelves. How many albums do you have 'in progress'? I have 18, a few just have that 'just a couple more' to be done.
I also have that pile of layouts that I haven't started an album for... and 30 completed albums, not counting the minis...hmmmmmmm
while waiting for the progressive to begin, I decided to move some of the 2010 receipts from my drawer to a storage bin. Gotta start thinking about taxes, right?
Well, of course Winston helped. Helped dig some of the papers out of the files and put teeth marks in them.
Here are the 'kids' sharing a bit of sunshine..the black cat is Cassandra, the larger cat in the middle is Percy and the striped is our very own troublemaker, Winston...
And I got to babysit for a couple of hours after dgd's nap. Can you tell I dressed her? We got the pj pants and tutu on...but she wanted to keep her church sweater on. I was there while the parents had a 4 person conference call. When she first woke up, they had a question for me, so mommy gave her her afternap banana and juice...but guess I took too long answering the question, she came up to me, sat in my lap, took my face between her hands, then 'signed' "all done!" I had to laugh, and tell the kids that the 'boss' was telling me "I'm done". (she is learning baby sign language)
last but not least, took part in the last round of Sunday's progressive and was able to finish my Japanese Heritage Album. Yay!! another album out of the scraproom to be displayed on the shelves. How many albums do you have 'in progress'? I have 18, a few just have that 'just a couple more' to be done.
I also have that pile of layouts that I haven't started an album for... and 30 completed albums, not counting the minis...hmmmmmmm
Saturday, February 19, 2011
been scrapping since I woke up,
there is a Progressive Challenge for the weekend on (I included a link, if any of ya'll are interested in joining us) Tomorrow will be another round 9am EST and 2pm EST
started 9AM Eastern, so, that meant 6 AM for me...though I didn't get up till after 7! But its okay to start late, just don't get ahead.
but we had 2 rounds, today.
Round 1:

Round 2:

Progressives are fun for me, they take me out of my 'box' and each time there are new techniques to be learned. Both flowers are handmade, don't worry, she links the tutorials.
Only problem, I haven't done anything else today, not even, I'd better get my day started! ha!!
started 9AM Eastern, so, that meant 6 AM for me...though I didn't get up till after 7! But its okay to start late, just don't get ahead.
but we had 2 rounds, today.
Round 1:
Round 2:
Progressives are fun for me, they take me out of my 'box' and each time there are new techniques to be learned. Both flowers are handmade, don't worry, she links the tutorials.
Only problem, I haven't done anything else today, not even, I'd better get my day started! ha!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
could this year be the year? reading related
A couple of months ago, I blogged that I had over 1500 books in my home. After Christmas, I have more. BUT I signed up for the GoodReads reading challenge, and could this be the year I FINALLY go thru my 'to be read' pile? I only signed up for 24 books this year, in the challenge, thinking 2 books a month is progress. And I'm a li'l ahead of target now, reading book #4...
So far, I've read Decision Points by George W. Bush...very good read
Pearl in the Sand (a fictionalized acct of Rahab and Salmon of the Bible) good read
Queen Hereafter (fictionalized acct of Queen Margaret of Scotland) not so good
and in the Midst of The Bookseller of Kabul...will p*ss you off!
I've been 'collecting' books about being a Muslim woman for a while; Reading Lolita, Behind the Veil, Prisoners of Hope (the 2 missionary women held hostage for a while in Afghanastan)...I think I've got a variety of perspectives.
However, Bookseller will very much upset us Western women about how women are viewed and treated in these countries run by regimes like the Taliban. I told a co-worker, "if every American woman read this book, We'd be taking up arms and fighting". Even in legal matters a woman is considered 'half a man'.
BUT I have to remember, the author did don a burkha and live with this family for a period of time, she was only able to interview the English speaking members of the family, think it was the father and one son...but not the women. As all but one have not had any education and I don't recall if the one that had an education (she was a schoolteacher before the Taliban closed down the girl schools) could speak English.
So, the chapters about being in the burkha, being sold to marriage, being 'set aside' in Pakistan...are not from the women's point of view but hers. The protagonist, who is in many ways a 'forward thinker', is still not above setting aside his first wife, 'because she is old', in favor of a 16 year old he bought. grrrrrrrrrrrr
So, this book, though I do get emotional about it, is only one point of view.
I also joined the Pea group (that's 2 peas in a bucket for you non-scrappers) on GoodReads. They are going to do a book of the month for March. The book Unbroken was selected.
sooo, perhaps this is the year, I get thru that pile. If only I would stop adding to it!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here is g'ma's sweet pie in her V-day outfit. Missing is her sparkly black shoes, she has a habit of taking shoes off.
Unfortunately, g'ma did have to 'bribe' her for pics, with the offer of a King's Hawaiian Roll! Oh! during lunch, Nyki says she said her '1st sentence', "more bread...."

I included this pic, cuz, well, let's face it, this is my li'l boo...she's clumsy!!
Unfortunately, g'ma did have to 'bribe' her for pics, with the offer of a King's Hawaiian Roll! Oh! during lunch, Nyki says she said her '1st sentence', "more bread...."
I included this pic, cuz, well, let's face it, this is my li'l boo...she's clumsy!!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
got my camera out...
did not do a 'lesson', but after being cooped up all week seeing this outside my window inspired me...

what is it about the early morning sun filtering thru fog that I think is soooo cool?

I find that I really like 'light' and 'reflections'...really gotta work on action shots.

during the week, this mirror, that was in our bedroom, shattered...but did not break, it is now leaning against our garage...thought this was kinda cool...hmmmm, could it be philosophical too???

just one more
what is it about the early morning sun filtering thru fog that I think is soooo cool?
I find that I really like 'light' and 'reflections'...really gotta work on action shots.
during the week, this mirror, that was in our bedroom, shattered...but did not break, it is now leaning against our garage...thought this was kinda cool...hmmmm, could it be philosophical too???
just one more
Thursday, February 10, 2011
thinking about...grandbabies...

As I was showering this morning, I started thinking...
Having been sick this past week, I have not been able to see my little 'boo'. I cannot tell ya'll how much I miss her. And I got up to see this pic on FB; with the caption 'smile for grandma, whatta character'.
What can I say, but I LOVE this pic! I think it shows the 'joy and abandon' of our relationship. We do the 'happy dance' when we see each other. AND it got me thinking, what a gift grandchildren truly are.
More than a phrase we all say, but really think about it. Jesus said, "let the little children come to me" and 'unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" Matt 18:3. after being asked, who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
I watch how my granddaughter simply embraces life, every experience to her is wonderful. She fully trusts her parents to provide a safe environment. And she lives...and she experiences... Whether it is throwing pillows off the couch, or sliding down the slide over and over and over, dancing to the Wiggles, watching Elmo, learning new words, helping mommy put away the dishes...getting into a push-fest with Allie at the church nursery..she just does. It is all brand new and exciting to her. She hasn't learned the negativity of the world, a world that can be dangerous, a world that will tell her there are ways 'you do not measure up', that there are deadlines and 'have to's' ... There is an innocence in her.
And that is the gift of being a grandparent. We don't have to worry every detail, we can get on our hands and knees and peek around the corner and laugh; we can flop ourselves down on the floor and join her in her tantrum...and yes, even sneak in that spoon full of ice cream. We get to live and see life alongside them. Their parents get to worry the details, we get to enjoy.
During the 'autumn' of our lives, we get to put aside the mantle of responsibility and re-experience 'life' and 'joy' again. To re-experience God's creation through their eyes. (And yes, I know as she gets older, the roles will change. I will have to reinforce rules... yes, I know that...but for now, during this chapter... I am going to be the grandma who does the happy dance).

A couple of pics of dd's room using Mushroom Bisque, in response to a thread on 2peas. the top pic is of the living room, where the bisque is next to orange walls and used with brown...and the 2nd where dd teamed it with teal.

A couple of pics of dd's room using Mushroom Bisque, in response to a thread on 2peas. the top pic is of the living room, where the bisque is next to orange walls and used with brown...and the 2nd where dd teamed it with teal.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I'm good...
The biopsy is okay. but, that was a bit scary...don't they usually tell you good news on the phone and make you come in for bad?
We talked to the dr about scheduling my hysterectomy for mid-May and she said to come back in 30 days for an ultrasound. As long as there is no change or growth, mid-May to June should be okay.
That will give everyone plenty of time (work) to prepare AND I can go to my son-in-law's graduation. AND, I can get my sis Bre to be my nurse...then we can (cough,cough) scrapbook together during my recovery...teehee.
such a relief, glad dh went with me.
In the meantime, I'm a mucus-y-mess with the aftereffects of this cold. Seems like everyone is getting some version of something. Dh took one look at me Sunday night and said, "Um, I'm sleeping in the guestroom...and...I'm taking THIS pillow". Not just him, but my cats have not been sleeping with me either. AND I have been using the heating pad! Usually, when I have the heating pad, my cats are glued to me. But, I guess if even their 'instincts' say 'stay away'... I can't blame dh!!
You'd think with all this 'time' I'd be scrapping away! wrong-o...been sleeping and going thru kleenex by the box. I'm on my 3rd box! But I do feel much more 'human' today, and to celebrate the good news from the dr...I had a Wendy's burger. My first real food since Sunday! Don't ask if it tasted good, cuz I ate it so fast, I'm not sure.
I'm supposed to work tomorrow, but we'll see how I feel in the morning. Right now, though it is only @5pm, I'm thinking of getting back into my thermals and under my faux fur throw...doesn't that sound good??
We talked to the dr about scheduling my hysterectomy for mid-May and she said to come back in 30 days for an ultrasound. As long as there is no change or growth, mid-May to June should be okay.
That will give everyone plenty of time (work) to prepare AND I can go to my son-in-law's graduation. AND, I can get my sis Bre to be my nurse...then we can (cough,cough) scrapbook together during my recovery...teehee.
such a relief, glad dh went with me.
In the meantime, I'm a mucus-y-mess with the aftereffects of this cold. Seems like everyone is getting some version of something. Dh took one look at me Sunday night and said, "Um, I'm sleeping in the guestroom...and...I'm taking THIS pillow". Not just him, but my cats have not been sleeping with me either. AND I have been using the heating pad! Usually, when I have the heating pad, my cats are glued to me. But, I guess if even their 'instincts' say 'stay away'... I can't blame dh!!
You'd think with all this 'time' I'd be scrapping away! wrong-o...been sleeping and going thru kleenex by the box. I'm on my 3rd box! But I do feel much more 'human' today, and to celebrate the good news from the dr...I had a Wendy's burger. My first real food since Sunday! Don't ask if it tasted good, cuz I ate it so fast, I'm not sure.
I'm supposed to work tomorrow, but we'll see how I feel in the morning. Right now, though it is only @5pm, I'm thinking of getting back into my thermals and under my faux fur throw...doesn't that sound good??
been sick, and got the 'dreaded' call...
Sunday morning, I felt great! then after church, I started sneezing, violently...then nose started dripping and the next thing I knew, I was S I C K! So, all my plans for a non Super Bowl day scrapping and enjoying went out the window! (instead I had a Twilight-fest) (actually, not a bad way to spend a day, if only I wasn't so sick)
Yesterday, was spent in a Nyquil haze. Yes, I even took it during the day. Today, I do feel much more 'human'...but just plain sore, everywhere. Nose, Throat, Ears, back and legs...ugh!!
Then yesterday afternoon, I got the dreaded call. The doctor wants me to come in and discuss my biopsy results. Don't they only do that for bad news? So, I called Michael and asked him to go with me, it will be at 3:30 this afternoon. So, I gotta admit, THAT scares me a little. Just gotta remember, don't jump to conclusions...maybe this doctor doesn't only have you come in for bad results...and even if it is cancer (and I can barely type that word)...God is in control, and no matter what, we will get through this.
So, step by step...that is all we can do, right??
Yesterday, was spent in a Nyquil haze. Yes, I even took it during the day. Today, I do feel much more 'human'...but just plain sore, everywhere. Nose, Throat, Ears, back and legs...ugh!!
Then yesterday afternoon, I got the dreaded call. The doctor wants me to come in and discuss my biopsy results. Don't they only do that for bad news? So, I called Michael and asked him to go with me, it will be at 3:30 this afternoon. So, I gotta admit, THAT scares me a little. Just gotta remember, don't jump to conclusions...maybe this doctor doesn't only have you come in for bad results...and even if it is cancer (and I can barely type that word)...God is in control, and no matter what, we will get through this.
So, step by step...that is all we can do, right??
Sunday, February 6, 2011
have been doing some crafting...
I joined an ATC swap at My intention was to make 2 ATC's of my Stamping Up Stamps as a way to catalog them and to, did I make a mess!!
For most of them, I used alcohol inks on glossy cardstock for the background, then stamped the sentiment with Memento inks...then the image with embossing...messy, messy. All but one were done that way in the pic.
Then the last few were done with distress ink 'painting'. ( a class I took at the last expo). Also included stamping the sentiment with memento ink and embossing ...the sample in the pic is the one about 'never being more than a thought away'. Talk about messy, the embossing was a words type background stamp, used emboss with glitter combo. (Stamping Ups Heat and Stick Powder with their Silver Shine) pretty, but not for the light hearted. I'm still cleaning my desk of residue.
When my friend Michele was over, we started discussing organizing my stamps. Wow. and I can say that backwards, woW. I have quite a few, Stamping Up and Acrylics. Guess the thing to do is to take them all out, place in piles on the floor and go for it. She suggested I mark my cabinets, 1a, 1b and then organize my binder the same way.
But, that is a project for ...I don't know when. But, yeah, someday.
Friday, February 4, 2011
I do need surgery
the mass I mentioned last month, is an 8 oz tumor. Dh said that is the size of a filet, so, my co-worker and I named it Mignon. So, I am going to need a hysterectomy. I have another ultrasound appt at the end of this month, the dr. cannot see my ovaries in the first set. So, we're gonna look for them and then set a date.
If it is all 'elective', I'm thinking of setting it for mid-May. That way I can still go to my son in law's graduation (its becoming quite the family reunion), and then I can spend the hot days of summer recovering in my air conditioned home! ha!
Also, gives work plenty of time to figure out if they are gonna replace me or redistribute my work. AND for the gal who is out on maternity leave to come back.
OF COURSE, I plan to scrapbook! as soon as I am able. I understand I will probably be in quite a bit of pain the first week or so, then the remaining weeks will be spent not bending, reaching, picking things up...right? Scrapbooking should be an okay activity.
AND read! AND ya'll know me, I told dh (who is also my boss) that if the dr says I need 6-8 weeks to recover, I'm taking 8-10!! (I am a slow healer) (Okay, I hate work)
And I've already requested Flan from Betsy and Quinaa Cookies from Connie...who else makes the foods I love??? hmmmmmmmmm
If it is all 'elective', I'm thinking of setting it for mid-May. That way I can still go to my son in law's graduation (its becoming quite the family reunion), and then I can spend the hot days of summer recovering in my air conditioned home! ha!
Also, gives work plenty of time to figure out if they are gonna replace me or redistribute my work. AND for the gal who is out on maternity leave to come back.
OF COURSE, I plan to scrapbook! as soon as I am able. I understand I will probably be in quite a bit of pain the first week or so, then the remaining weeks will be spent not bending, reaching, picking things up...right? Scrapbooking should be an okay activity.
AND read! AND ya'll know me, I told dh (who is also my boss) that if the dr says I need 6-8 weeks to recover, I'm taking 8-10!! (I am a slow healer) (Okay, I hate work)
And I've already requested Flan from Betsy and Quinaa Cookies from Connie...who else makes the foods I love??? hmmmmmmmmm
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