Tuesday, April 26, 2016

2 dozen red roses...

This morning I had the privilege of ordering 2 dozen red roses for my mother in law.

Today is their 61st wedding anniversary.  And this was one of my father in law's last requests.

Yes, last.  Yesterday morning we learned that he passed.   Where we thought he was recovering, and with some physical therapy he would be home...it was not to be for us.  Well, he went home, just not the home we were hoping for.

My father in law was a very complicated man.  Or a very simple man who made things complicated.
One of my fondest memories of him was a couple of years ago, when mil was in the emergency room...his asking the attending dr one question after another, after a while, fil told the dr...

  "I'm not trying to be difficult, I just am"

And that is how I would describe him.    He definitely made you think about what was important and why, because he asked the questions. And he could tell the stories.  His passing definitely leaves a hole in the family.  You may not have always 'liked' him, but you could love him and admire him.

Weds would have been his 83rd birthday.

My dh sent me a short bio asking me to write the obituary and one of the  eulogies for the upcoming service.

Mil is staying with us for now.  She is truly a woman you can admire.  I can see her love for him is genuine, her spirit is so giving.  I just hope we can be the support and give her the love she needs right now.

Taking care of her is the best way we can honor him.

4-27 edited to include pic...I started crying when I put in the order, and well, the florist gave us this....


Scrapthology said...

I'm so sorry for your family's loss. x

LisaDV said...

So very sorry for you loss. That was such a sweet request he made!

Betsy D said...

I am so sorry for your loss. That is a beautiful bouquet to lift someone's spirit.

Catherine1216 said...

So sad to hear of your father-in-laws passing. The flowers are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss Karen. The best moments after my dad passed away were the stories that everyone shared about him. Most of the stories I knew, but some were new to me.

May these moments uplift you and your family.

darkchami said...

I am so sorry for your lost. His request was a sweet one. I'm glad that you could do this one last thing for him.

Don't worry about falling to pieces on the phone. I did that once after my fiance's passing. Two decades later and that memory actually makes me smile when I think about the poor man on the other end of the phone line.