Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Continuing my posts about my grandbabies...this is Jase's little brother and according to my kids my last grandbaby.  Both sets have no plans to have, I am making it a point to enjoy every baby moment with this little one.  The fact that I babysit him during the week, makes that a easier.

He is 6 months old this month.  His nicknames from Grammy are 'little little' pronounced 'witto witto', Mr. Droolz and Mr. Scootch.   So, as you can guess he is teething and very drooly and EVERYthing goes into his mouth...he especially likes his little toes.  He is discovering his voice, dd told me that the night before last, he woke up around 4:30 am and serenaded his parents for about an hour.  (isn't he a sweet boy).   In fact, from what I understand, his parents have not had a full nights sleep yet with this little one.   (isn't he a good boy) ha!!

He is very good natured, and smiley.   He is not a fuss-fuss, but he will let you know if he is hungry and tired.  Ooooooooh, I so love it when he falls asleep in my arms.   He is a bit of a chunk...last weekend dd weighed him (you know get on the scale with and without him) and we saw 20 lbs!  20 lbs, we did it twice and still got 20!   DD says he is at the top of the % chart at the doctor's office.

Like his brother, he likes Peppa Pig and Bubble least he stops what he is doing  to watch.  He also loves to watch his brothers remote control car when it is on the move.

And he really seems to enjoy/love his brother.  Always so happy to have Jase near.  (even though I caught Jase putting his socked foot on Jax's head yesterday)  so far, there seems to be a pleasant bond between them.  I say so far, because his mother and uncle appeared to get along when babies, but that all changed when the younger became 2...and got a mind of her own.

So, as y'all can see, I am just truly blessed AND I get to babysit these boys.  I wake up looking forward to going to 'work' and cuddling these little loves.

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