Wednesday, September 19, 2007

on 2 peas...what color you have trouble scappin with.

EASY...that chrome yellow and bright halloween orange,
I just don't like won't find them in my house, my clothes...

though I like muted tones of these colors.

I might be taking a couple of days off from work next week, now that the weather is cooled down, I really should go thru all the stored stuff and boxes. lets see, we moved into the house April of last year...uh huh,
its time. I'll probably toss all clothes, the thought of mice in the boxes really creeps me out. Maybe, I'll be really good and borrow J's truck and actually move stuff out of storage! ha!!!

ps. C is in Switzerland this week...the kids are planning on skidiving, night sledding, hang the Alps, pray for her safety please...yikes!!


Teresa Loop said...

Okay, the bright colors are almost always hard, I dont have many either.... but I do love me some muted orange though!!

Anonymous said...

cool... i'd like to get rid of some old clothes. i'll join ya.