Well, its 5am Thurs morn, I simply could not sleep, so went ahead and stated some things.
Oooooooh, yesterday...
We went to the Sacramento Airport to pick up my nephew, no real problems, though I timed our arrival so we could be waiting for him as he strpped off the esculator.
you know, non passengers cannot go to the gates pass security. Now, I did spend some time on Continental's website looking up policies regarding non-accompanied minors, but did not see anything on my nephew's ticket indicating that my sister set him up as unaccompanied. So, mom and I head for the airport, on I5 North. When we were 10 min from the airport, my sister calls, I need to go to the ticket counter to get a pass...to pick up Pierce at the gate..ooooooookay!! Now that also means going thru security. Lets just say, I was running thru the terminal carrying my shoes, luckily, as a non-accompanied, he was one of the last to depart the plane.
When my neices arrive, my other sis, better let me know well in advance they are traveling non-accompanied, so I can time it better.
So, we head home. We stop for lunch, and head down I5 south. Now, there is construction on I5 south in downtown Sacramento. We were hoping to stop at a Japanese grocery store, but okay, that intersection is not in the construction zone, so I'll follow the detours, get back on I5 South and take the exit for the Japanese store..ummmm NO!!! The detour dumped me into the heart of downtown. Once I was on J street...no more detour signs. NOW wouldn't it make sense, to take traffic around the construction and get back on the interstate? Not all of us know Sacramento...anyways after, oh, the car dying (it was stop and go downtown traffic, 100 degrees and we had the a.c. on at first), we finally get on 99 south.
So, we went to Modesto, got shakes at In N Out, stopped at W...and went home, another 40 minutes west...I live off the 5 not the 99.
Now I picked up Pierce at 11 am..we did not walk into the house until after 5pm.
I was also supposed to go to Office Max, the reg grocery store...but we were too pooped to even think about it. But hey, I got this cool pic of this Pedros vehicle.
So all is not lost, right?
Then DH arrives with 2 packages...YAY!!
one is my RAK from Bad Girls, sent from Norway, super cool embellies.
and the other my pics from Tyler from the wedding...OMGoodness...they are gorgeous!!
BUT, my messed up computer WOULD NOT OPEN THE DISC!!! Now the disc opened on the laptop, my computer will open other CD-r's with pictures. So, I spent a good hour trying to see the CD on this computer, you know, the computer with the photo printers... Lets just say, by the time I left the room, my expletives would have made all the family Marines proud.
Don't worry, Pierce was 'hanging' with dh. In fact, dh taught Pierce cribbage and is impressed by how quickly Pierce picked it up.
I went to my room and opened a book. O MY GOODNESS, it is Randy Paush's The Last Lecture...it is soooooo goood!! I've read half of it already (its not very thick) plan to go back thru it with my highlighter and buy a dozen copies.
Soooo, a very frustrating day, but a good one!!
From 2 peas:
traits I admire about my dh...He is strong where I am weak. He is my perfect 'other half'...like yesterday, he stayed calm, calmed me down, and encouraged me to walk away. Plus, he is a fantastic cook, has a great sense of humor, and is my 'honey'.
boy what a frustrating day.truly an adenture. at least it ended with a fun little suprise from Norway.
Oh, my goodness...what a stressful trip you had! I'm not good in traffic situations. Good that you made it home safely in spite of all the troubles! Enjoy your special houseguest! :-)
Glad some fun and enjoyment came through after that frustration. Hope you all are having a great time with your nephew! :)
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