Today is very mellow, and a nap is sounding real good. My cat is laying in the sun spot in the office as I type , and it looks real good, almost want to join him on the floor.
on Thurs, I used my 50% Michaels coupon to buy the Prima Nursery Papers, and today, Nyki selected which ones to cover letters with. We are making a name mobile for Adriana.
I'm not much of an alter-er, but I'll give it a go.
I really need to scrap my P365 pics. Here is one from yesterday's baby shower. The girls are opening the blankets my mom made them...she also made matching sweaters and caps...and one pair of baby shoes. Nyki's in purple, Betsy's in pink..the girls seemed to enjoy them.
and here are the diaper cakes I decorated. I bought the actual cakes from Ebay, and the custom toppers were made by someone I met at a garage sale.. I just tied tulle and ribbon...but they came out nice.
It was a very good babyshower, glad we combined it for the girls..made Nyki more comfortable. aahhh, heres one more pic. The girls wore sashes, corsages, and crowns...cuz how else were we to know who the preggos were? HA!!
Happy Easter, looks like you had a ton of fun!
I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the shower! Looked like alot of fun!
This looks like soooo much fun!! I love belly pics! :)
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