think I used a night setting to get this effect, doesn't she look like a ghost kitty?
From Shimelle: What do you do when
don’t feel very creative or feel like you’ve hit a
creative block? Share a few tips that help you get
back to yourself.
When blocked, I back off. It's okay to take a break. But during this period, I will read my magazines and lurk the galleries, till something inspires me. And I will lift, lift, lift.
On 2 peas: List 10 unfinished projects hanging over your head:
1) My Journal your Christmas by Shimelle, I did not have a printer for a while, and there is a lot of journalling, so I put it aside. (I have a printer now)
2) want to redo some of the old, yellowing magnetic albums
3) albums about my son (I can be so blocked with boy layouts)
4) My wedding album for dd's wedding(did dd's album, but not the one for me)
5) a Family heritage album (have the dreaded, unmarked shoe box of pics)
6) dd's Europe trip album (the one I keep)
7) the cooresponding travel journal for above trip (this one she gets)
8) start a travel journal for my trip in Oct
9) Son's police academy graduation ( a continuation of #3)
10) start a gift album for mil (her grandkids have had a very busy 2008)
Wow, I did think of 10...
Did you enjoy Project Runway? I love the shows where they are inspired by a picture. (what Shimelle has been asking of us) Of course, as it has been so far this season, I think they had the wrong top 3 dresses and the absolutely wrong winner. That purple poofy thing was hideous. and I did not care for the other print...well, maybe without the pants. The 2 piece skirt set was cool.
Don't you find it funny how Nina said "Short, tight and shiny is a shortcut to trashy", well, something like that, and in the commercials what is Heidi wearing?
uh huh.