I'm gonna be busy the next couple of weekends..but good stuff. Like the 17th/18th mom and I are going to Chuckchancie (think thats how you spell it) Casinos with Michele and her parents. Then the following weekend is a crop!
But, this week is work...waa waa whaa..oh well, have a lot to do there. And gotta get it all done. (to justify taking Monday off) (teehee)
Saturday was taking down the Christmas decorations. phew! down to taping up and finding the place to store my trees. I'm gonna keep them inside, tired of losing them to mice! Mom and I went to Walmart to buy some containers and cat stuff.
Sunday, I did 'scrapbook'; made my visualization page and a motivation page for my weight loss book...and a couple of bookmarks. Took my motivation prompts from the Sparkpeople website and turned that into a bookmark ...and a quote on a set of stamps, that say "The real voyage of discovery consist not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes". I also organized my cricut area...got some shelves installed.
and here is li'l guy, 'helping' while I scrapped. What is it about cats, all the places to sit...and this is where he HAS to be while I am scrappin'...
and here he is when my drawer was opened...why we have to be so careful about closing stuff!!
yeah, he's a lot of fun!
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