from 2 peas: What are you scrappin plans for today?
No scrappin for me, but there is a crop tomorrow I'll go to for a while.
Monday I leave for LAX to pick up DD...I haven't seen her since August and I am so excited! So, today will be laundry, cleaning, a little packing, yesterday was payday, so bill paying, shop for Thanksgiving (won't be home till Weds evening) and I'd like to settle down and start a Christmas list.
I got a call from her sweetie on Thurs night. He wants to plan a surprise for her... now, they have an 'odd' situation...here's the nuts & bolts...met last year at the Marine Corp ball...
up/down off/on relationship (to their credit when they broke up it wasn't cuz of fights or lying or cheating, it was cuz it was getting too intense too fast) because when they met in Novemeber (at the Marine Corp ball) they both knew he'd be leaving for Iraq in April and she was leaving for Europe in August.
So, they would try to cool it, then stay 'friends', then it would get 'intense', break up, try to be 'just friends'...well you see the cycle.
So, right now, after being separated, they have decided that they can't fight what they honestly feel for each other and are going to accept it...and be in a relationship. (actually I'm just a little dizzy, at one point told her I don't want to hear anything about them till they are having their first child!!)
So, he calls on Thursday, now I've been teasing dd, after he got out of Iraq in the beginning of this month, they were able to finally talk to each other as opposed to email and text, and she told me, "that she had forgotten how 'cute' he sounds". Now, after Thursday's call, I have to say, um,yeah, he does sound cute...he has an Oklahoma accent that is quite dreamy.
HA!! (oh, baby, I'm not gonna talk about the surprise!!) so there.
So I get to pick up my baby on Monday!! help Chris surprise her!!
But no 2 peas for 3 days, unless she hooks me up to her laptop in the hotel room.
If this is my last post till I get home, just want to wish all of ya'll a
HAPPY THANKSGIVING and hope that it will be just a blessed time for you and your families and friends.
1 comment:
How exciting! I bet you are thrilled to be seeing her!
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