Thursday, November 1, 2007

Not brave enough to do...

from 2 peas...What is one thing you have always wanted to do, but are afraid to

Get surgery! I would love reduction on the bottom half and an increase on the top.
but the thought of way...I can't handle shots very well.

oh well.

I signed up for Scrap a faire!!
signed up for Digital 101 and Heritage...but I am so techno - challenged...I don't know, how its going to work out.

Thought I had Adobe Photoshop 4...turned out to be a 30 day went and bought Adobe 6 last night, went to install it and COULD NOT DO IT!!
went to get Michael, he changed it to another tray..and no problem!!

I bought the Sassy Digital kit from 2 peas, I know downloading is a push of a button...but where on my computer do I download it to? Do I put it in the Adobe file? should it be its own file? I am so lost, and class has not started!!

This should be interesting.


Heather said...

Downloading is not a problem. Now I'm working on a MAC so organization is a bit different. But I always download digi kits to the desk top. Don't put it in the adobe file as this could mess something up. After I download to the desktop I move it to a file where I keep all my digi kits. MACs work a bit different but not too much different than a PC. If you put it on the DT first you can decide where you want to put it later. There are also programs that you can use to organize your digi kits. If you do a search on 2P's there should be something about this. And don't be afraid to ask on the digi forum over there!

Sarah Coggins said...

Great comments on today's 2ps challenge! And WTG signing up for the Scrap-A-Faire - it sounds like fun. I've only dabbled lightly in digi. I made a separate folder in "My Docs" that's labeled "Digi Kits" so they are all in one place. Might be a better way, but this works for me for now. Hope my idea helps! I'll have to check back on 2ps and see your posted LOs. :)

~Sarah (aka sarah&cali on 2ps)