since I'll be gone in a couple of weeks, I won't be around to produce them.
Betsy and Nyki will have to do that...
Well, gave me an excuse to shop at Richards Tues afternoon. Guess I should get off the computer and 'play'...
I had typed more, but it got "lost", work has been good. I have 2 weeks to do my monthly and quarterly stuff. So far, I seem to be on track. Here's hoping nothing unexpected 'pops' up.
I have to wear mosquito repellant to bed these days. Its cool in the mornings but hot in the still have mosquitos. I am the household mosquito 'feast', must be because I am so darn sweet. But let me tell you, I am one big itch..from head to sparkly blue toes.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008

sleeeeeeep, I want sleep!
Monday morning is so much fun!!
Heard a great quote over the weekend from Barry Goldwater, Jr. (my quote may not be exact) "Never trust a dog with your dinner, Never trust Congress with your money". LOVE IT!!
I can't believe Sept is ending, I can't believe I'm only a couple of weeks from my cruise. I still have not bought comfy travel shoes. Been told to get "Keens", have ya'll heard of them? I should have shopped this weekend, but did that happen? ummm, no.
Wish I had some more fantabulous news, but after the last one, nothing seems exciting.
Friday, September 26, 2008
My news I've been wating to tell...

I think Gina and Sarah C have guessed based on my earlier questionnaire...but, yes, this young couple is making me a grandma!! FINALLY!!
The funny thing is, when J retired from the Corps in June of 2007, I told them I wanted my grandbaby in April of 2008. This baby is due in April 2009, so the kids are only a year late.!!
I finally get to look in the baby section of the JC Penney catalog!!
I need some jumping up and down smilies!!!
My family has a history of twins, my mom's mom is a twin, and my sisters are twins, so I was hoping. But they aren't having twins, we have an ultrasound to prove it,, its up to dd !!(okay, when she is ready) teehee!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
been thinking about my Christamas tree..
I joined the Christmas Swap on 2Peas, so I've been thinking about what type of ornament to request from my future swapper. Hmmmmm, I like to do a theme in my main tree. I've done 'pink' victorian; red,white and blue (when ds and ddil were in Iraq); 'kiddy' ornaments; red with white and I've been trying to figure out my tree for this year.
I thought, since I'm going on my cruise, maybe something "Italian", very 'boroque'...golds and plums. But that seems 'done'. How about "Texas"...bring out my chili pepper lights and cowboy ornaments...or "woodland"...lots of natural textures and birds and deer... hmmmm Candyland, lots of candy type ornaments.
Then it hit me, maybe, I'll do a scrapbook tree. Turn some of my stash into ornaments. Now do it in a way that I can still use the stash....tie ribbons to them or something...then dh can't complain that it just sits there in my room.
I dunno.
Since I'll be traveling the first week of December, helping dd and dsil move to Fort Worth (he's had a change of duty station), I will probably be putting the tree up right after Thanksgiving. Since he is an Okie, maybe the Texas tree, with lots of UT stuff would be fun!!! Esp if he is here to 'help' me put it up!!
There's been a lot of drama at work. Luckily, I'm an observer, not in the middle (knock on wood). Just seems to be a big shakeup happening in one of the departments. Yikes. I'm soooooo glad I work with numbers. With numbers, they do what they are supposed to personalities, no guesses. If something is off, it is easy to fix.
Just waiting for my workout with Kristen. My first in 2 1/2 weeks!! Ever since the tooth started acting up. YIKES!!
I thought, since I'm going on my cruise, maybe something "Italian", very 'boroque'...golds and plums. But that seems 'done'. How about "Texas"...bring out my chili pepper lights and cowboy ornaments...or "woodland"...lots of natural textures and birds and deer... hmmmm Candyland, lots of candy type ornaments.
Then it hit me, maybe, I'll do a scrapbook tree. Turn some of my stash into ornaments. Now do it in a way that I can still use the stash....tie ribbons to them or something...then dh can't complain that it just sits there in my room.
I dunno.
Since I'll be traveling the first week of December, helping dd and dsil move to Fort Worth (he's had a change of duty station), I will probably be putting the tree up right after Thanksgiving. Since he is an Okie, maybe the Texas tree, with lots of UT stuff would be fun!!! Esp if he is here to 'help' me put it up!!
There's been a lot of drama at work. Luckily, I'm an observer, not in the middle (knock on wood). Just seems to be a big shakeup happening in one of the departments. Yikes. I'm soooooo glad I work with numbers. With numbers, they do what they are supposed to personalities, no guesses. If something is off, it is easy to fix.
Just waiting for my workout with Kristen. My first in 2 1/2 weeks!! Ever since the tooth started acting up. YIKES!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
super quick video
Got this from my dd's sophomore year. The campus was having a 'So You Think You Can Dance' competition and this is from the final night's opening number. DD is the one in the long white t-shirt and khaki knee pants. Its very short, but gives you an idea of what a stunning dancer she is. Well, until the guy next to her moves in front of her. Even as a child, she danced with her whole body all the way to the top of her head. By the way, she and her partner won.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My blue toenails..too bad ya'll can't see the sparkle. They remind me of my first car, a 1971 Chevy Camaro...deep blue...
Yahoo! I found a site that has the Prima Essential Tubes..a good supply!! If ya'll know of one that has plenty of the Say it in Crystals in stock, let me know.
I did not scrap yesterday, after church I took a nap, then got caught up in the CSI shows on Spike TV, then a couple of movies. A lazy Sunday.
Anybody else, just plain sick of the political ads. Here is a non-partison place to check the accuracy of the
Whichever side your on, it is interesting to see how both sides Stretch the truth.
But I am sooooo ready for this to be done. Since I am on my cruise till Nov 1st, and we are absentee ballot only, and I won't be able to send it till after my cruise, I know my vote will probably not be counted. Don't get me wrong, I will still vote. But it is a li'l disappointing to know that in all reality, it won't be counted.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Getting to Know Your Friends
Playing along with my blogging friend, Janet , in this 2008 Edition of Getting to Know Your Friends...
Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your Friends. Copy and paste this in a new blog post, then change all the answers so they apply to you! Leave a comment for me if you do this!
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:18 am
2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Momma Mia
4. What is your favorite TV show? CSI, NCIS, the Closer
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? fruit and cream oatmeal
6. What is your middle name? Sue
7. What food do you dislike? green peppers
8. What is your favorite CD at moment? Jordin Sparks
9. What kind of car do you drive? Ford Taurus (chosen by dh)
10.Favorite sandwich? Safeway's Plymouth Rock...dinner roast turkey w/cranberry, havarti cheese
11.What characteristic do you despise? dishonesty
12.Favorite item of clothing? my Texas Longhorns tshirt
13.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? I'm going next month, Greece and Italy
14.Favorite brand of clothing? I’m not brand sensitive!
15.Where would you retire to? have dreamed of a 2nd home in Lake Tahoe
16.What was your most recent memorable birthday? don't really celebrate
17.Favorite sport to watch? when dd was a cheerleader, highschool football and bball, now, none
18.Farthermost place you are sending this? n/a, since this is a blog post
19.Person you expect to send it back first? n/a, since this is a blog post, but I hope some blogging friends will play along!
20.When is your birthday? May 19
21.Are you a morning person or a night person? afternoon
22.What is your shoe size? 9
23.Pets? 3 cats, Cassandra, Marshall, Percy..2 dogs, Rocky and Kema and 1 horse, Sox
24.Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? umm...yeah, but I don't have permission, yet..
25.What did you want to be when you were little? a stripper, like Gypsy Rose Lee
26.How are you today? some pain in my jaw, but other than that, well
27.What is your favorite candy? toblerone
28.What is your favorite flower? sweet pea
29.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Oct 15 (cruise)
30.What are you listening to right now? CSI on t.v.
31.What was the last thing you ate? rice pudding
32.Do you wish on stars? No, but a dream is a wish your heart makes! jk
33.If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green
34.How is the weather right now? cool and sunny
35.The first person you spoke to on the phone today? my mom
36.Favorite soft drink? Pepsi
37.Favorite restaurant? Las Gaviotas
38.Real hair color? dark brown
39.What was your favorite toy as a child? my dad would bring home computer paper from IBM..the long ones with green shading
40.Summer or winter? summer
41.Hugs or kisses? hugs
42.Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
43.Coffee or tea? tea, Irish Breakfast w/milk and sugar
44.Do you want your friends to email you back? Please post on your blogs
45.When was the last time you cried? dd's wedding
46.What is under your bed? boxes of stuff
47.What did you do last night? was at a crop
48.What are you afraid of? windy 2 lane roads, I panic whether driving or not
(I'm the one doing 20mph)
49.Salty or sweet? sweet
50.How many keys on your key ring? 3 or 4
51.How many years at your current job? too many, want to get firerd
52.Favorite day of the week? Saturday (no work!)
53.How many towns have you lived in? 4
54.Do you make friends easily? No, I'm pretty shy
Playing along with my blogging friend, Janet , in this 2008 Edition of Getting to Know Your Friends...
Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your Friends. Copy and paste this in a new blog post, then change all the answers so they apply to you! Leave a comment for me if you do this!
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:18 am
2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Momma Mia
4. What is your favorite TV show? CSI, NCIS, the Closer
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? fruit and cream oatmeal
6. What is your middle name? Sue
7. What food do you dislike? green peppers
8. What is your favorite CD at moment? Jordin Sparks
9. What kind of car do you drive? Ford Taurus (chosen by dh)
10.Favorite sandwich? Safeway's Plymouth Rock...dinner roast turkey w/cranberry, havarti cheese
11.What characteristic do you despise? dishonesty
12.Favorite item of clothing? my Texas Longhorns tshirt
13.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? I'm going next month, Greece and Italy
14.Favorite brand of clothing? I’m not brand sensitive!
15.Where would you retire to? have dreamed of a 2nd home in Lake Tahoe
16.What was your most recent memorable birthday? don't really celebrate
17.Favorite sport to watch? when dd was a cheerleader, highschool football and bball, now, none
18.Farthermost place you are sending this? n/a, since this is a blog post
19.Person you expect to send it back first? n/a, since this is a blog post, but I hope some blogging friends will play along!
20.When is your birthday? May 19
21.Are you a morning person or a night person? afternoon
22.What is your shoe size? 9
23.Pets? 3 cats, Cassandra, Marshall, Percy..2 dogs, Rocky and Kema and 1 horse, Sox
24.Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? umm...yeah, but I don't have permission, yet..
25.What did you want to be when you were little? a stripper, like Gypsy Rose Lee
26.How are you today? some pain in my jaw, but other than that, well
27.What is your favorite candy? toblerone
28.What is your favorite flower? sweet pea
29.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Oct 15 (cruise)
30.What are you listening to right now? CSI on t.v.
31.What was the last thing you ate? rice pudding
32.Do you wish on stars? No, but a dream is a wish your heart makes! jk
33.If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green
34.How is the weather right now? cool and sunny
35.The first person you spoke to on the phone today? my mom
36.Favorite soft drink? Pepsi
37.Favorite restaurant? Las Gaviotas
38.Real hair color? dark brown
39.What was your favorite toy as a child? my dad would bring home computer paper from IBM..the long ones with green shading
40.Summer or winter? summer
41.Hugs or kisses? hugs
42.Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
43.Coffee or tea? tea, Irish Breakfast w/milk and sugar
44.Do you want your friends to email you back? Please post on your blogs
45.When was the last time you cried? dd's wedding
46.What is under your bed? boxes of stuff
47.What did you do last night? was at a crop
48.What are you afraid of? windy 2 lane roads, I panic whether driving or not
(I'm the one doing 20mph)
49.Salty or sweet? sweet
50.How many keys on your key ring? 3 or 4
51.How many years at your current job? too many, want to get firerd
52.Favorite day of the week? Saturday (no work!)
53.How many towns have you lived in? 4
54.Do you make friends easily? No, I'm pretty shy
Something is going on...I can't upload a pic. (I'll try later)
I wanted to show ya'll my new blue toenails...but I guess another time.
I went to the crop yesterday, got a few of my son's graduation pics done. I just love Basic Grey's Boxer paper. But I struggle with 'guy' pages. I just don't feel as creative, like I can't do the 'shtuff' to them. So, if ya'll have found ways to just make the guy pages your own, please share your method...or share your pages. A recent Making Memories magazine had a guy section, but most of those used arrows..I like arrows... but I can't do them all in arrows..
Okay, my assignment is to take one of the Love Elsie's recipe cards and adapt it to a guys page.
And I'm going to take one of the pages and 'bad girl' it..cluster and flow embellies..
Ashley also showed us how to fold file folders to create a mini book. So I'm going to work on that also. She's using hers as a Christmas planner, and that sounds like a great idea.
So, guess what I want to do after church!!
I wanted to show ya'll my new blue toenails...but I guess another time.
I went to the crop yesterday, got a few of my son's graduation pics done. I just love Basic Grey's Boxer paper. But I struggle with 'guy' pages. I just don't feel as creative, like I can't do the 'shtuff' to them. So, if ya'll have found ways to just make the guy pages your own, please share your method...or share your pages. A recent Making Memories magazine had a guy section, but most of those used arrows..I like arrows... but I can't do them all in arrows..
Okay, my assignment is to take one of the Love Elsie's recipe cards and adapt it to a guys page.
And I'm going to take one of the pages and 'bad girl' it..cluster and flow embellies..
Ashley also showed us how to fold file folders to create a mini book. So I'm going to work on that also. She's using hers as a Christmas planner, and that sounds like a great idea.
So, guess what I want to do after church!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Just saw a commercial for Ore Ida's steam and mash. Oh dear, aren't our kids going to know any of the joys of cooking? What? don't have to peel potatoes anymore? and we can get bagged salad, precut fruit...just no fun. In the interest of progress, guess I'll have to 'force' myself to try it out.
But isn't it funny, I think I read somewhere that young women are taking up sewing. DD says its because of shows like Project Runway. I don't sew, but the last time I was in a fabric store, I remember patterns and fabric as being quite pricey.
Scrap shopping has been a bit frustrating lately...I just LOVE Prima Marketing flower tubes and bling swirls and robin's nest pebbles...but I can't find a place that has it in stock!! I'd hit put in cart...and get 'sold out'...pooey!!
Now, dh's business has a resale #...think I can get him to open a ScrapStuff branch and then I can order direct? The only problem, is I'd have to try to sell it, right?
DH hurt his back yesterday, he bent over to feed the dogs and "pow". He went to the doctor, and he said its going to take a while. Gave him some back exercises and offered him some meds (which he refused) So, you can imagine what its like around here. Dh's back pain, my head feels like its going to pulse right off my neck. We are a fun bunch.
But today is a local crop and I am going, I have no idea what I'm going to work on...but I am going.
so, I guess I better get off the computer and pack.
Ya'll have a great weekend.
But isn't it funny, I think I read somewhere that young women are taking up sewing. DD says its because of shows like Project Runway. I don't sew, but the last time I was in a fabric store, I remember patterns and fabric as being quite pricey.
Scrap shopping has been a bit frustrating lately...I just LOVE Prima Marketing flower tubes and bling swirls and robin's nest pebbles...but I can't find a place that has it in stock!! I'd hit put in cart...and get 'sold out'...pooey!!
Now, dh's business has a resale #...think I can get him to open a ScrapStuff branch and then I can order direct? The only problem, is I'd have to try to sell it, right?
DH hurt his back yesterday, he bent over to feed the dogs and "pow". He went to the doctor, and he said its going to take a while. Gave him some back exercises and offered him some meds (which he refused) So, you can imagine what its like around here. Dh's back pain, my head feels like its going to pulse right off my neck. We are a fun bunch.
But today is a local crop and I am going, I have no idea what I'm going to work on...but I am going.
so, I guess I better get off the computer and pack.
Ya'll have a great weekend.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
after the tooth pull.
well, pretty much feel like ickypoo. Walking around the house with ice wrapped in a dishtowel against my cheek. But it will be worth it, right? That is what I've got to hold on to.
I've been watching Project Runway, this week I agree with the top 3 and bottom 3 choices. and Jerrel's win. Kenley really starting to get on my nerves. Though Joe has been one of my faves, I gotta agree the suit and fit was wrong. As a plus sized gal...oh the fit...would have made me miserable.
Okay, time for Top Design.!! on this one its Andrea who gets on my last nerve.
and when do I get to scrap again...?
I've been watching Project Runway, this week I agree with the top 3 and bottom 3 choices. and Jerrel's win. Kenley really starting to get on my nerves. Though Joe has been one of my faves, I gotta agree the suit and fit was wrong. As a plus sized gal...oh the fit...would have made me miserable.
Okay, time for Top Design.!! on this one its Andrea who gets on my last nerve.
and when do I get to scrap again...?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
well, I tried...
Tried to go to work yesterday. Figured as long as dh is driving, I can maintain the pain with vicadin and work. Um, no, did not work out as I planned. Luckily, (luckily?), dh was not feeling well, so we left early, around 2:30...when we got home, I passed out. So today, I am staying home.
I even got my scrap kits in the mail yesterday, I still haven't opened the boxes.
Miserable night, we have a mosquito in the house, so I woke up itching!!
Okay, something good and fun....
I've lost a little bit of weight! 2 lbs. But sick weight loss is fake weight loss. It comes back once you start to eat again.
Got in touch with my family in Texas. Still no electricity at the home, but my sis and her husband went to work this morning. School is out. So kids are at home, hot (no ac) and bored.
Mom says the kids sleep all day. Stay up all night. Can't really blame them.
I even got my scrap kits in the mail yesterday, I still haven't opened the boxes.
Miserable night, we have a mosquito in the house, so I woke up itching!!
Okay, something good and fun....
I've lost a little bit of weight! 2 lbs. But sick weight loss is fake weight loss. It comes back once you start to eat again.
Got in touch with my family in Texas. Still no electricity at the home, but my sis and her husband went to work this morning. School is out. So kids are at home, hot (no ac) and bored.
Mom says the kids sleep all day. Stay up all night. Can't really blame them.
Monday, September 15, 2008
the weekend..
On 2 peas was a challenge to post a pic of our scraprooms as they truly look. So here is mine on Sunday morning. Hey, the floors are clean!! But a couple of started projects are on the work desk.
The weekend was good, but busy. And when my head started to pound..I took a vicadin.
Yesterday was the fondue party. The ladies showed up and did it all, I just cut veggies and showed them where to find bowls. It was very nice. They are a great group of people. Only needed one Vicadin, in the evening.
One of the couples brought their 2 year old daughter, Reagan. She is such a li'l 'cutie'... so fun! She would take a sponge and clean around our island sink, well as much as she could reach. Oh, and she was a li'l obsessive about washing her hands. (she gets this from her mom, a self confessed clean freak)
I loved 'hanging out' with her, she 'fixed' my hair for a little while. She's got wise soul eyes. Does that make sense? There is something there, that says, "You aren't fooling me". She's not the type of toddler, you would 'baby talk' down to. Someday, I'll have a grandbaby...can't wait.
Next couple of Saturdays, there will be crop opportunities. Can't wait, my tooth comes out on Weds, so I should be okay by Saturday, right?
Maybe I'll have to forgo the m&m's...but I'll be there!
I signed up for another un-circle circle journal on This is one in which we make pages to send instead of sending a book out.
Have ya'll taken a peek at the Bad Girls' Top Designer class gallery? Oh MY!! I wish I could scrap like that. I just love the look. Cool thing is, the dt's are giving online classes, giving us 'mortals' their tips. teehee.
Bad News for me about Elsie. Yes, I had noticed that the lines are the same design concept, different colors. But I have enjoyed her papers. And have quite the collection in my stash. Guess I'll keep collecting.
Speaking of papers, I picked up Stampin' Up's Parisian Summer...gorgeous!! I just may need a couple more packs. It's funny, while Michele was here, after we went through the clothes...I showed her the papers I've been collecting. Little Yellow Bicycle, 3 gypsies. and of course, MM Passport.
Friday, September 12, 2008
home today,
but not for a good reason. The tooth infection has 'caught' up to me. Yesterday, my head felt like a balloon on string...just felt too heavy for my neck and the pain in my jaw!! yikes!! So, yesterday I called my dentist and she gave me prescriptions for penicillin and pain killers. Now, we've known I have an infection for a couple of weeks, sooooooo, why did I not get penicllin before? I don't know, its a mystery to me.
Today, I don't have the balloon feeling. But I do feel like someone is in my jaw shooting fire balls toward my ear. And forget any sudden head turns...yikes!
So, I am staying home from working, hoping a day of penicillin, hot tea, soup and pudding will get me better for the weekend. I've got to get through till next Weds. when I am scheduled to get this tooth pulled.
Sat, Michele is supposed to come over, so we can plan our clothes for the cruise.
hope I'm up for it. I think its going to depend on my 'pain level'.
Then Sun, dh has invited 5 couples over for a fondue party....he is taking care of all of it. There is a little drama...but not about the party, about one of the potential guests. Not wanting to go into it, I'll just say ' ex-sister in law".
My family is in Houston, not in any of the evacuation zones, but Oh My Goodness!
okay, getting to be time to crawl back into bed. Right now, I'm not even tempted by the scrap, that is bad.
Today, I don't have the balloon feeling. But I do feel like someone is in my jaw shooting fire balls toward my ear. And forget any sudden head turns...yikes!
So, I am staying home from working, hoping a day of penicillin, hot tea, soup and pudding will get me better for the weekend. I've got to get through till next Weds. when I am scheduled to get this tooth pulled.
Sat, Michele is supposed to come over, so we can plan our clothes for the cruise.
hope I'm up for it. I think its going to depend on my 'pain level'.
Then Sun, dh has invited 5 couples over for a fondue party....he is taking care of all of it. There is a little drama...but not about the party, about one of the potential guests. Not wanting to go into it, I'll just say ' ex-sister in law".
My family is in Houston, not in any of the evacuation zones, but Oh My Goodness!
okay, getting to be time to crawl back into bed. Right now, I'm not even tempted by the scrap, that is bad.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9-11 memorial
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
my first crush..uh huh...

After the serious book, the Vanishing of Esme Lennox, I decided to read this one. and so far it has been very enjoyable. I am really enjoying the behind the scenes, as dd used to be in theater...its fun to read about the personalities behind the performance.
And we haven't even gotten to Captain Kirk. (as I revealed a while ago on this blog) Kirk was my first crush. Well, actually it just might be Elvis, I do remember growing up watching those movies with my mom. Nah, Kirk was the first who defined what kind of man I was looking for. You know, a take charge 'hero'. And I did pretty good in that department.
Went to T's this afternoon, there is a lot of stuff on sale, I broke down and got another paper stack. I love the papers, but the dumb thing is I buy it thinking it would fit my dd's taste. Now, my dd doesn't scrap, YET, but I am hopeful.!!
And I am prepared, as soon as she shows interest!! I've got stuff for her.
Its funny, I've done the same with my ddil...she does scrap, a little. But recently I bought her a Basic Grey package (wish I could remember where I bought it) because we all know, BG is a staple. She did seem to like it, even though I used one of the Phoebe papers before giving it to her...teehee
5 weeks till my cruise! YIKES! I am so excited, but sure don't feel ready.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Interesting weekend, really brought out the difference between me and dh.
I've been in pain, not the excrutiating,'give me vicadin' type of pain, but a steady pain on both sides of my jaw. (esp after eating or yawning) Well, dh had invited C and K over for Saturday, okay, we are close enough, that I was able to not 'entertain', they even encouraged me to take a nap (which I did). But on Sunday afternoon, he went to an after church get together with our Bible Study group. Big Mexican Food potluck, my favorite food. I chose not to go. He understood, but was disappointed. Then he 'volunteered' our home for next week's get together, on Saturday. Michele and I already have plans to prepare for the cruise, but I don't know, sometimes, I just need down time.
You know, down time, time to spend in my home, without a bra, in trashy sweats, watching tv, or reading or scrapping. He is very social, I think this was a great weekend for him, from social event to social event.
I always thought of our differences as 'balancing' each other. But this morning, I'm a little irritated.
Soooo, while I was not at the pot luck, I watched the movie "Enchanted". Wasn't it soooo stupid in the beginning, but it sure does pull you in!! I ended up loving it!
I'm looking forward to tonight's season premiere of the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
How are they going to 'fix' Cameron after she was blown up? should be interesting!
I've been in pain, not the excrutiating,'give me vicadin' type of pain, but a steady pain on both sides of my jaw. (esp after eating or yawning) Well, dh had invited C and K over for Saturday, okay, we are close enough, that I was able to not 'entertain', they even encouraged me to take a nap (which I did). But on Sunday afternoon, he went to an after church get together with our Bible Study group. Big Mexican Food potluck, my favorite food. I chose not to go. He understood, but was disappointed. Then he 'volunteered' our home for next week's get together, on Saturday. Michele and I already have plans to prepare for the cruise, but I don't know, sometimes, I just need down time.
You know, down time, time to spend in my home, without a bra, in trashy sweats, watching tv, or reading or scrapping. He is very social, I think this was a great weekend for him, from social event to social event.
I always thought of our differences as 'balancing' each other. But this morning, I'm a little irritated.
Soooo, while I was not at the pot luck, I watched the movie "Enchanted". Wasn't it soooo stupid in the beginning, but it sure does pull you in!! I ended up loving it!
I'm looking forward to tonight's season premiere of the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
How are they going to 'fix' Cameron after she was blown up? should be interesting!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
oh my goodness...

Last night I stayed up late and watched Dogtown...oh 'everything', sad, hopeful, ugly, beautiful. It was about the saving/rehabilitating of the Pit Bulls used by Michael Vick and his dogfighting ring. I fell in love with all of them...Cherry, Georgia, Denzel, Meryl. I wish I could bring one home, but with our 2 dogs, esp w/Rocky, being such an 'alpha', we would probably not be a good fit.
I wanted to see if I could help and this morning I went to the bestfriends website, , and 'adopted' Wrigley (above) for only $25.
So hard to pick one to adopt, so I just went to the back of the alphabet, figuring most people start at the beginning.
Well, physically, I feel like crap. My tooth cannot be saved, there is a crack down the root, so he only did a temporary filling, till we can get me an appt with an oral surgeon to pull it out. But now that the 'local' has worn off...ugh!!
And I've got to decide, leave it with a hole, bridge or implant. Now, I have a hole on the other side of my mouth...I'm thinking, will it help me lose weight? I'd have to eat slower... right now, all I want is pudding!!!
I had a great dream last night! It involved 2 newborn baby boys!! siiiiiigh....
Friday, September 5, 2008
books...and stuff

Just finished this book this morning, it is actually very good, though I'm not sure of the ending. But lately, no matter what book I read...I'm a little 'eh' at the ending. (its at Barnes & Nobles for $3.98, if you are interested) This book only took me 2 days to read. Okay, one night and one morning.
I've got a whole pile of books to read...I'm so bad, its kinda like the scrap habit, buy a lot...but don't necessarily use up. Guess I'm a book hoarder as well as scrap supply hoarder. In this area, I am my daddy's girl. One day, my senior year of high school, Michele and I counted the number of books in my dad's collection. He had several shelves in the front room...we stopped around 1000. We got tired.
So guess who inherited those shelves and most of the books...and has been adding to it. Now, my sisters and I took most of the technical books to 2nd hand stores...anyways...I love books. I still have his 1976 Encyclopedia Brittanica set, you know the red/white/and blue bindings...with the micro, macro pedias? Can you imagine any of our kids looking something up in one of those? Now days 'encyclopedia' is spelled 'google'!!
Okay, Karen, don't go there...but do you remember we actually had to do our algebra and geometry in our heads...without calculators!! I was such a mean homeschooling mom, I made my son do his math without calculators. (I homeschooled my son from 4th grade till 9th)(after that he went to Turlock Christian) Interesting, when I got him in the 4th grade, he was still using his fingers to add...and tested at @30 percentile, by the 8th grade he was testing at 80 percentile (the C.A.T) LOVE Saxon Math!!! He used the calculator only in the upper algebra classes, but he had to write out each step. But he had to have those basics down first.
AND (uh oh, here come's the brag) maybe that is why he graduated 1st in his calibrations class in Biloxi for the Marine Corps, even though he went into the class with the least amount of highschool math. He was against kids who had the fancy maths...and graduated #1!!! He said even his superiors were surprised and asked "Are you sure you're from California?" Sad, the reputation CA public schools have...truly, sad.
That is one thing, if dd and dsil decide to stay in Texas...the schools there are supposed to be very the top of the nation, right?
Plus my grandkids will learn to talk right and have that incredible, perfect accent...I used to tease my husband, that I was going to send the kids to Texas so they'd learn how to talk right, not like Californian's. I mean, really, "dude and you guys"? geeeeeeeeeeeee, at least dd picked up "ya'll" from me.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
a bloom for us.
This is one of my mom's sunflowers that has bloomed. Pretty, huh. the first flower grown by one of us on this property. The garden boxes were built by dh and his friend, Jim...for my mom...she planted a variety of seeds, I have no idea what is in there. There is a melon looking plant, that seems to be doing well...but I don't know if its a melon or a pumpkin..or a squash. Only time will tell.
DH keeps asking about plans for Saturday, lets see, its the day after my tooth appt, I might be drooling and on vicadin...but go ahead and invite our friends over for dinner. I'm sure, they'll understand! Actually, we are so close to C and K...they probably will. They are probably one couple I don't mind seeing 'in that state'...I could even stay in my pj's and that would be cool.
Okay, off to finish kitty boxes and laundry, then my workout, then a list of errands before work. Today is one of the gal's last day, so we are going to have a pizza lunch. Time to start the day...pooey...I'd rather snuggle with my cat..and the pillow.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
gee, complete randomness...must be late!!
Here are a couple of pics of my new grandkitty.
He is just too much fun, he wakes up with a bounce and is ready to go!
Honestly, I could use a little of that bounce.
I got to go in my scraproom today, not to scrap, but to put stuff away. After a few days away, but just stepping in and smelling the paper felt pretty good.
Oooooh, I want a chance to scrap.
This Friday is my first of 3 appts for my infected tooth/jaw. Wonder how that is going to be. Not looking forward to that one.
We have a 'pool' going at the shop. Who is going to get pregnant first.
We have 3 young newly married young ladies to select from.
My dd, Cierra, my ddil, Nicole and Betsy, my work daughter. There are 'compelling' reasons to vote for each. Cierra and Chris, though not out and out trying are also not out and out preventing. Nicole and Jason are also talking about it being time, as he settles into his career. Betsy and Francisco, well, he's a little older than her, so its his 'clock' that is ticking. Today, in the middle of the day, Betsy stated she REALLY wanted some Honey Nut Cheerios...huh..? It is going to be fun to see who is first. My ONLY stipulation is that Nyki and Betsy cannot be pregnant at the same time, as that means they'll be on maternity leave at the same time.
ya'll do know, that I've not only collected baby scrap paper, but also some clothing for my future grandbabies...don't ya? Well, I have.
Well, better go to bed, starting to feel some pains in my jaw.
Have a great Weds!!
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