Across the convenience store's parking lot, a bunch of kids were 'hanging out' I was going to snap a pic..
dh, "were you going to take a picture of that gang"
me, "sure, for my picture of the day"
dh, "don't take a picture of a gang!"
me, "why not, its a 'slice of life' in this town"
dh, "I don't want them to target my car"
so, I took a pic of the hardware store's interesting entry...what is that column made of anyways?
LOL about the conversation. I had a few weird stares when I pulled out my camera to photograph a gas pump a few weeks ago. :D
As for the store entry, I think they used a corrugated metal pipe as a wrap to conceal the steel column.
hahaha -- Only a scrapbooker could understand this! ;-) Great slice of life photo!
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