One of the challenges at I am a Scrapaholic was to make 3 cards, with 3 colors and 3 diff embellishments on first, I was a little overwhelmed, I con't make cards very often. But really enjoyed making these.
the Stamp is from Stampin' Up, a set of sentiments in Espanol. I gave dh one to give to his parents for their first he said, 'these won't work, they don't speak Spanish"...I told him "write it in English underneath. We live in CA and everyone has to be exposed to a little Spanish"
Yesterday was actually a tough day, I took our old guy to the vet cuz he's had diarreha. Expecting he'd get tested for worms, given some fluids, but instead she found a heart murmer. He's been losing weight for the past year. I took him in at first, and we did a full round of blood tests, with nothing showing up. So, this past year has been finding him food he will eat (we did) and picking up his pooh (he stopped using his box) So, Ive known that his pooh has been looking healthy till a couple of weeks ago. It would go healthy, then runny...but after a weekend of liqued I took him in. Even at the appt, all signs were healthy, just skinny and running a temp and the diarreha.
Now, he is still active and vocal and a pain in the butt. He has not been laying around listless and lifeless. This is why I won't consider putting him down.
So, I had to leave him at the vet for basically an EKG. Anyways, what they found is that for every 2 beats his top 2 chambers of his heart beat, his bottom only has 1.
They would recommend a visit to the cardiologist and a pacemaker. Now, dh wants him put down because of the pooh thing. He is not going to pay a couple thousand dollars for a pacemaker...on a very old cat (14 years old)...
I am waiting to talk to ds. Now there is not a prognosis of 'he has 2 weeks, or 2 months, or 2 years" But the final decision has to be my son's.
Ds was working yesterday, he's a police officer, so no calling him at work to chitchat, ya know? so hopefully today, once he's rested we can talk. I haven't even told all this to dh...cuz I know what he is going to say.
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