from 2 peas: list 3 things you'd give to charity right now...
Funny, just saw a thread asking for Disney layouts for Make a I've been thinking about that I guess, one answer would be 'layouts'.
Money is also something we give. I wish I could say time, but our schedules are so jammed pack.
and goods when appropriate and needed.
Feeling the 'wedding crunch' a little. Today, I need to take her dress to the drycleaners...drop off binder clips and supplies to Dorlene (who generously offered to make some for me)...see, I'm drawing a blank...I do need to make that list.
(might as well make lists for others while I'm at it)(teehee)
A spot may be opening up for a crop at Big Bear in the beginning of June...I would LOVE to go...oops, that is Jim and Aurora's wedding..oh well.
Our local scrap group is having a crop for NSD...we didn't have a crop for April, so I am looking forward to this one. At the last crop, Dorlene was making a mini book out of greeting cards...I've got to remind her to bring it so I can see how it looked, she was figuring out a way to bind them...using a fan fold (?)
I have a co-worker who is getting married at the end of June, she did not set up a I put together an album? One she can put her pictures in?
but, she says its a combination American with traditional Mexican, what kind of papers do I use? Lida, can you help with that? I know her colors include, no pastels...
Speaking of registrys, I am one who LOVES to shop from a registry. When I have no idea of what is needed or of the person's tastes..I think these are great.
But DD and Future SIL's registry is kinda goofy. They got their little 'barcode guns' at Bed Bath and Beyond, She went to the dishes area and left him alone up front, he tagged just about everything in sight, before she caught him.
I think she has edited, but at first they had 5 different sets of pots and pans.
(lesson, if your fiance is a goofball Okie, take a girlfriend to set up registries)
Next year, when we have our 25th anniversary wedding re-newal, I intend to set up a registry. 25 years ago we eloped to Reno, so I never got to choose the china/crystal/silver stuff and I am looking forward to it.
My sis just got married, and she told me the key is to 'set a table' using your choices, so you can get an overall picture of what it looks like. We find we do entertain quite a bit, though rarely formally, usually impromptu bbq's, year round.
May 17th is a 'tea' at church. I joined the women's group, and last Sunday was told that the tables are set by each member of the group. Now I do have a tea set...but matching linens...uh oh. (Need to research setting a table for tea) I've been to a couple, at dd's former dance studio, and they are very NICE. So, I'm looking forward to this tea. I even have a floppy hat!!
This morning is workout day with Kristen, gotta eat some oatmeal for energy.
Last night on the treadmill I didn't even break a sweat...should I tell her?
No, she'll only 'up' my speed. If I'm still not breaking a sweat over the weekend, I'll tell...just let me 'coast' awhile, okay?