yup, its official, my baby boy is a rookie police officer for one of Northern CA/Bay Area Cities. I'm not sure if he wants me to say which city, but lets just say its South of Oakland and North of San Jose.
He went to the Alameda County Sherriff's training center in Dublin, right next to the mega-sized Santa Rita Jail. If you get a chance to go to a police academy graduation, you should, it is a truly awesome event. While walking into the site, I was trying to figure out all the police uniforms there. Our friend, who is a San Jose police officer attended in his dress uniform. (so cool) We had grandparents, one uncle and his family and 'the' godfather and family. Lots of pics!!
Out of a class of 52 recruits, 31 graduated. One was dropped just the day before, which had to be absolutely heartbreaking.
(it really is like that, for those of you who watch the Academy on Reality TV.
except ds's school is 10 weeks longer)
After the actual graduation, ds took us on a tour of the facilities, followed with a bbq luncheon. The commander approached us, and introduced himself, and had wonderful things to say about ds. That ds was a pecentage of a percentage from getting a couple of the special awards. and that he and the staff were 'very impressed'... most people who meet ds, are. He's always been that kind of kid.
So, yes, I am very proud of him. You know, he actually grew up and became what he dreamed of. First a Marine, now a policeman...but...I am a little worried about this career choice. So, here's to hoping he has a long, boring career...filled with lots of paperwork!!!
Wow...congrats to your son! That's a big accomplishment! Best of luck to him.
Congratulations to your DS and to you for raising him! He sounds like a great person.
How wonderful! Congrats to your son! :)
Congrats to your ds! I think it is great that he is living his dreams.
Congratulations to your son!!
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