Did a bit of scrappin' last weekend, esp worked on a memorial book for Michelle.
today, after going to the church, I started dinner in the crockpot, cleaned boxes, did my new dvd (ouchie) abs and legs are in pain...but its a fun workout!
and have lounged a bit watching some of the NCIS I had dvr'd.
Oh, do have some pics to share. I think I shared with ya'll that the 'powers' at work, let me pick some of the colors for the new shop...teehee...well, here they are!
this is the Lobby area...
the story behind the general work area. I had to work with the ugly gray/blue cubicles. I saw an orangy color in a Lowes magazine and loved it...so, Monica and I went to Lowes, but found the magazine color a bit too 'rosey orange'...so we grabbed a few chips and chose these...
last week as dh was taking me to see it, he told me he did not like the blue on the column. So, I walked into the shop prepared to tell him, ok..paint it all brown...but when I saw it...I LOVED it!! And on Thursday, my boss, the Gen'l Manager, told me he thought I was a li'l off...but now that doors are stained..he's really starting to like it also.
I wish they'd let me continue with the conference room and offices...and bathrooms.
and I wish I could paint the ceilings...oh well!
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