I joined the "Colour or is it Color" online class at BPS. My first online class with them. These are the preclass color/technique tags...well, I did ATC's.
Very fun to look in the gallery and see the individual takes on the same instructions.
I haven't been home very much this week. Tuesday was a day of appts. Got the all clear from the dr to go back to work...boohoo. Weds went shopping with ddil and dgd, a li'l antiquing, dgd was adorable. As we walked into the antique store, ddil explained to her "this is a no touch store, you have to ask if you want to see something" So, she was constantly saying " have that, pwease?" soooooo cute!
oh! went to Henry's for moussaka (yummy), if you are ever in Turlock, CA go to Henry's in downtown...the freshest veggies and absolutely yummy food. Ddil and dgd shared a gyro plate.
Then Thurs, I 'babysat', except can't call it babysitting, cuz the kids are 9 and 13...so more of a hanging out. The 9 year old likes to craft, so in the morning we made ATC's and worked on her and her brothers scrapbook (he won't scrap, because, 'he's a boy'.) siiiiiiigh. I tried to explain that men do art and are often really good, but he would not budge. Would rather watch tv. Then we spent the afternoon with dgd, so my kids could go see Transformers. The kids were so good with dgd, she had so much fun playing with THEM..I actually felt left out. Dgd called them 'Jekula' an "Cala" for Jessica and Caleb. And they loved Gunny, the kids' Great Dane. So it was a good day.
Today was spent running errands and a 3 hour nap. Guess I'm not fully up for such an active week.
So, did not get any books read this week and only a handful of pages in the album I had hoped to finish. BUT its the weekend, and I don't have to go back to work till Tues. Siiiiiiiiiigh...back to work...pooey. Get to go back to all the quarterly stuff and close...extra fun. Hopefully, I've got the energy...I may be caught napping at my desk!! I'll bring a pillow and blanket for in cases..ha!
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