Since I don't know how they feel about their child's pic and the internet, I'll only post this one of his back. How fun! but my faves were not the 'action' shots, it was when he sat down and gave me a 'loook'.
it was kinda like this one, one of my faves of Adriana...
yeah, this one.
Oh, ya'll should have seen Adriana during lunch, she and Nyki joined us at Las Gaviotas. Anyways, Michael started to choke a little on a corner of a chip, he went to grab her sippy cup of water, we hadn't been served drinks he reached for it...she gave him the Marine corps drill instructor point!!!. It was perfect! Yes, as the daughter of former Marines...she is learning some things...Like the 'war face', the 'd.i. point' and she 'marches' while daddy calls out cadences...siiiigh.
back to photography, this morning, I thought I'd play with the portrait mode...took this one of Winston, now we are both inside and his face is facing the back door and the light....and this got me thinking
the 10 tips article in Digital Photography School says the best light is natural light behind you...Michael was outside studying his Bible, and the sun was streaming in toward the I went outside to shoot some with keeping the light behind me (I never really think about where the sun is and the light) now, he is under the patio, so the light is limited to what is streaming in from behind me.
Now, I realize in order to think more 'photographically' I should have moved a couple of chairs...varied the angles...and such, but as my excuse, I stepped out in my pj's concentrating on where the sun was streaming in...
So, off to scrapbook today. Hoping its a pajama morning if not pajama day. ha!!
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