From Shimelle: Tell your blog readers about your favorite game.
I do like to play Mexican Train or Shanghai (a card game) with the family. Monopoly is still a fave. My daughter showed us someother card games she learned while in Europe, (a lot of down time amongst the kids, esp, when the money ran out in Greece)
though I don't remember the names they are a lot of fun.
Busy weekend, I wasn't home...a lot of shopping, the Great Mall on Sat, Pleasanton Mall on Sunday... I used to be such a shopaholic, but I'm getting old, I guess.
BUT the shopping weekend has me thinking about shoes. Boy, my feet and back were hurting. So, I'd better get some REALLY good shoes for the cruise and all the excursions we are going on. I really don't want 'athletic' type shoes, my neice recommend Topsider Sperry's..which she was wearing both days, and did not show any signs of slowing. I looked...but still nothing 'thrilled' me.
So, no opportunity to scrap this weekend, but I did print some pics.
from 2 peas: How do you store photos that you do not use in scrapbooking?
Still have some old 'magnetic' albums, do keep 'excess' in themed new pocket photo albums and a big photo organizer bin, that has them 'somewhat' organized by theme.
and the digitals are in the computer/ with CD backup. But I'm thinking a photobucket would be a good idea, cuz when dd's harddrive crashed her sophomore year, all she had were the photobucket pics.
so, I guess the answer is 'all' the above, right?
geeeeee this question is making me think, I need a better system.
Off to read some blogs, eat a li'l something, then Kristen will be here for my 'strength training', then work...too much fun for one Monday morning!!!
p.s. I did take ONE bathroom pic yesterday, I couldn't resist, Nordstrom's has a little toddler seat in the first stall. I mean how cool, you can strap in your kid while you tinkle!! where were they 20 years ago...
Hi! Just found your blog on 2peas and I have to say that I am rocking out to "Boondocks"! (I'm from southern Indiana and this song rings very true to me!:o)
Anyways, love your blog! Tfs! Oh, and my mom always says the same thing about those little seats in the!
Thanks for sharing
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