my first moment with Adriana. The nurse was messing with her, and she did not like it. But her hollerin' was music to my ears!! tee hee. I told her, we'll get you voice lessons..cuz with those lungs, you are a natural!
ds holding his new baby girl. he was absolutely captivated.
After a long night, Adriana arrived this morning around 5:30 am.
I was at the crop yestereday when I got the call that dh was taking ddil to the hospital. Ds was at work, he is a police officer. So, I called my dd and dsil to get directions from the city I was in for the crop to the hospital. They are my home away from home "mapquest"...anyways, so dsil ended up calling ds...and that is how ds found out he that it was time! Now, ddil was going to call him...just when she was closer to the hospital. As it was, they arrived at the hospital parking lot at the same time.
I arrive at the hospital around 7pm. Ddil was very brave, I told her its cuz you know whatever you say is going to end up on my blog...teehee. After many hours, she finally did have an epidural put in.
I did not leave, hung out in the del room with the kids till it became time to push...around 2:30 am. Fell asleep in the waiting room...and woke up at 4am...has she been pushing all this time? I got a li'l worried, but at @6 am, ds came to get me. Yes, she did push for about 2.5 Adriana is a li'l coneheaded.
I told ds, "of all the things she had to take after you"..he was a 14 hour labor with 2 hours pushing.
7lbs 13oz, 21"...very healthy APGAR (?) scores...dark curly hair, dark eyes, her mom's mouth and a li'l dimple on her chin. (not the kind in the middle but curves a little under her lips) Nursed for 45 minutes her first attempt.
Ddil told the nurse she does not like the color pink. So they gave her a turq blue and yellow cap...the nurse put a bow on make it a li'l girly. The nurse make these caps for the newborns..I thought that was cool!
I left the hospital @8:30 as they moved to the recovery room. Came home and SLEPT!
And I'm finally at the computer...gotta go to Facebook and post pics for dd!
Oh, they are thinking...Adriana Danielle...I told them I'm going to have to start buying 2 packages of chipboard!!!
OH how sweet!!! My labor was 36 hours, but I only had to push for about 10 minutes!! DH called DS a Melon head. That's so nice that the nurse makes little hats.
Congrats Grandma!!
How exciting!!! Your granddaughter is beautiful. Many congrats to your DS & DDIL. Hope all 3 are doing well. :)
CONGRATULATIONS! What a cutie :) Enjoy!
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