So, the hour or so the juice was off, I took a shower (quickly, cuz our water pump is electric and water will go out, also) folded towels left out on the couch, lit candles
and took pics.
Walked around with my container of batteries looking for a radio that will work. Didn't find one, but then it could be my odd assortment of C batteries...and hurray!! lights came on!
here is the ATC I've been working on, wish ya'll could see the pearly-blue splats...I found myself getting too serious while embellishing. creating a mini card with a word definition to attach to the card...then I thought...this is supposed to be fun, a reflection of you, not something you are not... so I did the standard 3 gems in a row.
I'll be playing with the colors, but I think I'll keep the same process.
yesterday was reading day. Read 2 books, the first was Memory by Philippe Grimbert..short book, I read it in @3 hours, but powerful and haunting. After reading such an emotinal book, I went for fluff...and read The Seducer by Madeline Hunter. Yes, a historical romance with some racy passages. I was so enthralled by the mysteries surrounding the characters, i found myself skipping those passages. So it was a good fluff book. Today I'll start The Secret Life of Clothes.
5 books toward my goal of reading 20 during my recovery period. I don't count the romance as they are fluff. I probably shouldn't count the James Pattersons cuz I go thru them quickly also.
Ya'll have any recommendations for good reading? something that can be read quickly,under my time constraints, yet a li'l thought provoking? A li'l mind enriching? A li'l world expanding??? I do like biographies...
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