My sweet angel is 22!
can you believe it!! I guess the miracle is that we MADE it! Do you remember James Dobson's book, the Strong Willed Child, this book was written about my dd. (the books at my bedside was this one and Dare to Discipline, and How to Make Children Mind without Losing Yours)
From the gate, she proved to be onery and strong willed. I was at a loss. The first years of her life, we were like a "rock and a hard place", a lot of butting of heads...I wanted to control her and make her the 'perfect' little girl and she was having none of that. I remember when she was @4 years old, I matter of factly told my husband that we need to find this girl a new mother, as I am simply not equipped with the needed skills!!
The turning point for us was when she was around 7, and we went to joint counselling, thank you Dr. Hoffman, anyways, I learned to 'back off', stop trying to 'control' (had to learn this with more than parenting, I was almost ocd with the control issues) and enjoy. After that I started to appreciate the 'gift' of her strong will, (she was less suseptable to peer pressure), help her develop her talents (dance, then cheer, then acting and yes, even singing) and be her biggest 'fan'.
A big complement was while initialling planning her wedding, she asked me to be her matron of honor. I told her no, I've already got my role, I'll be the one 'blubbering' in the front row...and she needed someone young and cute in the pictures with her. (by the way, she made an EXCELLENT choice with Jenn)
Now, my baby is 22 and married to the Okie. I am so excited for them. And I can't wait till she gives birth to her own 'strong willed child'...nah, for them, I'm hoping for twins!!
What a wonderful trip down memory lane and this looks like it would make a great layout!!
Thank yo so much for your post. It really is a ray of light to those of us with less than perfect kids. It takes coureage to post something besides the roses and sunshine of life
Love Dobson's book. It makes me look at my strong willed child differently.
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