Anyways, with a new smart phone comes aps. Now I still can't figure out how to get my own ringtones. And Ds showed me how to do the security code. And take a pic to be my wallpaper (the winner is...Kema)(who can resist a pic of a golden retriever in the morning sun) this is not the pic, but a pic.
So, I do have the constellation ap, KLOVE, and yes, Amazon Kindle. Oh, that one is gonna be dangerous. Most of my coworkers have a Kindle, and we decided to start a work Reading Challenge/, for the common book, it was decided to use free Kindle, you see, I NEEDED that ap!!
But having had it at work for 4 days, I do understand the temptation of going on Facebook or your email at work. So far, I've been good. BUT I understand the temptation.
So, today is my day off...I have my Jenny Craig appt. AND I am babysitting, though the kids are older so its not really babysitting, they are coming over to hang out while their dad is at work. Also, I don't get paid. BUT that's okay. Its a sad family situation, I'll just say, newly single dad with restraining order against mom. So, I don't mind helping them out. PLUS the girl likes to scrapbook!! So, hopefully, I'll get some projects done today.
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