During last week's 'female' appointment, my dr found a 'mass' in my pelvis/uterus/ovaries...(not sure which). So, today I go in for an ultrasound. Overall, I'm not too worried. Not liking the idea of having to drink 32 oz of water an hour before and holding it!
My sis has ovarian cysts, the dr said it could even be the hormonal imbalance caused by pre-menopause (i am at that age)...but, what if....
The song, Live Like You were Dying, by Tim McGraw has been going thru my mind.
What would be the 'important things', what would be my priorities?
Quite honestly, the 'lifestyle change' would probably be out the window. Think I'll be eating my chocolates, chicken and dumplings, mac & cheese, enchiladas with no guilt!! Savoring every bite. Guess I'll just need more pallbearers, ha!!
I would quit work, spending every spare moment with family.
I would finish those scrapbooks I started, cuz, that is the one thing my kids have said they would keep.
Maybe I would leave the Christmas trees up all year long. Since I love the 'lights' and dh has stated that Christmas decorating is 'not his thing'. That way, I'll feel like I'm leaving him something for next year. ha!!
hmmmm, What would be the important things?
And, I'm not looking at this as a 'downer'...but just reflecting...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
now that...
the frenzy of the holidays is over (unless you are one of those day after Christmas shoppers)...time to reflect.
I hope to start on my Shimelle's Journal your Christmas in the next couple of days.
I have not 'touched' it, except to look at her page and some of the layouts done by my fellow 'students'.
As we enter 2011, so many things... time for resolutions...where does one start?
My 'easiest' one is a resolution to finish my weight loss goal. My 2010 goal was 65lbs, but I stalled in June. I had lost 35...and I've been hovering ever since..BUT 35lbs was NOT the goal. AND I need to get back on track. Rediscover those disciplines that gave me success. I have been SUPERbad throughout December...so, I'm gonna have to step on that scale and face the damage!!
Another, 'easy' one is to learn more about photography. I got a Nikon for Christmas, so of course, I took over 100 pics of my sweet-pie during the family get together Christmas Eve. Lets just say, when I pulled out the camera Christmas morning...she was coming up to me and pulling the strap off of my neck. Guess she had HAD IT!

My in-laws gave me a check to buy some 'scrappin supplies', so I went on Amazon this morning and got me some filters and a back up battery for the camera...it counts!! And I got a book, Digital Photography Basics by Jeff Wignall to get me started.
Sooooo many books, I counted over 1500 over a month ago...so, that has to be another resolution, doesn't it. How about instead of slugging on the couch in front of reruns...this year, I dig into the to be read pile.
I got myself some books for Christmas also...the Digital Photography, The Pioneer Woman's Cookbook, Secrets from the Southern Living's Test Kitchens... which leads to another 2011 goal
Becoming a good cook! I kinda 'fell' into that one in 2010, with the 'lifestyle change' of 2010; I had to step up. No more going out all the time, no more fast food, taking lunches to work...and since it is my special diet, I do more of the cooking these days. DH does special occasions, but for most of the years of our marriage, he did the cooking (I was good at opening cans and boxes)..HE is the better cook!!
But this year, we had a switch in roles, he took over finances, I took over cooking. Hey after 25+ years...its a good thing.
So, on that note, gotta go do my morning yoga...ya'll have a great 'in-between' week...time of organizing, reflecting and enjoying!!
I hope to start on my Shimelle's Journal your Christmas in the next couple of days.
I have not 'touched' it, except to look at her page and some of the layouts done by my fellow 'students'.
As we enter 2011, so many things... time for resolutions...where does one start?
My 'easiest' one is a resolution to finish my weight loss goal. My 2010 goal was 65lbs, but I stalled in June. I had lost 35...and I've been hovering ever since..BUT 35lbs was NOT the goal. AND I need to get back on track. Rediscover those disciplines that gave me success. I have been SUPERbad throughout December...so, I'm gonna have to step on that scale and face the damage!!
Another, 'easy' one is to learn more about photography. I got a Nikon for Christmas, so of course, I took over 100 pics of my sweet-pie during the family get together Christmas Eve. Lets just say, when I pulled out the camera Christmas morning...she was coming up to me and pulling the strap off of my neck. Guess she had HAD IT!
My in-laws gave me a check to buy some 'scrappin supplies', so I went on Amazon this morning and got me some filters and a back up battery for the camera...it counts!! And I got a book, Digital Photography Basics by Jeff Wignall to get me started.
Sooooo many books, I counted over 1500 over a month ago...so, that has to be another resolution, doesn't it. How about instead of slugging on the couch in front of reruns...this year, I dig into the to be read pile.
I got myself some books for Christmas also...the Digital Photography, The Pioneer Woman's Cookbook, Secrets from the Southern Living's Test Kitchens... which leads to another 2011 goal
Becoming a good cook! I kinda 'fell' into that one in 2010, with the 'lifestyle change' of 2010; I had to step up. No more going out all the time, no more fast food, taking lunches to work...and since it is my special diet, I do more of the cooking these days. DH does special occasions, but for most of the years of our marriage, he did the cooking (I was good at opening cans and boxes)..HE is the better cook!!
But this year, we had a switch in roles, he took over finances, I took over cooking. Hey after 25+ years...its a good thing.
So, on that note, gotta go do my morning yoga...ya'll have a great 'in-between' week...time of organizing, reflecting and enjoying!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I got a DSLR for Christmas!!
soooo excited. DH and the kids went 'together' and got me a Nikon!
Now, I know its a little early, but with ds's schedule, we had our immediate family gift exchange last night. He will be working Thurs, Fri, Sat...so, last night was our Christmas.
When I got home, of course, I tore into it and read the manual. For the first time, I watched a battery charge (takes about 1 hour and 40 min) popped that thing in, formatted my card...and couldn't see a thing! What? all the settings are right? waaaahhhhh!!! Then the little girl who 'hangs out' with me while her dad is at bible study pointed out that I still had the lens cap on. Tell me that everyone makes that mistake. duh.
Then, after all the years of my point and shoot, I looked into the screen...still nothing...waaaaaahhhh...then I look thru the viewfinder...what? you look thru the little thing on top, not the display screen. Um, PLEASE tell me everyone makes that mistake!
But, I finally 'got it together' and took a few pics around the house.
Can't wait to play!!!! and learn!!
Now, I know its a little early, but with ds's schedule, we had our immediate family gift exchange last night. He will be working Thurs, Fri, Sat...so, last night was our Christmas.
When I got home, of course, I tore into it and read the manual. For the first time, I watched a battery charge (takes about 1 hour and 40 min) popped that thing in, formatted my card...and couldn't see a thing! What? all the settings are right? waaaahhhhh!!! Then the little girl who 'hangs out' with me while her dad is at bible study pointed out that I still had the lens cap on. Tell me that everyone makes that mistake. duh.
Then, after all the years of my point and shoot, I looked into the screen...still nothing...waaaaaahhhh...then I look thru the viewfinder...what? you look thru the little thing on top, not the display screen. Um, PLEASE tell me everyone makes that mistake!
But, I finally 'got it together' and took a few pics around the house.
Can't wait to play!!!! and learn!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
that's what I call a weekend!
I got to babysit all 3 days!
Friday eve, it was so Nyki could do a li'l shopping.
Sat morn, my usual so Nyki could coach basketball and J could sleep in (he's a police officer on swing)
Sun, from 4pm to 10 pm, so they could go to J's work Christmas party.
Had sooo much fun. Last night was .... well, here is my story. And I'm sticking to it.
I could tell she was getting tired @8:30 or so, so I took her up to brush her teeth and go to bed. We were watching Elmo videos on youtube...and the final one was Andrea Boccelli singing a lullaby to Elmo...perfect setup, right? Ummmm, no. She cried and screamed. And she has a new skill, called climbing out of the crib. So, after quite a while of this, grandma gave up. BUT I told her 'no more Elmo, you watch White Christmas with me"...as she was yelling "Elmo! Elmo!!"
Whenever she would walk to the computer, saying 'Elmo, Elmo', I'd tell her "no, Elmo is night-night" But she enjoyed the little bit of White Christmas we saw, esp that Choreography number (one of my least faves)...AND she did the biggest #2 you can imagine. (no wonder she did not want to go to bed, if she felt that in "the queue").
She got in her Gunny-couch. The kids' 100 lb great dane. (I call him '100 lbs of stupid'). Anyways, she likes to sit against him when he is curled up on the floor.
Like the following picture from last summer. He starts licking her face, arms, hands, feet and she is laughing hysterically...just having a great time. (I'd be disgusted) It is amazing how gentle he is with her. Now, if I could only get her to be more gentle with him!!

So, its getting closer to 10 pm...and I KNOW I'm gonna be in trouble. So, we practice fake sleeping...leaning against each other and snoring. AND in walks daddy...now, he is actually happy to see her, but we fake sleep anyways..and he asks all confused, 'you're pretending to be asleep?'. But it was over as soon as Adriana saw Mommy in the doorway...she actually pointed her finger at me and did her baby jabber. Being the mature grandma that I am, I pointed right back and said, "Uh uh, its HER fault!"

here is a pic of her from last night, she is so funny, during the family trip to Tahoe, whenever we took group pics we stood against a wall...now when I pull out my camera, she goes to stand against something for her 'picture'. Goofy girl!
Friday eve, it was so Nyki could do a li'l shopping.
Sat morn, my usual so Nyki could coach basketball and J could sleep in (he's a police officer on swing)
Sun, from 4pm to 10 pm, so they could go to J's work Christmas party.
Had sooo much fun. Last night was .... well, here is my story. And I'm sticking to it.
I could tell she was getting tired @8:30 or so, so I took her up to brush her teeth and go to bed. We were watching Elmo videos on youtube...and the final one was Andrea Boccelli singing a lullaby to Elmo...perfect setup, right? Ummmm, no. She cried and screamed. And she has a new skill, called climbing out of the crib. So, after quite a while of this, grandma gave up. BUT I told her 'no more Elmo, you watch White Christmas with me"...as she was yelling "Elmo! Elmo!!"
Whenever she would walk to the computer, saying 'Elmo, Elmo', I'd tell her "no, Elmo is night-night" But she enjoyed the little bit of White Christmas we saw, esp that Choreography number (one of my least faves)...AND she did the biggest #2 you can imagine. (no wonder she did not want to go to bed, if she felt that in "the queue").
She got in her Gunny-couch. The kids' 100 lb great dane. (I call him '100 lbs of stupid'). Anyways, she likes to sit against him when he is curled up on the floor.
Like the following picture from last summer. He starts licking her face, arms, hands, feet and she is laughing hysterically...just having a great time. (I'd be disgusted) It is amazing how gentle he is with her. Now, if I could only get her to be more gentle with him!!
So, its getting closer to 10 pm...and I KNOW I'm gonna be in trouble. So, we practice fake sleeping...leaning against each other and snoring. AND in walks daddy...now, he is actually happy to see her, but we fake sleep anyways..and he asks all confused, 'you're pretending to be asleep?'. But it was over as soon as Adriana saw Mommy in the doorway...she actually pointed her finger at me and did her baby jabber. Being the mature grandma that I am, I pointed right back and said, "Uh uh, its HER fault!"
here is a pic of her from last night, she is so funny, during the family trip to Tahoe, whenever we took group pics we stood against a wall...now when I pull out my camera, she goes to stand against something for her 'picture'. Goofy girl!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
got back from Reno yesterday..
It was the annual meeting for dh's company that is out there. We usually stay/eat at the Silver Legacy, but this year they decided to go with the Grand Sierra.
Maybe we were there too early, but it did not seem esp 'Christmas' to me. The statue at the entry had a Christmas hat and some lights..but guess I was expecting a fabulous, bright oversized tree. ya know?
The trip was good, but could not scrapbook! We stayed in a 'Summit' room and it was soooooooo dark! Even walls were painted black..all of us said the first thing we all did was hit every switch in the room and STILL the room was too dark. We think its because 'high rollers' play all night and sleep all day? I dunno, but unless I was gonna set up in the conference room during the meeting, I could not scrapbook. darn. For this reason alone, I like the Silver Legacy better. (and the grandeur of the lobby tree.)
I got to babysit when I got home Friday evening and a little this morning. After not seeing each other for a week, me and Adriana had a great time. I kinda felt sorry for Nyki, she left me with a refreshed, just-napped toddler, with her hair pulled back in a perfect pony tail...and got back a sweaty little thing with her hair all wild...we had 'messed up' every room, toys, packaging paper, tupperware.. lots of fun. BUT, she had no problem getting Adriana to go to sleep!
Tomorrow, I get to babysit again...they are going to a Christmas party...all I can say is YAY!!
Then the rest of the week promises to be busy. But isn't that just the way it is in December? Any spare time is spent preparing. My schedule is way off, I don't have my Christmas cards out yet. I usually do a family letter, cuz I love receiving them, and had some problems with my printer. Oh well, don't sweat it, it will get done when it gets done. That's the advantage of almost being 50...you learn that the world does not end when you are off-schedule or things don't go the way you want.
We had dinner Friday night with a co-worker who just lost his father. He was saying how wonderful it was to have the opportunity to sit with his dad for hours and talk. And how his dad was saying, that the only 'important things are what you do with family'. His dad had the peaceful passing we all can only hope for. Talking to my coworker was so sad... and beautiful... and just...all the above. I lost my dad suddenly in a car accident, its been, wow, @18 years and there are days that there is just a hole in my heart. Luckily, my dad kept a journal, so my sisters and I got a little insight into his heart.
But the song by Reba McIntire, "The Greatest Man I never knew" is the most appropriate song for our relationship. Not saying my dad did not love us or care, but that he was of the workaholic, non involved generation.
So, this Christmas, hold your loved ones close and don't sweat the small stuff.
Maybe we were there too early, but it did not seem esp 'Christmas' to me. The statue at the entry had a Christmas hat and some lights..but guess I was expecting a fabulous, bright oversized tree. ya know?
The trip was good, but could not scrapbook! We stayed in a 'Summit' room and it was soooooooo dark! Even walls were painted black..all of us said the first thing we all did was hit every switch in the room and STILL the room was too dark. We think its because 'high rollers' play all night and sleep all day? I dunno, but unless I was gonna set up in the conference room during the meeting, I could not scrapbook. darn. For this reason alone, I like the Silver Legacy better. (and the grandeur of the lobby tree.)
I got to babysit when I got home Friday evening and a little this morning. After not seeing each other for a week, me and Adriana had a great time. I kinda felt sorry for Nyki, she left me with a refreshed, just-napped toddler, with her hair pulled back in a perfect pony tail...and got back a sweaty little thing with her hair all wild...we had 'messed up' every room, toys, packaging paper, tupperware.. lots of fun. BUT, she had no problem getting Adriana to go to sleep!
Tomorrow, I get to babysit again...they are going to a Christmas party...all I can say is YAY!!
Then the rest of the week promises to be busy. But isn't that just the way it is in December? Any spare time is spent preparing. My schedule is way off, I don't have my Christmas cards out yet. I usually do a family letter, cuz I love receiving them, and had some problems with my printer. Oh well, don't sweat it, it will get done when it gets done. That's the advantage of almost being 50...you learn that the world does not end when you are off-schedule or things don't go the way you want.
We had dinner Friday night with a co-worker who just lost his father. He was saying how wonderful it was to have the opportunity to sit with his dad for hours and talk. And how his dad was saying, that the only 'important things are what you do with family'. His dad had the peaceful passing we all can only hope for. Talking to my coworker was so sad... and beautiful... and just...all the above. I lost my dad suddenly in a car accident, its been, wow, @18 years and there are days that there is just a hole in my heart. Luckily, my dad kept a journal, so my sisters and I got a little insight into his heart.
But the song by Reba McIntire, "The Greatest Man I never knew" is the most appropriate song for our relationship. Not saying my dad did not love us or care, but that he was of the workaholic, non involved generation.
So, this Christmas, hold your loved ones close and don't sweat the small stuff.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
starting to look a lot like Christmas...
well, just starting, I haven't finished. And I'm not sure if I'm gonna go 'all out', may just do a couple of trees and call it a day.
BUT my kitchen tree is done. my red lights were broken so used green this year.
don't know if you can tell, but the white lights are "s'mores"..I looove them!
and here is the 'big tree' in the living room.
as you can see, Winston made himself 'right at home', I'm happy he isn't climbing it.
so far, I just have the lights up. no ornaments. I usually do a 'theme' or a 'color story'...but this year, I'm not sure where I am going. Did use multicolor lights. I may even go 'vintage'..hunt down the old family ornaments. We'll see what I end up with.
But, I decorate with lots of lights...somehow the colors just make me 'happy'. Even our guest rooms have lights, the western room has red jalapenos and the princess room has these kinda aqua lights. I used to do another tree in the dining room, but we'll see...not sure this year.
So, how is your Christmas decorating going...???
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Books!!! Oh my goodness!!
the past couple of days, I've been organizing my books. I've had quite a few in boxes in the guest room for a while, bought a new shelf and decided it was 'time' to free up the room.
So, cuz I'm a little weird that way, I decided to count my books.
Just about every room has books. Even my pantry has cookbooks.
soooo....room by room
the guest room, I tried to keep to Literature and children's books...249 books
the 'princess' room, a few kids books and dd's old series and college stuff...78
the guest bath, a book of famous speeches...1
the hallway bookshelf #1....87
an old business series from dh's family...13
the office...22
borrowed from the Ingrams....1
the hall shelves (a wall of old Ethan Allen shelves from my dad)...525
suite...craft books for my scrappin and on the coffee table picked to read... 44
suite bedroom....a couple of shelves against the wall....192
great room...50
bedroom...my nightstand alone ...28
dh's closet...13
my closet...(cough cough)....120
scraproom...books to alter and stuff for my 'art'...4
books to toss....6
for a total of 1466 books scattered throughout my house
oh, I also carry one in my totebag that goes to work with me
so 1467 books!! Hopefully there weren't any calculator errors. HA!
Now, a lot of these were my dad's...he was so into books, but yeah, quite a few are mine. AND I cannot say I've read them all. BUT I have read a lot.
disclaimer, I did not include journals and yearbooks and magazines.
And the thing is, my kids and grandkids aren't gonna want them...they will be able to keep all this on a Kindle!! That may not be a bad investment. Sure would save space. But what to do with all these books! It is very tough for me to destroy, toss books. Though, I am willing, but if it bought for that express purpose...as I have a dictionary I keep to tear pages out for scrappin and art exploration. (my ddil won't even do that)
Of course every area has that special book. There is the copy of Gone with the Wind that my dad gave me to read when I was 14 years old. And I have an American Etiquette book published in 1882. Just a couple that come to mind.
Which book am I actually reading?, George W. Bush's "Decision Points". Started it last night. Of course, I've always got a bookmark in "Twilight" (the first book is my fave)
oops, edited...found 30 more American Girl boxed set...creating a new grand total of 1497
So, cuz I'm a little weird that way, I decided to count my books.
Just about every room has books. Even my pantry has cookbooks.
soooo....room by room
the guest room, I tried to keep to Literature and children's books...249 books
the 'princess' room, a few kids books and dd's old series and college stuff...78
the guest bath, a book of famous speeches...1
the hallway bookshelf #1....87
an old business series from dh's family...13
the office...22
borrowed from the Ingrams....1
the hall shelves (a wall of old Ethan Allen shelves from my dad)...525
suite...craft books for my scrappin and on the coffee table picked to read... 44
suite bedroom....a couple of shelves against the wall....192
great room...50
bedroom...my nightstand alone ...28
dh's closet...13
my closet...(cough cough)....120
scraproom...books to alter and stuff for my 'art'...4
books to toss....6
for a total of 1466 books scattered throughout my house
oh, I also carry one in my totebag that goes to work with me
so 1467 books!! Hopefully there weren't any calculator errors. HA!
Now, a lot of these were my dad's...he was so into books, but yeah, quite a few are mine. AND I cannot say I've read them all. BUT I have read a lot.
disclaimer, I did not include journals and yearbooks and magazines.
And the thing is, my kids and grandkids aren't gonna want them...they will be able to keep all this on a Kindle!! That may not be a bad investment. Sure would save space. But what to do with all these books! It is very tough for me to destroy, toss books. Though, I am willing, but if it bought for that express purpose...as I have a dictionary I keep to tear pages out for scrappin and art exploration. (my ddil won't even do that)
Of course every area has that special book. There is the copy of Gone with the Wind that my dad gave me to read when I was 14 years old. And I have an American Etiquette book published in 1882. Just a couple that come to mind.
Which book am I actually reading?, George W. Bush's "Decision Points". Started it last night. Of course, I've always got a bookmark in "Twilight" (the first book is my fave)
oops, edited...found 30 more American Girl boxed set...creating a new grand total of 1497
my dr. appt...
Yesterday, I went to see the doctor for the follow up after my physical/bloodtests/xrays. I may have mentioned that a couple of months ago, I experienced some 'tingly sensations' on my left side.
ANYways, I have a degenerative disc in my spine, think she said #5, sooooo, she said there is no 'aggressive treatment' . The prescription, a set of back exercises every morning ("like brushing your teeth, something you just do every morning") AND a set of set-ups every day ("to strengthen your abdomen and core")
Hmmmmm, so keep exercising!! Good thing, I've come to the point in my journey where I enjoy exercising. So, I'm adding the back exercises to my morning routine...a series of basic stretches; and 20 min of Wii fit yoga at night.
Here is the tmi...for years I've had high cholesterol...I've known it. Pretty much ignored it, but its been in the back of my mind. Back in 2007, I tested at 262..that dr called me a 'walking heart attack'. I did go on Statins, but they left me feeling 'yucky with sticky pooh'...so I dumped them. Decided to bring it down the 'natural way'..uh huh..probably even gained more weight, till I was up to 215 lbs.
Fast forward to my next physical, in 2010...and after losing 35 lbs...down to a cholesterol count of 222!! BUT, my new dr was not so 'impressed'. (at least she did not call me a 'walking heart attack')
She said since this is obviously a long term issue (also genetic as my 90lb mom has high cholesterol) she wants to put me on Lipitor. I told her I want to lose 30 more lbs, but she was unfazed. I explained my issues with the other statin...and why I quit using it. Again, unimpressed. In fact she told me the 'sticky pooh' meant it was working...that it was pulling the fats out of my body and disposing them...OH!!!... oops. So, I'm on Lipitor.
So, I guess the news was not as bad as it could have been. I'm still a pretty healthy almost 50 year old. BUT I do have even more incentive to keep losing.
So, it is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving...and I can DO This!!
So, here's to a healthy Thanksgiving to us all...key word for me, MODERATION!!
(but, I am waiting till after Thanksgiving to go on a veggie-heavy, meatless menu) teehee
ANYways, I have a degenerative disc in my spine, think she said #5, sooooo, she said there is no 'aggressive treatment' . The prescription, a set of back exercises every morning ("like brushing your teeth, something you just do every morning") AND a set of set-ups every day ("to strengthen your abdomen and core")
Hmmmmm, so keep exercising!! Good thing, I've come to the point in my journey where I enjoy exercising. So, I'm adding the back exercises to my morning routine...a series of basic stretches; and 20 min of Wii fit yoga at night.
Here is the tmi...for years I've had high cholesterol...I've known it. Pretty much ignored it, but its been in the back of my mind. Back in 2007, I tested at 262..that dr called me a 'walking heart attack'. I did go on Statins, but they left me feeling 'yucky with sticky pooh'...so I dumped them. Decided to bring it down the 'natural way'..uh huh..probably even gained more weight, till I was up to 215 lbs.
Fast forward to my next physical, in 2010...and after losing 35 lbs...down to a cholesterol count of 222!! BUT, my new dr was not so 'impressed'. (at least she did not call me a 'walking heart attack')
She said since this is obviously a long term issue (also genetic as my 90lb mom has high cholesterol) she wants to put me on Lipitor. I told her I want to lose 30 more lbs, but she was unfazed. I explained my issues with the other statin...and why I quit using it. Again, unimpressed. In fact she told me the 'sticky pooh' meant it was working...that it was pulling the fats out of my body and disposing them...OH!!!... oops. So, I'm on Lipitor.
So, I guess the news was not as bad as it could have been. I'm still a pretty healthy almost 50 year old. BUT I do have even more incentive to keep losing.
So, it is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving...and I can DO This!!
So, here's to a healthy Thanksgiving to us all...key word for me, MODERATION!!
(but, I am waiting till after Thanksgiving to go on a veggie-heavy, meatless menu) teehee
Monday, November 22, 2010
aging perspective
So, after submitting that blog, here is my daily devotion email...ha!!!
Aging and Living
by Steve Arterburn
Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? Job 12:12
I have some friends who are adrenaline junkies. It's a drug they need to survive. They mountain bike, bungee jump, heli-ski, hang glide, surf giant waves, and parachute out of airplanes. I often wonder why they feel the need to risk their lives in the ways they do. Maybe they do these things as medication against depression and anxiety or maybe it's a way of proving that the inevitable isn't going to over take them.
We can jump out of airplanes to prove that we're not dead yet, but there's no avoiding the fact that you are getting older and with that comes limitations. Aging does that to everyone. You can see that as a death sentence, but a better way to look at it is as the beginning of a new phase or season of life.
Every end is a new beginning, and that's true for the seasons of our life. Just as Fall gives way to Winter, and Winter to Spring, there's something to look forward to with each season of your life.
"Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen." - Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Aging and Living
by Steve Arterburn
Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? Job 12:12
I have some friends who are adrenaline junkies. It's a drug they need to survive. They mountain bike, bungee jump, heli-ski, hang glide, surf giant waves, and parachute out of airplanes. I often wonder why they feel the need to risk their lives in the ways they do. Maybe they do these things as medication against depression and anxiety or maybe it's a way of proving that the inevitable isn't going to over take them.
We can jump out of airplanes to prove that we're not dead yet, but there's no avoiding the fact that you are getting older and with that comes limitations. Aging does that to everyone. You can see that as a death sentence, but a better way to look at it is as the beginning of a new phase or season of life.
Every end is a new beginning, and that's true for the seasons of our life. Just as Fall gives way to Winter, and Winter to Spring, there's something to look forward to with each season of your life.
"Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen." - Mark Twain (1835-1910)
making lists...
I've been up since 5 am or so, actually awake @2 am...finally gave up trying to go back to sleep. So, this past hour, I've been updating my calendar..and making lists.
I hate not being able to go back to sleep! I've also been organizing around my computer...its amazing how many little 'bits' of stuff you collect in the area. I jot down quotes, websites, keep lists...recipes..catalogs...whatta mess!.
of course, I keep getting 'help' from Winston. he even stepped on the printer, causing it
to print a blank page...so much fun...such a helper!
I go to the dr to discuss my physical and test results. Got a call reminding me of the appt and telling me 'not to take any of my meds' before the appt. huh?
I know she is going to want to put me on Statins for my cholesteral...but I wonder what else has been discovered. I'm 49, and all I can say, is getting old S*CKS!!
You really do 'pay' for your youth, don't ya? All the things we knew we 'should' be doing but did not pay attention to comes back to bite ya in the a*s...don't it.
I've talked about how I now carry around 4 pairs of glasses...well, one I leave at home for reading. I have bad hearing (don't talk to me when I'm not facing you, I won't hear you) Cholesterol...overweight...aye yi yi.
A few things I did 'right'..I wasn't a sun-baker...remember in the 70's tanning was rubbing on babyoil and baking yourself in the sun? Well, I did not do that, so skin-cancer is not a concern. I did not get into the smoking or drinking habit. (Just SUGAR in the form of Pepsi).
No drug use...a li'l experimenting with pot in high school...but luckily did not keep that habit or get into anything 'harder'. Just thought the whole culture/idea was plain stupid...and the best thing to happen to me was to get arrested for possession when I was new enough and young enough to say 'bye bye' to the whole concept.
so, I've been so healthy thru my 20's , 30's and most of the 40's, I never really thought about this stuff...but now as I approach my 50's...aye yi yi.
What would I tell any 'kids' reading this? Veggies, exercise, no sodas, sunscreen, floss... do the Do's...just know that you will 'pay' for the choices you make today!
I hate not being able to go back to sleep! I've also been organizing around my computer...its amazing how many little 'bits' of stuff you collect in the area. I jot down quotes, websites, keep lists...recipes..catalogs...whatta mess!.
of course, I keep getting 'help' from Winston. he even stepped on the printer, causing it
to print a blank page...so much fun...such a helper!
I go to the dr to discuss my physical and test results. Got a call reminding me of the appt and telling me 'not to take any of my meds' before the appt. huh?
I know she is going to want to put me on Statins for my cholesteral...but I wonder what else has been discovered. I'm 49, and all I can say, is getting old S*CKS!!
You really do 'pay' for your youth, don't ya? All the things we knew we 'should' be doing but did not pay attention to comes back to bite ya in the a*s...don't it.
I've talked about how I now carry around 4 pairs of glasses...well, one I leave at home for reading. I have bad hearing (don't talk to me when I'm not facing you, I won't hear you) Cholesterol...overweight...aye yi yi.
A few things I did 'right'..I wasn't a sun-baker...remember in the 70's tanning was rubbing on babyoil and baking yourself in the sun? Well, I did not do that, so skin-cancer is not a concern. I did not get into the smoking or drinking habit. (Just SUGAR in the form of Pepsi).
No drug use...a li'l experimenting with pot in high school...but luckily did not keep that habit or get into anything 'harder'. Just thought the whole culture/idea was plain stupid...and the best thing to happen to me was to get arrested for possession when I was new enough and young enough to say 'bye bye' to the whole concept.
so, I've been so healthy thru my 20's , 30's and most of the 40's, I never really thought about this stuff...but now as I approach my 50's...aye yi yi.
What would I tell any 'kids' reading this? Veggies, exercise, no sodas, sunscreen, floss... do the Do's...just know that you will 'pay' for the choices you make today!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
got hit with a toothache over the weekend. OH MY Goodness. How do people live with such pain! Started Saturday, during the dinner, I took a drink and 'oooh' a little pain, but by Sunday...HOLY CARP! We went in Monday...I asked my dh to drive me to the dentist...he did it, though he is very busy at work...but I could not think, much less drive. An emergency root canal, half my face was numb for most of the day...and still some pain. Last night, I was convinced we got the wrong tooth...so much pain shooting through my jaw and ears. This morning, a li'l more manageable...took some vicodin and hopefully, I'll be functioning again.
"funny" thing, I went on FB to see a post by my sis, she cracked a tooth and was on her way to the dentist also. Funny coincidence. Maybe, since we are both 'not talking' to her biological twin, and have grown closer as adults...I'm now her 'twin' and we get the sympathy stuff. Cool! she's always been the 'pretty' sister..maybe I'll get prettier too! ha!! As long as I don't get her OCD...I LIKE my mellower lifestyle!
okay, feeling the vicodin, its starting to take effect. all of a sudden my head feels a little heavy and my blood feels lethargic. Off to the couch with my blankie, my cat...but, I do hope I can get some stuff done in a couple of hours...
"funny" thing, I went on FB to see a post by my sis, she cracked a tooth and was on her way to the dentist also. Funny coincidence. Maybe, since we are both 'not talking' to her biological twin, and have grown closer as adults...I'm now her 'twin' and we get the sympathy stuff. Cool! she's always been the 'pretty' sister..maybe I'll get prettier too! ha!! As long as I don't get her OCD...I LIKE my mellower lifestyle!
okay, feeling the vicodin, its starting to take effect. all of a sudden my head feels a little heavy and my blood feels lethargic. Off to the couch with my blankie, my cat...but, I do hope I can get some stuff done in a couple of hours...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
so, last night we went to a Lion's Club fundraising event. And present were our little towns 'movers and shakers'...ha! It was a big step for me, I am pretty anti-social and to have all these tables of people squeezed into a small area, can be quite an anxious situation for me....oh my! Like dh told me, look into the corner table and take deep breaths!!
It was cool! The table we 'happened' to sit at (we just looked for a table that had 2 unclaimed chairs) the 'matriarch' grew up next to the property we ended up buying and building upon. Our property sits on what was once a lakefront, till the levy was built in the 60's and redirected it. This woman's family lived in a small house on the lake, and her dad had a boathouse/bar...during the 1940's. (I've often thought a metal detector would probably be a good investment) ANYways, very cool. Oh! when we told her where we live, her comment, 'the house facing a weird way'...cuz we don't face the road. teehee. (guess that is how we are known by the Old-timers)

I'd say there is definately a 'mentality' about old timers toward us, new-comers. Though we've been here since 1991. BUT this was our first event with this level of citizenry. Our social life has been with the folks we go to church with or with the families of the kids my kids went to school with, BUT dh has gotten more involved...he helped with the 'groundbreaking' of the local homeless advocacy group, and that is how we got our invite to this event.
It was cool! The table we 'happened' to sit at (we just looked for a table that had 2 unclaimed chairs) the 'matriarch' grew up next to the property we ended up buying and building upon. Our property sits on what was once a lakefront, till the levy was built in the 60's and redirected it. This woman's family lived in a small house on the lake, and her dad had a boathouse/bar...during the 1940's. (I've often thought a metal detector would probably be a good investment) ANYways, very cool. Oh! when we told her where we live, her comment, 'the house facing a weird way'...cuz we don't face the road. teehee. (guess that is how we are known by the Old-timers)
I'd say there is definately a 'mentality' about old timers toward us, new-comers. Though we've been here since 1991. BUT this was our first event with this level of citizenry. Our social life has been with the folks we go to church with or with the families of the kids my kids went to school with, BUT dh has gotten more involved...he helped with the 'groundbreaking' of the local homeless advocacy group, and that is how we got our invite to this event.
Friday, November 12, 2010
glasses found, and an odd convo with dd...
Glasses were found...and my keys...yeah, I don't wanna talk about it.
My ddil found my glasses, I had left them at the church the Sunday before the trip...she went the Saturday after the trip to pick up the bulletins...and found them next to the computer.
On Sunday, after taking dd and dsil to the airport, I was talking to my son...happened to reach into the side pocket (never used) of my purse...and there were my house keys. siiiiiiigh. I used to be so organized and smart! I was the one who found things and knew where everything was.
Monday and Tuesday were busy days. I had a dr's appt for a physical. Had an odd 'event' involving tingling sensations down the left hand side of my body. And other aches and pains. I do not recommend waiting 3 years between physicals...the dr will 'get you back'. So, at the appt. they did do an EKG, and my heart is perfect...so whatever is going on is not heart related. BUT I had to go to a lab the next day for blood tests (4 vials), they are checking everything you can think of, including my thyroid...as my sis was recently diagnosed with a thyroid issue and some of my symptoms could be thyroid related. or pre-menopause. or ______________(you fill in the blank). Also, went and had x-rays done of my chest and spine. as the tinglies could be spine related. I'll go back in 2 weeks for those results.
And of course she brought up the need for mammo and pap. Those appts are later. Yuck!
So, my dd is getting her MPA, (Masters in Public Administration) and she is on the Accounting class. So, last night, we discussed a case study involving fraud and ways to prevent fraud. (I've been in accounting for @30 years, so I had some ideas/experience)...it was so weird, to be discussing these concepts with someone who's bottom I used to clean. BUT so cool also, she is such an intelligent and perceptive adult...she blows me away.
She is doing her research paper on the QE2...she said she is going to keep it 'fact filled', listing the pros, cons, effects on nations such as Japan who had done it. I told her I'd like to read it, as all I know about it is what the 'pundits' are saying. I did not even know that Japan has done this. But, wow, what a topic.
Hope to be scrapping this weekend, I opened the door to my room and the waft of that paper smell sure made me homesick. Today is a li'l booked. But hopefully tomorrow can be basically a pajama/scrapping day...one can only hope!
My ddil found my glasses, I had left them at the church the Sunday before the trip...she went the Saturday after the trip to pick up the bulletins...and found them next to the computer.
On Sunday, after taking dd and dsil to the airport, I was talking to my son...happened to reach into the side pocket (never used) of my purse...and there were my house keys. siiiiiiigh. I used to be so organized and smart! I was the one who found things and knew where everything was.
Monday and Tuesday were busy days. I had a dr's appt for a physical. Had an odd 'event' involving tingling sensations down the left hand side of my body. And other aches and pains. I do not recommend waiting 3 years between physicals...the dr will 'get you back'. So, at the appt. they did do an EKG, and my heart is perfect...so whatever is going on is not heart related. BUT I had to go to a lab the next day for blood tests (4 vials), they are checking everything you can think of, including my thyroid...as my sis was recently diagnosed with a thyroid issue and some of my symptoms could be thyroid related. or pre-menopause. or ______________(you fill in the blank). Also, went and had x-rays done of my chest and spine. as the tinglies could be spine related. I'll go back in 2 weeks for those results.
And of course she brought up the need for mammo and pap. Those appts are later. Yuck!
So, my dd is getting her MPA, (Masters in Public Administration) and she is on the Accounting class. So, last night, we discussed a case study involving fraud and ways to prevent fraud. (I've been in accounting for @30 years, so I had some ideas/experience)...it was so weird, to be discussing these concepts with someone who's bottom I used to clean. BUT so cool also, she is such an intelligent and perceptive adult...she blows me away.
She is doing her research paper on the QE2...she said she is going to keep it 'fact filled', listing the pros, cons, effects on nations such as Japan who had done it. I told her I'd like to read it, as all I know about it is what the 'pundits' are saying. I did not even know that Japan has done this. But, wow, what a topic.
Hope to be scrapping this weekend, I opened the door to my room and the waft of that paper smell sure made me homesick. Today is a li'l booked. But hopefully tomorrow can be basically a pajama/scrapping day...one can only hope!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
what is the saying? "of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most". In the past week I have lost my eyeglasses and my house keys. Gone.
Now, I do have 4 pairs of prescription glasses these days. My sunglasses for daytime driving. My regulars for distance (the pair that is gone). My reading for up close reading and my bifocals for forms/computer stuff. The funny thing about the missing pair, it seems like I was just using them when I noticed they were missing. Odd.
Now, my keys, I was passing them to my dsil all weekend, so we both can't remember who had them last.
I'm sure they will both turn up ... but what a 'lost' feeling... I used to be so darned organized and simply did not lose things! And yes, altzheimers does run on my mother's side... so, that makes it extra worrisome for me.
Yikes, with family here and then a big family trip, this has been my first 'quiet morning' all week. So far been doing a lot of laundry, computer stuff (we had wireless but I had to share a laptop with dh) and a little housecleaning. They young man who housesat did not leave much of a mess...so just very little sprucing is needed. When we first walked thru the house, I actually thought he did not stay...it was so tidy.
BUT my dd and dsil return to Texas on Sunday...then I have a dr's appt on Monday...maybe Tues I'll go order another pair of glasses...and back to work on Weds...siiiiiigh. Already shaping up to be a bit busy, but that is what happens when you take a week off. (we had a family reunion at Lake Tahoe for 4 days, 5 nights)
Now, I do have 4 pairs of prescription glasses these days. My sunglasses for daytime driving. My regulars for distance (the pair that is gone). My reading for up close reading and my bifocals for forms/computer stuff. The funny thing about the missing pair, it seems like I was just using them when I noticed they were missing. Odd.
Now, my keys, I was passing them to my dsil all weekend, so we both can't remember who had them last.
I'm sure they will both turn up ... but what a 'lost' feeling... I used to be so darned organized and simply did not lose things! And yes, altzheimers does run on my mother's side... so, that makes it extra worrisome for me.
Yikes, with family here and then a big family trip, this has been my first 'quiet morning' all week. So far been doing a lot of laundry, computer stuff (we had wireless but I had to share a laptop with dh) and a little housecleaning. They young man who housesat did not leave much of a mess...so just very little sprucing is needed. When we first walked thru the house, I actually thought he did not stay...it was so tidy.
BUT my dd and dsil return to Texas on Sunday...then I have a dr's appt on Monday...maybe Tues I'll go order another pair of glasses...and back to work on Weds...siiiiiigh. Already shaping up to be a bit busy, but that is what happens when you take a week off. (we had a family reunion at Lake Tahoe for 4 days, 5 nights)
Friday, October 29, 2010
so, grandparenting...
yesterday someone told/asked me if I am spoiling Adriana...As he grandma, I don't want to end up spoiling her...but I do absolutely adore her. I kinda feel like its my job to make her feel like she is 'the reason God created people'...does that make sense? But I want to pass that line and have her end up 'full of herself' and a brat.
So, what is spoiling? Can it be with attention?
I was also told by a close friend that I 'spoiled' my kids. I don't see that. They did not get 'everything' they wanted. They are good, compassionate, responsible people; they don't have an attitude of entitlement...however, I was involved. I went to all their 'events'...I am close to them, even as adults. I basically treated them like they were 'the reason God created kids'...but also was one of those 'mean' moms when it came to character. They will tell you I was a 'nag'...I did not see it that way, I thought I was a 'consistent reminderer'..teehee
So, what is the boundary? I listen to my kids when they say, 'don't buy anymore clothes'...teehee I do tell Adriana, 'no' when she is doing something potentially harmful to herself or others. But I don't tell her 'no' if she wants to be picked up or carry her 'ki ki'
I dunno, but I did wake up with these thoughts in my brain.
So, what is spoiling? Can it be with attention?
I was also told by a close friend that I 'spoiled' my kids. I don't see that. They did not get 'everything' they wanted. They are good, compassionate, responsible people; they don't have an attitude of entitlement...however, I was involved. I went to all their 'events'...I am close to them, even as adults. I basically treated them like they were 'the reason God created kids'...but also was one of those 'mean' moms when it came to character. They will tell you I was a 'nag'...I did not see it that way, I thought I was a 'consistent reminderer'..teehee
So, what is the boundary? I listen to my kids when they say, 'don't buy anymore clothes'...teehee I do tell Adriana, 'no' when she is doing something potentially harmful to herself or others. But I don't tell her 'no' if she wants to be picked up or carry her 'ki ki'
I dunno, but I did wake up with these thoughts in my brain.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
been a while, but its been a while for a lot of stuff
feel real busy and feel like I've been on 'hold'. kinda odd.
my exercise has been 'paused', but yesterday, I 'restarted'. Nyki wants me to join her for a Couch to 5k group (C25k)..but I don't know. I know, one of my 2011 goals is to run a 5k and I should be jumping at it...but...I don't know...
Looking so forward to Friday, though. I pick up dd and her hubs on Friday. Then we are having a family 'reunion' the following week. DH's extended family, except one bro and wife...I'm hoping to get in a trip to Reno to see my long-lost uncle, Uncle Duck. We'll have about a dozen people with several 'in and out's.
Got Wii's Just Dance 2, so I'll bring that to the reunion and hope to get the family 'dancing'...we'll see...ha!!!
So, my days off have been spent prepping the house for company...today's concentration...floors. Not looking forward to that, oh well! Better to do that stuff in the morning, right?
Also, a trip to the post office, to send off our ballots. We are 'zoned' for absentee ballots...its kinda 'eh'...cuz I understand absentees are only counted if there is something 'close'. So, in a way, I do feel 'gipped'...that my vote does not count.
But we send them anyways.
my exercise has been 'paused', but yesterday, I 'restarted'. Nyki wants me to join her for a Couch to 5k group (C25k)..but I don't know. I know, one of my 2011 goals is to run a 5k and I should be jumping at it...but...I don't know...
Looking so forward to Friday, though. I pick up dd and her hubs on Friday. Then we are having a family 'reunion' the following week. DH's extended family, except one bro and wife...I'm hoping to get in a trip to Reno to see my long-lost uncle, Uncle Duck. We'll have about a dozen people with several 'in and out's.
Got Wii's Just Dance 2, so I'll bring that to the reunion and hope to get the family 'dancing'...we'll see...ha!!!
So, my days off have been spent prepping the house for company...today's concentration...floors. Not looking forward to that, oh well! Better to do that stuff in the morning, right?
Also, a trip to the post office, to send off our ballots. We are 'zoned' for absentee ballots...its kinda 'eh'...cuz I understand absentees are only counted if there is something 'close'. So, in a way, I do feel 'gipped'...that my vote does not count.
But we send them anyways.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
correction: my Uncle and new Aunt are from Latvia...well, my uncle is from Indiana, but lives in Latvia
We had a nice visit...my 69 year old uncle got an age '57' on my Wii fit plus, my new Aunt also scored 12 years younger and my cousin at age 32, got a '26'...guess the program was feeling 'nice'...ha!!! So, according to it, my 69 year old uncle is only 3 years older than me! poooey!!
We also did the Broadway Dance on the Wii. No videos, BUT the sight of my Uncle dancing to Hairspray's Good Morning Baltimore was so fun! (I told my son he has no excuses when we take the Wii to Tahoe for the family reunion)
AND my Aunt and Cousin danced to Timewarp from the Rocky Horror Picture Show! I was out of breath just watching them! okay, just laughing with them!
I got to see Adriana three times this weekend. I babysat yesterday morning, while her mom coached basketball then she joined us for dinner last night and she and her parents joined us for lunch this afternoon.
overall, a wonderful way to spend the weekend. Next weekend will be good too! got a crop!!
So sleepy, working tomorrow...gotta make up for my day off last week. ha!!!
We had a nice visit...my 69 year old uncle got an age '57' on my Wii fit plus, my new Aunt also scored 12 years younger and my cousin at age 32, got a '26'...guess the program was feeling 'nice'...ha!!! So, according to it, my 69 year old uncle is only 3 years older than me! poooey!!
We also did the Broadway Dance on the Wii. No videos, BUT the sight of my Uncle dancing to Hairspray's Good Morning Baltimore was so fun! (I told my son he has no excuses when we take the Wii to Tahoe for the family reunion)
AND my Aunt and Cousin danced to Timewarp from the Rocky Horror Picture Show! I was out of breath just watching them! okay, just laughing with them!
I got to see Adriana three times this weekend. I babysat yesterday morning, while her mom coached basketball then she joined us for dinner last night and she and her parents joined us for lunch this afternoon.
overall, a wonderful way to spend the weekend. Next weekend will be good too! got a crop!!
So sleepy, working tomorrow...gotta make up for my day off last week. ha!!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
what an interesting week...
had a little 'episode'...I'm fine...but it was scary.
so, for the past couple of days I have not been doing any exercising, just taking it easy, and boy do my muscles miss it! I hope to do something, aerobics, wii stuff, yoga tonight.
I've got family visiting, they arrived late last night. Its really only for today, as they will leave Sunday morning. My Uncle Phil and his new wife, my new aunt, Irina from Slovakia and my cousin Aimee, who lives in So Cal. NICE to get the chance to visit, though they are all sleeping in right now.
I got to spend the afternoon with Adriana yesterday. Went shopping with her and her mom. OOOOH, she missed her nap, and boy did she get g r u m p y toward the end...but even grumpy she was still ADORABLE!
here's a pic at Baja Fresh, she HAD a white shirt under the coveralls BUT we had a li'l incident with a slurpee at Walmart...I can highly endorse bleach pens!! But as Nyki said, without her shirt, and just her overalls...she really did look like an "Indiana" baby..ha!!

she did not care for the black beans...they'd go in her mouth, get mushed a bit and then came right back out!

"uh-ooh" as the beans went down her clothes! teehee
so, for the past couple of days I have not been doing any exercising, just taking it easy, and boy do my muscles miss it! I hope to do something, aerobics, wii stuff, yoga tonight.
I've got family visiting, they arrived late last night. Its really only for today, as they will leave Sunday morning. My Uncle Phil and his new wife, my new aunt, Irina from Slovakia and my cousin Aimee, who lives in So Cal. NICE to get the chance to visit, though they are all sleeping in right now.
I got to spend the afternoon with Adriana yesterday. Went shopping with her and her mom. OOOOH, she missed her nap, and boy did she get g r u m p y toward the end...but even grumpy she was still ADORABLE!
here's a pic at Baja Fresh, she HAD a white shirt under the coveralls BUT we had a li'l incident with a slurpee at Walmart...I can highly endorse bleach pens!! But as Nyki said, without her shirt, and just her overalls...she really did look like an "Indiana" baby..ha!!
she did not care for the black beans...they'd go in her mouth, get mushed a bit and then came right back out!
"uh-ooh" as the beans went down her clothes! teehee
Thursday, October 7, 2010
"oh happy day!, oh happy dayayayayaaaa"
I go to the airport and pick up the kids today! A whole week without my 'sweetpie'...ugh! No Bueno.
Been a busy week, worked Tues and Weds..for my 2 days and even did (gasp) overtime yesterday. 30 whole minutes! I know, I was traumatized, but don't worry, I had a li'l Baskin Robbins waiting for me. I called my sis to sympathize and she said she would finish her Orange Sherbet as an act of solidarity. ha!
But, happy, happy day...gonna do lots of happy dancing...my sweetpie comes home today!!!
Been a busy week, worked Tues and Weds..for my 2 days and even did (gasp) overtime yesterday. 30 whole minutes! I know, I was traumatized, but don't worry, I had a li'l Baskin Robbins waiting for me. I called my sis to sympathize and she said she would finish her Orange Sherbet as an act of solidarity. ha!
But, happy, happy day...gonna do lots of happy dancing...my sweetpie comes home today!!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Lazy weekend so far...
Don't get me wrong, I did do my exercising Friday and Saturday. But, I've been house sitting this weekend, so had access to a dvd player. (our tv is not working and our dvd is 'hooked' to it)...so, Friday and Saturday, I watched the 2nd season of The Tudors. I know its 'known' for the s#x scenes...but I found myself fascinated by the battle between the Catholic church and the 'reformation'. Now, of course the show concentrated on the political 'reformers' who were not truly motivated by the Bible and their conscience. BUT as an evangelical Christian, born of the ideals of the reformation, I was fascinated.
And GLAD that this country's forefathers had the foresight to give us Freedom of Religion, and that our country cannot make laws telling us who/what/how to worship.
I looked at the scenes of the Pope in Rome...and the phrase "Power corrupts, Absolute Power corrupts absolutely" came to mind. Not a slam against the Pope in particular, but that is just human nature and why we need accountability. Power is a drug...another reason I'm glad our forefathers created the built in accountability of the three branches of government..and a freedom of the press. (though all that seems a bit 'broken' these days)
I looked at the martyrdom of Thomas More. Though I don't agree with him dying for the 'Catholic church'...I can't help but admire his convictions. By saying an 'oath', he could have saved himself. He told Cromwell, "We are both dying, me now, you later" or something close to that. powerful.
BUT what if, what if we lived in that era, where most people were illiterate and all we knew about Christ was what the priests were telling us. Would I have been against the reformers? How those Catholics must have thought that Henry VIII was the antichrist and that it was the 'end times'.
Did you see how Cromwell used "the printing press and plays' to sway the masses? How like our modern media that is. Propaganda is certainly a powerful tool. Really saw this in action in our previous election. How SNL was able to shape the perception of Sarah Palin.
Another thing this made me think, how human nature has not changed at all. We all struggle with the same needs/desires/sins. We are surrounded by our modern technology, more comfortable homes, we are now 'literate'...we women have 'rights' that women in the past did not have...but the essential human nature has not changed. We are not 'evolved' in any sense.
And of course those thoughts lead to our absolute need for a Saviour. And how thankful I am to be an 'evangelical Christian' who can read His word and have a personal relationship with Him. This is THE essential, now, do I have the strength to die for that? Cuz Thomas More and I may disagree on particulars...but can we agree on dying for our convictions?
So, this has been a fascinating weekend watching the Tudors. Giving me a lot to think about.
And GLAD that this country's forefathers had the foresight to give us Freedom of Religion, and that our country cannot make laws telling us who/what/how to worship.
I looked at the scenes of the Pope in Rome...and the phrase "Power corrupts, Absolute Power corrupts absolutely" came to mind. Not a slam against the Pope in particular, but that is just human nature and why we need accountability. Power is a drug...another reason I'm glad our forefathers created the built in accountability of the three branches of government..and a freedom of the press. (though all that seems a bit 'broken' these days)
I looked at the martyrdom of Thomas More. Though I don't agree with him dying for the 'Catholic church'...I can't help but admire his convictions. By saying an 'oath', he could have saved himself. He told Cromwell, "We are both dying, me now, you later" or something close to that. powerful.
BUT what if, what if we lived in that era, where most people were illiterate and all we knew about Christ was what the priests were telling us. Would I have been against the reformers? How those Catholics must have thought that Henry VIII was the antichrist and that it was the 'end times'.
Did you see how Cromwell used "the printing press and plays' to sway the masses? How like our modern media that is. Propaganda is certainly a powerful tool. Really saw this in action in our previous election. How SNL was able to shape the perception of Sarah Palin.
Another thing this made me think, how human nature has not changed at all. We all struggle with the same needs/desires/sins. We are surrounded by our modern technology, more comfortable homes, we are now 'literate'...we women have 'rights' that women in the past did not have...but the essential human nature has not changed. We are not 'evolved' in any sense.
And of course those thoughts lead to our absolute need for a Saviour. And how thankful I am to be an 'evangelical Christian' who can read His word and have a personal relationship with Him. This is THE essential, now, do I have the strength to die for that? Cuz Thomas More and I may disagree on particulars...but can we agree on dying for our convictions?
So, this has been a fascinating weekend watching the Tudors. Giving me a lot to think about.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
bootcamp! well, kinda
I've been doing this bootcamp on Sparkpeople, I'm on day 7 of the 28 days and whooo-ie! Those 10 minute videos pack quite the punch! Today was a 'core' workout filled with crunches and side planks...wowza. But except for Weds, I've been doing them every day and my 30 min of cardio 5 times.
So, I've been in that constant state of muscle ache...but the good kind...that lets you know you've been working out.
Can I just say, "I LOVE my new work schedule" LOVE only working 2 days a week. I do try to make sure I have something planned on my days off, something to accomplish. Yesterday was a dentist appointment, it had almost been 2 years since my last one. One cavity. And I consider that a small price to pay for neglecting it for 2 years. I have had some plaque/gum issues...and really should go in every 4 to 6 months for a cleaning.
Today, is a thorough cleaning of the bathrooms. Floors and all.
I also treat my daily exercise as my 'job'. To make sure I truly get it in...speaking of which...gotta go do my Wii Biggest Loser...if I don't have training, I'm gonna do Just Dance for cardio...loving this Wii...best investment I've made in a long time!
take care! hope its a fun active day for ya'll too!
So, I've been in that constant state of muscle ache...but the good kind...that lets you know you've been working out.
Can I just say, "I LOVE my new work schedule" LOVE only working 2 days a week. I do try to make sure I have something planned on my days off, something to accomplish. Yesterday was a dentist appointment, it had almost been 2 years since my last one. One cavity. And I consider that a small price to pay for neglecting it for 2 years. I have had some plaque/gum issues...and really should go in every 4 to 6 months for a cleaning.
Today, is a thorough cleaning of the bathrooms. Floors and all.
I also treat my daily exercise as my 'job'. To make sure I truly get it in...speaking of which...gotta go do my Wii Biggest Loser...if I don't have training, I'm gonna do Just Dance for cardio...loving this Wii...best investment I've made in a long time!
take care! hope its a fun active day for ya'll too!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wii day, yesterday!!
had fun, began the day with 30 minutes of 'just dance'...my cat goes nuts with this game, he can't decide 'what' to attack...my arms or legs.
Then in the evening did a couple of Wii Fit plus games, we set dh up with his account...he needs work with his balance...and it gave him a fit age of 62! I am 54...but I'm the obese one..he weighed in at like a 24 BMI...odd.
and then we boxed on Wii Sports. I WON!! I don't know how, but I did.
Finished it with the 24 minute moderate yoga routine on Biggest Loser.
Fun day on the Wii..I did finish other household chores, also. I was a good girl. Even read 3 chapters from our Financial Peace book.
AND did not take a nap, was tempted to, but did not do it, so I did fall asleep much easier, also.
Today, after a few morning chores...I get to babysit this afternoon. It is my 'who needs a treadmill, I'm chasing Adriana workout'...this morning I think I should do some ab work. Lots of aerobic type stuff yesterday.
I've had a layout on my desk for a while, would like to 'tackle' it. From Christmas last year...two more layouts and my book for Adriana for 2009 is done! I can start 2010!
So, off the computer, time to accomplish my 'stuff'!!
Then in the evening did a couple of Wii Fit plus games, we set dh up with his account...he needs work with his balance...and it gave him a fit age of 62! I am 54...but I'm the obese one..he weighed in at like a 24 BMI...odd.
and then we boxed on Wii Sports. I WON!! I don't know how, but I did.
Finished it with the 24 minute moderate yoga routine on Biggest Loser.
Fun day on the Wii..I did finish other household chores, also. I was a good girl. Even read 3 chapters from our Financial Peace book.
AND did not take a nap, was tempted to, but did not do it, so I did fall asleep much easier, also.
Today, after a few morning chores...I get to babysit this afternoon. It is my 'who needs a treadmill, I'm chasing Adriana workout'...this morning I think I should do some ab work. Lots of aerobic type stuff yesterday.
I've had a layout on my desk for a while, would like to 'tackle' it. From Christmas last year...two more layouts and my book for Adriana for 2009 is done! I can start 2010!
So, off the computer, time to accomplish my 'stuff'!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
sleep, what is that?
The past couple of nights my sleep patterns have been odd. Saturday, woke up at 4am...could not go back to sleep. I did take a nap @2pm....went to bed at 10:45...and could not fall back to sleep! Last time I looked at the clock it was almost 1 am...then woke up again at 7:30am. Wha??? I've heard it is a 'sign of getting older' that you need less sleep. BUT I LIKE SLEEP! I WANNA SLEEP!
hmmmmm...menopause? I have a friend, Mary, who reads all night and did not sleep much at all. w e i r d.
soooo, yesterday was the fundraising dinner at church. I got to do one of the tables,

my first table was a li'l plain, but dd gave me some ideas and this was the final product. We had to do our own centerpiece (which I did not know till the morning of setup) But not bad for someone who was wandering around the house looking for something...anything...ha!
I tried to 'practice' photographing by candlelight, but my subjects (ds and ddil) balked after the 3rd attempt. The articles I read said slow speed, no flash...well, I could not figure out how to turn off the flash with the slower speed choices on my point and shoot. So, last night, not good for photography practice.
The day before, I practiced some 'rule of thirds'..went around the outside of the house and just shot stuff...including peeling paint and cracks in the cement. I guess the best example are these of mom's sunflower stepping stones...the first is with it centered

yeah, a li'l boring.
Then tried this angle...a li'l more interesting. Gotta keep experimenting!!

Today is a pool party at the church, and my li'l sweet pie likes the water...so I'll bring my camera. Now with her, you need the 'sports' setting...ha!!
hmmmmm...menopause? I have a friend, Mary, who reads all night and did not sleep much at all. w e i r d.
soooo, yesterday was the fundraising dinner at church. I got to do one of the tables,
my first table was a li'l plain, but dd gave me some ideas and this was the final product. We had to do our own centerpiece (which I did not know till the morning of setup) But not bad for someone who was wandering around the house looking for something...anything...ha!
I tried to 'practice' photographing by candlelight, but my subjects (ds and ddil) balked after the 3rd attempt. The articles I read said slow speed, no flash...well, I could not figure out how to turn off the flash with the slower speed choices on my point and shoot. So, last night, not good for photography practice.
The day before, I practiced some 'rule of thirds'..went around the outside of the house and just shot stuff...including peeling paint and cracks in the cement. I guess the best example are these of mom's sunflower stepping stones...the first is with it centered
yeah, a li'l boring.
Then tried this angle...a li'l more interesting. Gotta keep experimenting!!
Today is a pool party at the church, and my li'l sweet pie likes the water...so I'll bring my camera. Now with her, you need the 'sports' setting...ha!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
catching up..
whew~! I'm ready for my 5 day weekend...teehee.
though it will actually be a busy one. I've tried real hard not to become a 'slug' with my new time to myself. And have kept quite busy.
Monday, I went to the dr. Its been more than 3 years since my last cholesterol blood test and pretty sure 10 years since my tetinus vaccine...so, they gave me a vaccine that also combines pertussis (whooping cough) and since I'm a grandma, I was okay with it. But ya'll know those tetinus shots, they HURT for like 3 days afterwards.

We had excitement at work. There is a mouse in a coworker's cube! She has seen him, he even came out and ate her salad she walked away from. Wish I'd gotten a pic of that! anyways, despite 2 days of mouse traps, he still hasn't been 'caught'. Another coworker named him Houdini. I wish we could just let him be, but he is 'living' in the compartment where all the wires are kept...and if he chews thru that, that could be a problem. And of course the sanitation issues... But still, SHE gets a pet at work!
I haven't been doing a photo a day...I'm having issues with the memory card. When I contacted Nikon, I was told I was using an 'unauthorized card'...w h a t e v e r. But from now on, I am going to pay a few more dollars and buy a name card. siiiiiigh.
I was talking to my mom this morn..SHE is worried about my niece's eating habits so she wants ME to talk to her mom, my sis. Um, okay, I'll interfere from 2000 miles away! actually, I did email my sis a letter to her daughter...that I'm not gonna send to her daughter. just talking about what I've learned about metabolism, and how skipping meals causes your body to store more calories instead of burning them.
aye yi yi
Today, was a list of errands...and I restarted Farmville. After months off, I finally 'cleaned up' my li'l farm and planted a crop. Texas Bluebonnets aka lupines. So, I'll need to harvest tonight at 7pm... do I really want to return to that madness...of having to be at the computer to 'harvest' nonexistent crops?
Okay, time to feed the dogs and the horse! Dh is at a golf tournament, so I get to be the farmhand...a real one!
though it will actually be a busy one. I've tried real hard not to become a 'slug' with my new time to myself. And have kept quite busy.
Monday, I went to the dr. Its been more than 3 years since my last cholesterol blood test and pretty sure 10 years since my tetinus vaccine...so, they gave me a vaccine that also combines pertussis (whooping cough) and since I'm a grandma, I was okay with it. But ya'll know those tetinus shots, they HURT for like 3 days afterwards.
We had excitement at work. There is a mouse in a coworker's cube! She has seen him, he even came out and ate her salad she walked away from. Wish I'd gotten a pic of that! anyways, despite 2 days of mouse traps, he still hasn't been 'caught'. Another coworker named him Houdini. I wish we could just let him be, but he is 'living' in the compartment where all the wires are kept...and if he chews thru that, that could be a problem. And of course the sanitation issues... But still, SHE gets a pet at work!
I haven't been doing a photo a day...I'm having issues with the memory card. When I contacted Nikon, I was told I was using an 'unauthorized card'...w h a t e v e r. But from now on, I am going to pay a few more dollars and buy a name card. siiiiiigh.
I was talking to my mom this morn..SHE is worried about my niece's eating habits so she wants ME to talk to her mom, my sis. Um, okay, I'll interfere from 2000 miles away! actually, I did email my sis a letter to her daughter...that I'm not gonna send to her daughter. just talking about what I've learned about metabolism, and how skipping meals causes your body to store more calories instead of burning them.
aye yi yi
Today, was a list of errands...and I restarted Farmville. After months off, I finally 'cleaned up' my li'l farm and planted a crop. Texas Bluebonnets aka lupines. So, I'll need to harvest tonight at 7pm... do I really want to return to that madness...of having to be at the computer to 'harvest' nonexistent crops?
Okay, time to feed the dogs and the horse! Dh is at a golf tournament, so I get to be the farmhand...a real one!
Monday, September 13, 2010
weekend...oh weekend...where did you go?
Not much of a weekend for crafting or even photography...one day didn't do anything interesting. The next day the lighting was sooo bad, no matter what setting I tried, I couldn't get good pics...tried a few, but no go.
I was a 'slug' on Saturday, I did read a Nicholas Sparks book, The Choice...which, OMGoodness, will absolutely make you cry. But other than that, my biggest accomplishment was leaving a 'butt print' on the couch. Not a good day.
Sunday was better, Michael J and I went to my bff's stepdad's 80th birthday celebration in San Jose. Sooooo Wonderful to see the old family and friends that go back to...oh, my youth. Michele and I met when I moved to CA my senior year of high school. It was kinda funny, we lived on opposite ends of the same street, had to take the same path to the bus each morning. I could hear her walking behind me. She's shy, I'm shy...but one time, I just turned around and introduced myself. We became 'joined at the hip'...seriously, I think our parents' considered surgery to seperate us. She saved me. I was 'lost', I was sent to CA to live with my dad cuz I'd had a little trouble with drugs in Texas. The first day at the bus stop, I did gravitate to fellow 'pot heads'...but my friendship with sweet, innocent and yes a couple of years younger, Michele, kept me from falling back into that druggie lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, in Texas, I was an 'experimenter' never a heavy user, but I was lucky enough to get arrested at age 16...3 months later, I'd have gone to jail...anyways, it was the wake up call I needed. My family needed and lucky for me, they acted.
Her family (except her older sister) accepted me and made me part of the family, like another daughter. I wonder how they felt when Michele brought me home, with my wild permed hair (it was the late 70's) and concert t-shirts...and jeans so tight, I had to lay down on the bed to zip them! holy moly!! If my dd had brought home such a sight, would I have been as welcoming and gracious?
But I got to become a part of a wonderful Portuguese family (think the family in my big fat Greek Wedding) and fortunately for me, I still am. My kids grew up calling her mom, Grandma Mary.
So it was great to see everyone, see the next generation all grown up ...okay that part was hard. Sure made me feel old, to be one of the middle aged ones...but that's the 'cycle' of life, huh. Before we are ready, we will be the patriarch/matriarch of such family gatherings. siiiiiiiigh.
We are planning our family get together in November. We are all getting together the first part of November for the holidays. Since Jason is working both Thanksgiving and Christmas...and Cierra and Chris have 'other' family to spend holidays with too (cough cough)....so, for this year, we are getting together this way. We are still the middle aged ones, as Dh's parents will be there...We will have 4 generations together with Adriana...its really cool to think about. And the 'young ones' have 'stepped up' and claimed a lot of the meal preperation...so nice.
Speaking of other family, J and Nyki are planning a trip to Indiana, early October. I know, I've got it great, I only have to 'share' Adriana with the 'other g'ma' once a year...Nyki tells me her mom cried when they left last year. I KNOW how she felt, I'd be so empty without the kids in my life. Its hard enough with C and Chris in Texas...we try to see them a couple of times a year, but is that really enough?
okay, this is getting long...ya'll have a great FAMILY filled day if you can.
I was a 'slug' on Saturday, I did read a Nicholas Sparks book, The Choice...which, OMGoodness, will absolutely make you cry. But other than that, my biggest accomplishment was leaving a 'butt print' on the couch. Not a good day.
Sunday was better, Michael J and I went to my bff's stepdad's 80th birthday celebration in San Jose. Sooooo Wonderful to see the old family and friends that go back to...oh, my youth. Michele and I met when I moved to CA my senior year of high school. It was kinda funny, we lived on opposite ends of the same street, had to take the same path to the bus each morning. I could hear her walking behind me. She's shy, I'm shy...but one time, I just turned around and introduced myself. We became 'joined at the hip'...seriously, I think our parents' considered surgery to seperate us. She saved me. I was 'lost', I was sent to CA to live with my dad cuz I'd had a little trouble with drugs in Texas. The first day at the bus stop, I did gravitate to fellow 'pot heads'...but my friendship with sweet, innocent and yes a couple of years younger, Michele, kept me from falling back into that druggie lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, in Texas, I was an 'experimenter' never a heavy user, but I was lucky enough to get arrested at age 16...3 months later, I'd have gone to jail...anyways, it was the wake up call I needed. My family needed and lucky for me, they acted.
Her family (except her older sister) accepted me and made me part of the family, like another daughter. I wonder how they felt when Michele brought me home, with my wild permed hair (it was the late 70's) and concert t-shirts...and jeans so tight, I had to lay down on the bed to zip them! holy moly!! If my dd had brought home such a sight, would I have been as welcoming and gracious?
But I got to become a part of a wonderful Portuguese family (think the family in my big fat Greek Wedding) and fortunately for me, I still am. My kids grew up calling her mom, Grandma Mary.
So it was great to see everyone, see the next generation all grown up ...okay that part was hard. Sure made me feel old, to be one of the middle aged ones...but that's the 'cycle' of life, huh. Before we are ready, we will be the patriarch/matriarch of such family gatherings. siiiiiiiigh.
We are planning our family get together in November. We are all getting together the first part of November for the holidays. Since Jason is working both Thanksgiving and Christmas...and Cierra and Chris have 'other' family to spend holidays with too (cough cough)....so, for this year, we are getting together this way. We are still the middle aged ones, as Dh's parents will be there...We will have 4 generations together with Adriana...its really cool to think about. And the 'young ones' have 'stepped up' and claimed a lot of the meal preperation...so nice.
Speaking of other family, J and Nyki are planning a trip to Indiana, early October. I know, I've got it great, I only have to 'share' Adriana with the 'other g'ma' once a year...Nyki tells me her mom cried when they left last year. I KNOW how she felt, I'd be so empty without the kids in my life. Its hard enough with C and Chris in Texas...we try to see them a couple of times a year, but is that really enough?
okay, this is getting long...ya'll have a great FAMILY filled day if you can.
Friday, September 10, 2010
some more pics...
with my new work schedule, 2 days a week, riding in with dh, I have the freedom to take pics while commuting. On Weds morning, I noticed how the clouds were being reflected onto dh's car window, reflected back thru the mirror. When I grabbed the camera, dh did laugh at me...but I think the pics turned out cool. I used the 'museum' setting hoping it would give true colors.

while babysitting Adriana last night, I tried to capture a bit of the blue light coming from the tv screen on her face...had a little luck...more luck with the refection of her finger on the screen.

well, gotta go, I can see a 'lavender' colored sunset thru the office window I want to try to capture...
with my new work schedule, 2 days a week, riding in with dh, I have the freedom to take pics while commuting. On Weds morning, I noticed how the clouds were being reflected onto dh's car window, reflected back thru the mirror. When I grabbed the camera, dh did laugh at me...but I think the pics turned out cool. I used the 'museum' setting hoping it would give true colors.
while babysitting Adriana last night, I tried to capture a bit of the blue light coming from the tv screen on her face...had a little luck...more luck with the refection of her finger on the screen.
well, gotta go, I can see a 'lavender' colored sunset thru the office window I want to try to capture...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
9-7 photo ...playing with 'portrait'
the original idea was to take Adriana outside and also play with the sun behind me again...ha!! that girl does NOT stay still.

I asked Nyki to not clean her face after her strawberry snack...hoping to highlight it in the pic...hmmmmmm
this is the fave of the day, captured while she was climbing on the couch..siiiigh
I asked Nyki to not clean her face after her strawberry snack...hoping to highlight it in the pic...hmmmmmm
this is the fave of the day, captured while she was climbing on the couch..siiiigh
new work schedule!
Over the weekend, Michael made me a 'proposition'...he told me (with approval from Art)...I could work a 2 day work week! The only 'caveat' is, I have to ride in with him those 2 days...which means leaving at 7am and not returning till close to 7pm. They figure if I do 2 days of 8 hours, well, the reality, that is still more than I've been averaging per week, lately. AND by saving the $50 a week it takes to fill up my tank...its a win-win for the finances. Soooo, I think I'll start working on Weds and Thurs...that way, I am available to my li'l sweet pie, if her mom needs me. teehee
Family news, to start the weekend I learned that my estranged sister emailed my family, my kids and husband with some new accusations against me. The 'proof' she attached to her email only served to show how unstable SHE is. I asked them to not respond to her, because whatever is said, will only strengthen her narrative. That's what she does, she twists things to fit her 'reality'. I seriously think she has at least borderline paranoid schizophrenia. My bro-in-law read the email, as I forwarded it to them, and he pointed out that all though she was phrasing the accusations as if she was protecting her son, you could see that the email was truly all about her. That side of the family says she is NPD. Whatever she is, trying to reason with her is not possible. I told my dh, we could send her our phone records for the past 3 years...and it would not change her 'narrative'. Facts do nothing to change her mind.
Also, my other sis is going thru some tests the next couple of days. Thyroid. Please pray that the doctors find what they need and are able to give her the treatment she needs.
Okay, so here I am with an unexpected day off...what to do...oh, scrap!! The weekend was spent making cards. I'm in a swap, one of the ladies dropped out...and an 'angel' did step up, but I've been making the missing cards, 'just in case'...that way they are available if the 'angel' does not come thru...and I have extra cards if she does... 'win win'.
Family news, to start the weekend I learned that my estranged sister emailed my family, my kids and husband with some new accusations against me. The 'proof' she attached to her email only served to show how unstable SHE is. I asked them to not respond to her, because whatever is said, will only strengthen her narrative. That's what she does, she twists things to fit her 'reality'. I seriously think she has at least borderline paranoid schizophrenia. My bro-in-law read the email, as I forwarded it to them, and he pointed out that all though she was phrasing the accusations as if she was protecting her son, you could see that the email was truly all about her. That side of the family says she is NPD. Whatever she is, trying to reason with her is not possible. I told my dh, we could send her our phone records for the past 3 years...and it would not change her 'narrative'. Facts do nothing to change her mind.
Also, my other sis is going thru some tests the next couple of days. Thyroid. Please pray that the doctors find what they need and are able to give her the treatment she needs.
Okay, so here I am with an unexpected day off...what to do...oh, scrap!! The weekend was spent making cards. I'm in a swap, one of the ladies dropped out...and an 'angel' did step up, but I've been making the missing cards, 'just in case'...that way they are available if the 'angel' does not come thru...and I have extra cards if she does... 'win win'.
Monday, September 6, 2010
photogs 9-5 and 9-6
9-5, Sunday, after church we went to lunch, then our friends came to our place to visit with their 2 year old son...perfect opportunity to use that sports setting!
Since I don't know how they feel about their child's pic and the internet, I'll only post this one of his back. How fun! but my faves were not the 'action' shots, it was when he sat down and gave me a 'loook'.

it was kinda like this one, one of my faves of Adriana...

yeah, this one.
Oh, ya'll should have seen Adriana during lunch, she and Nyki joined us at Las Gaviotas. Anyways, Michael started to choke a little on a corner of a chip, he went to grab her sippy cup of water, we hadn't been served drinks yet...as he reached for it...she gave him the Marine corps drill instructor point!!!. It was perfect! Yes, as the daughter of former Marines...she is learning some things...Like the 'war face', the 'd.i. point' and she 'marches' while daddy calls out cadences...siiiigh.
back to photography, this morning, I thought I'd play with the portrait mode...took this one of Winston, now we are both inside and his face is facing the back door and the light....and this got me thinking

the 10 tips article in Digital Photography School says the best light is natural light behind you...Michael was outside studying his Bible, and the sun was streaming in toward the house...so I went outside to shoot some with keeping the light behind me (I never really think about where the sun is and the light) now, he is under the patio, so the light is limited to what is streaming in from behind me.

Now, I realize in order to think more 'photographically' I should have moved a couple of chairs...varied the angles...and such, but as my excuse, I stepped out in my pj's concentrating on where the sun was streaming in...
So, off to scrapbook today. Hoping its a pajama morning if not pajama day. ha!!
Since I don't know how they feel about their child's pic and the internet, I'll only post this one of his back. How fun! but my faves were not the 'action' shots, it was when he sat down and gave me a 'loook'.
it was kinda like this one, one of my faves of Adriana...
yeah, this one.
Oh, ya'll should have seen Adriana during lunch, she and Nyki joined us at Las Gaviotas. Anyways, Michael started to choke a little on a corner of a chip, he went to grab her sippy cup of water, we hadn't been served drinks yet...as he reached for it...she gave him the Marine corps drill instructor point!!!. It was perfect! Yes, as the daughter of former Marines...she is learning some things...Like the 'war face', the 'd.i. point' and she 'marches' while daddy calls out cadences...siiiigh.
back to photography, this morning, I thought I'd play with the portrait mode...took this one of Winston, now we are both inside and his face is facing the back door and the light....and this got me thinking
the 10 tips article in Digital Photography School says the best light is natural light behind you...Michael was outside studying his Bible, and the sun was streaming in toward the house...so I went outside to shoot some with keeping the light behind me (I never really think about where the sun is and the light) now, he is under the patio, so the light is limited to what is streaming in from behind me.
Now, I realize in order to think more 'photographically' I should have moved a couple of chairs...varied the angles...and such, but as my excuse, I stepped out in my pj's concentrating on where the sun was streaming in...
So, off to scrapbook today. Hoping its a pajama morning if not pajama day. ha!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
pics for Sept 3 and 4!
So, yesterday as I stepped out of the shower and saw the water drops on the tile, I immediately thought...wonder if I can take a pic that shows these drops. Yeah, pretty funny, wet woman runs out of the shower to grab her camera. (I know, I'm quite the dork) Anyways, after a couple of tries, okay several, I tried the indoor/party option and got them!!

This morning, 9-04 I was awakened by dh's camera alarm at 5:45 am...so, got up and tried to capture the sunrise. I found this interesting...these pics were taken within a minute of each other, but the colors are sooooo different,

this one was taken with the Dawn/dusk setting, the next with Landscape mode...
I like both of them...

okay, so I'm hoping tomorrow to get some opportunities to play with the sports setting ...
gonna head for my scrapbooking room - my fave place - except when I get to babysit!
This morning, 9-04 I was awakened by dh's camera alarm at 5:45 am...so, got up and tried to capture the sunrise. I found this interesting...these pics were taken within a minute of each other, but the colors are sooooo different,
this one was taken with the Dawn/dusk setting, the next with Landscape mode...
I like both of them...
okay, so I'm hoping tomorrow to get some opportunities to play with the sports setting ...
gonna head for my scrapbooking room - my fave place - except when I get to babysit!
Friday, September 3, 2010
my pics for Sept 1 and Sept 2
so, Sept 1,
decided to take a pic of the first thing I see each morning, the view from my bedroom to my living room. As you can see, I love color. I love to mix colors in each room...from floor to ceiling. The first pic, set on auto, did not work out, so I played with the settings...and museum is what gave me this. Don't you just love the look of light streaming into a room?

so, I also took this one, the light streaming thru the blinds and the metal screen..I love light...esp as it is streaming thru, reflected by objects. I love to put colored glass infront of light.
Sept 2,

this is at our gate, it isn't a spider web, it is from our cotton wood tree. but looks webby...also it is stronger than a web...I like all the 'textures' in this pic, the roughness of the wood post, the 'nature' in the trees and growth and the twig even caught in the 'web'.
so, I've made a decision, a while back, I took out the music from my blog, as a courtesy to others as there was a 2Peas thread that said they don't like music ...esp if they read blogs at work. But today, I'm going to put music back. There is a song that is truly meaningful to me that I want to hear when I come on...so, just letting you know, if you 'pop on' during work hours, I will soon have music again.
decided to take a pic of the first thing I see each morning, the view from my bedroom to my living room. As you can see, I love color. I love to mix colors in each room...from floor to ceiling. The first pic, set on auto, did not work out, so I played with the settings...and museum is what gave me this. Don't you just love the look of light streaming into a room?
so, I also took this one, the light streaming thru the blinds and the metal screen..I love light...esp as it is streaming thru, reflected by objects. I love to put colored glass infront of light.
Sept 2,
this is at our gate, it isn't a spider web, it is from our cotton wood tree. but looks webby...also it is stronger than a web...I like all the 'textures' in this pic, the roughness of the wood post, the 'nature' in the trees and growth and the twig even caught in the 'web'.
so, I've made a decision, a while back, I took out the music from my blog, as a courtesy to others as there was a 2Peas thread that said they don't like music ...esp if they read blogs at work. But today, I'm going to put music back. There is a song that is truly meaningful to me that I want to hear when I come on...so, just letting you know, if you 'pop on' during work hours, I will soon have music again.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
a new book...
I started a new book last night, called "Taking Flight...Inspiration and Techniques to give your Creative Spirit Wings by Kelly Rae Roberts. The first chapter encourages you to listen to the 'whispers' of your heart by keeping a journal and by reflecting on what your 'dreams' were in your youth. Also to confront a 'fear' you have to grow as a person.
She gives her own story, how at age 30 she started journaling and re-found her dream to create...and how the first step for her was running.
Well, through this blog and Sparkpeople, I've been journalling. Kinda hard to do it on pen and paper, for me, simply because I have horrible handwriting. But I do have a gorgeous book I picked up at a 'day after Christmas' sale at Borders. soooo, I'll give that a try.
But I knew that childhood dream I never did, never expressed and learned how to do...photography. Now, I'm 49 years old and back then photography meant the detailed cameras with different lenses and a darkroom. Today, we have digital that does all that 'thinking' for you. Sooo, I won't attempt learning an old fashioned camera, I'll use my Nikon point and shoot. BUT since it is the start of a new month, my goal will be to photgraph something every day...something that 'moves' me.
I was looking at my Florence pics yesterday, to start scrapping them for my album...and I remember this photo I took at Michaelangelo Square...

its just a railing with grafitti..but I like it.
so, what else can I do, besides take a pic a day to develop my photography..guess I can read about it...can find photographers I admire and follow them (much like I do with scrapbooking) find some blogs and message boards...immerse myself in that world a little everyday.
That something I'm afraid of? I know that too...dance. I am so completely uncoordinated...I can't even do combo moves on my wii Biggest Loser exercise program without getting lost. What was it, a punch with fist, tap foot, lift leg combo? aye yi yi.
so, I'm off, to give my 'creative spirit' wings.
And I would recommend this book to anyone..I mean I am no traditional artist, can't draw, paint ...any of that...but I think all of us have a 'creative spirit' inside.
She gives her own story, how at age 30 she started journaling and re-found her dream to create...and how the first step for her was running.
Well, through this blog and Sparkpeople, I've been journalling. Kinda hard to do it on pen and paper, for me, simply because I have horrible handwriting. But I do have a gorgeous book I picked up at a 'day after Christmas' sale at Borders. soooo, I'll give that a try.
But I knew that childhood dream I never did, never expressed and learned how to do...photography. Now, I'm 49 years old and back then photography meant the detailed cameras with different lenses and a darkroom. Today, we have digital that does all that 'thinking' for you. Sooo, I won't attempt learning an old fashioned camera, I'll use my Nikon point and shoot. BUT since it is the start of a new month, my goal will be to photgraph something every day...something that 'moves' me.
I was looking at my Florence pics yesterday, to start scrapping them for my album...and I remember this photo I took at Michaelangelo Square...
its just a railing with grafitti..but I like it.
so, what else can I do, besides take a pic a day to develop my photography..guess I can read about it...can find photographers I admire and follow them (much like I do with scrapbooking) find some blogs and message boards...immerse myself in that world a little everyday.
That something I'm afraid of? I know that too...dance. I am so completely uncoordinated...I can't even do combo moves on my wii Biggest Loser exercise program without getting lost. What was it, a punch with fist, tap foot, lift leg combo? aye yi yi.
so, I'm off, to give my 'creative spirit' wings.
And I would recommend this book to anyone..I mean I am no traditional artist, can't draw, paint ...any of that...but I think all of us have a 'creative spirit' inside.
Monday, August 30, 2010
odd week
my li'l Adriana had croup, it started Thursday, I saw her on Fri and Sat...but Nyki says that she had a 'more normal' voice by Sunday. phew! I HATE it when she is sick, I can't tell you the sleepless nights I had! Now, her parents have cold symptoms, but I seem to be spared. Not even a sore throat. DARN. I even shared food and drink with her... oh well, need another excuse to get out of work.
I got to crop yesterday...got all my Nice, Monaco and Monte Carlo pics done!
Because I wasnt' sure about whether I was going to get any symptoms, I did not decide to go till Sun morning. So, I just packed real quick...and took essentials. Not many embellies, but figured I could embellie at home. Feels real good to get them down on paper.
Michele, just did a 'count'...I have already done 48 layouts of our trip, and I just finished Rome and the French Riviera...at this rate I'll need at least 3 books!
As you scrappers know, some of the layouts I LOVE! and some I'm a li'l ehhh about..but hopefully as I finish embellishing...we'll see.
Oh, Webster's Pages Seaside Resort...perfect collection for the French Riviera...I'm just sayin'...those papers are sooooooooooo beautiful! Also, used Graphic 45 Romantique for the Church in Monaco (where Princess Grace and Prince Ranier were married) Can I call it the "Fairy Tale Wedding of the Century"...I'm sure I can, cuz Princess Di and Prince Charles's marriage was not.
So, gotta finish the details..and prepare for our next stop...Florence...Firenze!!!
I got to crop yesterday...got all my Nice, Monaco and Monte Carlo pics done!
Because I wasnt' sure about whether I was going to get any symptoms, I did not decide to go till Sun morning. So, I just packed real quick...and took essentials. Not many embellies, but figured I could embellie at home. Feels real good to get them down on paper.
Michele, just did a 'count'...I have already done 48 layouts of our trip, and I just finished Rome and the French Riviera...at this rate I'll need at least 3 books!
As you scrappers know, some of the layouts I LOVE! and some I'm a li'l ehhh about..but hopefully as I finish embellishing...we'll see.
Oh, Webster's Pages Seaside Resort...perfect collection for the French Riviera...I'm just sayin'...those papers are sooooooooooo beautiful! Also, used Graphic 45 Romantique for the Church in Monaco (where Princess Grace and Prince Ranier were married) Can I call it the "Fairy Tale Wedding of the Century"...I'm sure I can, cuz Princess Di and Prince Charles's marriage was not.
So, gotta finish the details..and prepare for our next stop...Florence...Firenze!!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
sooo, went to email my 'other' sis a happy b-day
I went on her fb thru a mutual friend, figured I'd leave her a message, and saw this under her picture.
decided not to leave her a happy b-day, my life is so much better without her and her stuff in it.
Had to delete some people due to the spying of 'B' using her daughter's account. CHARACTER? NOT!
I go out for prayer requests and she puts an evil spin-REALLY?
We had a second opinion yesterday on his skin lesions and another one removed.
decided not to leave her a happy b-day, my life is so much better without her and her stuff in it.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
took a couple of days off work, and was real lazy this weekend
oh my! sooooooo lazy Saturday and Sunday...watched tv, read books, scrapped a very little. Almost tooo lazy. (though I LOVE lazy, pajama days)
then, spent yesterday with Adriana (to free up Nyki so she could finish a couple of projects with a looming deadline)...wow, no chance to be lazy at all. (I napped when she did) That little girl is active, active and active!! But sooooooo much fun. We did watch a you-tube video, "Wheels on the Bus" that features her favorite Baby Einstein puppets. She did not want to eat her carrots, so g'ma ate them. She is soooo funny, she does not share food very much, (kinda like her auntie Cierra) anyways, she had no trouble sharing those carrots with g'ma.
today, I took the day off. BUT I WILL NOT be lazy. I just put up a post-it to remind myself that the tv is only on for treadmilling. It is my weakness, if it is on, I'll become a slug.
So, I was reading blogs on Sparkpeople. I ran across someone who is on an 8 week challenge. Because I've been so un-motivated these past couple of months, think I'll go on my own 8 week challenge. So, starting today...for 8 weeks, I am going to focus...no more li'l cheats, like an 'occassional pepsi'...not for the next 8 weeks. I ordered Biggest Loser for my wii...looking forward to getting it. But in the meantime, on that treadmill or do boxing or something on Wii Sports. Plan menus again. I've actually done well with my August daily goals. well, some of them. siiiiiiigh
Tomorrow is my sisters' birthdays. Yes, plural, they are twins. I did send a card/gift to one of them. We have a 'tradition' of sending each other scrap supplies, the ones we 'overbuy' as gifts. A small bag of an assortment collected thru the year. For my birthday, she sent me a selection ( actually a big one of K and Company's Blue Awning) (one of her favorite collections) I used some for some of the pics from my cruise to the Mediterranian.
The other sis, I haven't sent a card yet. She's the one I had the big bruuhaha with a couple of weeks ago. I don't want to 'not' send her anything, as I am the only family who is still in contact with her...but I don't know what to say. I made some cards at my last Expo, and picked one to send...but...what do I write in it? I know she will probably just throw it away, and that's okay, if that is what she does...I just have to do my part, you know what I mean?
then, spent yesterday with Adriana (to free up Nyki so she could finish a couple of projects with a looming deadline)...wow, no chance to be lazy at all. (I napped when she did) That little girl is active, active and active!! But sooooooo much fun. We did watch a you-tube video, "Wheels on the Bus" that features her favorite Baby Einstein puppets. She did not want to eat her carrots, so g'ma ate them. She is soooo funny, she does not share food very much, (kinda like her auntie Cierra) anyways, she had no trouble sharing those carrots with g'ma.
today, I took the day off. BUT I WILL NOT be lazy. I just put up a post-it to remind myself that the tv is only on for treadmilling. It is my weakness, if it is on, I'll become a slug.
So, I was reading blogs on Sparkpeople. I ran across someone who is on an 8 week challenge. Because I've been so un-motivated these past couple of months, think I'll go on my own 8 week challenge. So, starting today...for 8 weeks, I am going to focus...no more li'l cheats, like an 'occassional pepsi'...not for the next 8 weeks. I ordered Biggest Loser for my wii...looking forward to getting it. But in the meantime, on that treadmill or do boxing or something on Wii Sports. Plan menus again. I've actually done well with my August daily goals. well, some of them. siiiiiiigh
Tomorrow is my sisters' birthdays. Yes, plural, they are twins. I did send a card/gift to one of them. We have a 'tradition' of sending each other scrap supplies, the ones we 'overbuy' as gifts. A small bag of an assortment collected thru the year. For my birthday, she sent me a selection ( actually a big one of K and Company's Blue Awning) (one of her favorite collections) I used some for some of the pics from my cruise to the Mediterranian.
The other sis, I haven't sent a card yet. She's the one I had the big bruuhaha with a couple of weeks ago. I don't want to 'not' send her anything, as I am the only family who is still in contact with her...but I don't know what to say. I made some cards at my last Expo, and picked one to send...but...what do I write in it? I know she will probably just throw it away, and that's okay, if that is what she does...I just have to do my part, you know what I mean?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Long week, filled with family drama.
Don't want to go into it, but to summarize...Weds morn, get a call from the sis no-one else is talking to...did some research into her claims, 'called' her on it, screaming ensued, I hung up. Got an insulting text, and then she defriends my dd and I from her FB and leaves a post calling me evil. Later in the afternoon, got a 'what happened, I thought we were ok email'...All of which I ignored. Thurs there was an incident at her home, police were called. I think she has mental issues and is on a serious 'downward spiral'.
This all stems from a 'custody change order' she is pursuing. They go to court on Monday...please pray for my nephew, though he is 14 and has 'petitioned the court' the judge will not talk to him.
I don't understand my sister, esp the incident Thurs night...yes, she may physically restrain and legally keep her 14 year old son from leaving, now. But doesn't she realize once he becomes an adult, he won't have anything to do with her? He HATES her now...if she continues this behaviour...how does she think things will get better? My own mom is in 'hiding' from her. She does not even want this sis to know where she is living, mom left her cell phone here, and wants no contact.
In my sister's mind, it is never about her and her behaviour, its always because people are 'turned against her'. Yes, there is a natural 'pulling away' by teen boys with their mothers, but her s'mother mother techinques and this incident only magnifies that. But she will NEVER see it.
As a child, she was the family 'crybaby'...my mom says,whenever she was called into the office for her, it was always because the 'teachers don't like me'...so, her 'victim mentality' started young.
As a young woman, she was diagnosed 'manic depressive', then she got in a car accident and after that got addicted to prescription drugs...she also did recreational drugs as a teenager. I blame the drugs for this break from reality.
Her reality is simple, she is always the victim. She needs a villian, and on Weds, I became it.
My other sis and I think she has NPD, and a co-worker who I've shown the text, FB post and email, thinks she may be paranoid schizophrenic.
I don't know, but caught in the middle is my 14 year old nephew...who wants to get away. He has already stated that if she gets custody, he is running away. Please pray for him.
thanks for letting me vent.
This all stems from a 'custody change order' she is pursuing. They go to court on Monday...please pray for my nephew, though he is 14 and has 'petitioned the court' the judge will not talk to him.
I don't understand my sister, esp the incident Thurs night...yes, she may physically restrain and legally keep her 14 year old son from leaving, now. But doesn't she realize once he becomes an adult, he won't have anything to do with her? He HATES her now...if she continues this behaviour...how does she think things will get better? My own mom is in 'hiding' from her. She does not even want this sis to know where she is living, mom left her cell phone here, and wants no contact.
In my sister's mind, it is never about her and her behaviour, its always because people are 'turned against her'. Yes, there is a natural 'pulling away' by teen boys with their mothers, but her s'mother mother techinques and this incident only magnifies that. But she will NEVER see it.
As a child, she was the family 'crybaby'...my mom says,whenever she was called into the office for her, it was always because the 'teachers don't like me'...so, her 'victim mentality' started young.
As a young woman, she was diagnosed 'manic depressive', then she got in a car accident and after that got addicted to prescription drugs...she also did recreational drugs as a teenager. I blame the drugs for this break from reality.
Her reality is simple, she is always the victim. She needs a villian, and on Weds, I became it.
My other sis and I think she has NPD, and a co-worker who I've shown the text, FB post and email, thinks she may be paranoid schizophrenic.
I don't know, but caught in the middle is my 14 year old nephew...who wants to get away. He has already stated that if she gets custody, he is running away. Please pray for him.
thanks for letting me vent.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Santa Clara Scrapbook Expo aka heaven on earth
This year, I got to go to the Expo! and stay at the adjoining Hyatt all 3 nights, what can I say..it was heavenly. (I also had to relinquish the credit card when I got home, it is now locked in the safe)
Thursday, left work early...and checked in, unpacked (which i never do, I usually live out of the suitcase)..@6pm got my will call tickets...back to the room, where I read a little James Patterson and went to sleep. Soooooooo relaxing
Friday morning, had breakfast delivered 6am. (figured high calories would keep me from overdoing throughout the day). Was lined up for the all day crop by 7:30...found my friends' reserved table and got the table next to them. On Friday, at our table was just me and Ashley, and she was running late, so I plugged myself to my MP3 and got a LOT of layouts done. Went to the copics class, learned airbrushing...yes, I bought a set-up...and cropped till 11:30! Oh, Ashley and I did go out for a late dinner, she needed to re-park closer to the convention center...and stopped at Joanne's...why Joanne's?...there wasn't much cardstock for sale on the convention floor, and J's was having the core ones 5 for a $1, and everything else 40%off.
I actually won a couple of prizes...the copics class, my name was drawn for a package of paper...the distress class, my name was drawn for distress ink, I picked the green...and at the 2nd crop, my # was drawn and I got a chipboard book...I NEVER win...so, I was pretty excited.
Saturday, got the same table, but this time it was me, Ashley, Nyki and Michele...well, was 'visiting' more, so not as many pages done...maybe 6.
I was first in line and got our same table...no breakfast, which of course meant more random munching thru the day. Used up all my cash, so had to hit the ATM for money for dinner. Ashley got us takeout (she grew up in the area, and knows all the spots)...YUMMY Italian.
Okay, 'idiot' moments. Friday, I brought my gypsy...but forgot my cord! Had to call Nyki and ask her to bring me the cord and a cart so I could use my gypsy...and it worked GREAT on Saturday...but note to self, bring my own matt..the ones there are not so great.
Saturday, my nose is a li'l 'drippy', so I decide to take an allergy pill, as I pop it in my mouth...'wait, that's pink"...yeah, I took a nighttime one. I did not fall asleep during the day, but drank 3 pepsis!! prob another reason I wasn't as productive..cuz I was in a fog.
Both my classes were excellent, taught by Christina Guardini (?)...anyways would highly recommend her. The first was copics the second painting with distress inks.
I liked the shopping on the floor, I didn't see much for cardstock, though there was the buy it by the pound and AC packs...but the color selection was not for me.
The booths I did the most damage at were Cricut Dan (had to have the gel pen set and a cart)...Tattered Angels...Tessler Stamps...Pugnacious Stamps..and a li'l embellishment place called Mimi's (I think) sold the net butterflies, had $1 grab bags, must have picked up a dozen or more...Krazy Kreations...these are what come to mind. Did not see Scrapbook and Stickers (I like their pp selection) and the Cat's Pajama's stamps (they are soooo cute!). Only one booth even had BG packs and coordinating cardstock. But there were at least 3 - One Dollar type booths. I did go to one, Scrapbuck...but passed on the others.
Though I missed a couple; overall, I wasn't disappointed.
Came home yesterday, and still haven't fully unpacked...I'll try to get some pics of layouts up...but, here is my 'take' from that embellie booth...
from the $1 grab bags.
Thursday, left work early...and checked in, unpacked (which i never do, I usually live out of the suitcase)..@6pm got my will call tickets...back to the room, where I read a little James Patterson and went to sleep. Soooooooo relaxing
Friday morning, had breakfast delivered 6am. (figured high calories would keep me from overdoing throughout the day). Was lined up for the all day crop by 7:30...found my friends' reserved table and got the table next to them. On Friday, at our table was just me and Ashley, and she was running late, so I plugged myself to my MP3 and got a LOT of layouts done. Went to the copics class, learned airbrushing...yes, I bought a set-up...and cropped till 11:30! Oh, Ashley and I did go out for a late dinner, she needed to re-park closer to the convention center...and stopped at Joanne's...why Joanne's?...there wasn't much cardstock for sale on the convention floor, and J's was having the core ones 5 for a $1, and everything else 40%off.
I actually won a couple of prizes...the copics class, my name was drawn for a package of paper...the distress class, my name was drawn for distress ink, I picked the green...and at the 2nd crop, my # was drawn and I got a chipboard book...I NEVER win...so, I was pretty excited.
Saturday, got the same table, but this time it was me, Ashley, Nyki and Michele...well, was 'visiting' more, so not as many pages done...maybe 6.
I was first in line and got our same table...no breakfast, which of course meant more random munching thru the day. Used up all my cash, so had to hit the ATM for money for dinner. Ashley got us takeout (she grew up in the area, and knows all the spots)...YUMMY Italian.
Okay, 'idiot' moments. Friday, I brought my gypsy...but forgot my cord! Had to call Nyki and ask her to bring me the cord and a cart so I could use my gypsy...and it worked GREAT on Saturday...but note to self, bring my own matt..the ones there are not so great.
Saturday, my nose is a li'l 'drippy', so I decide to take an allergy pill, as I pop it in my mouth...'wait, that's pink"...yeah, I took a nighttime one. I did not fall asleep during the day, but drank 3 pepsis!! prob another reason I wasn't as productive..cuz I was in a fog.
Both my classes were excellent, taught by Christina Guardini (?)...anyways would highly recommend her. The first was copics the second painting with distress inks.
I liked the shopping on the floor, I didn't see much for cardstock, though there was the buy it by the pound and AC packs...but the color selection was not for me.
The booths I did the most damage at were Cricut Dan (had to have the gel pen set and a cart)...Tattered Angels...Tessler Stamps...Pugnacious Stamps..and a li'l embellishment place called Mimi's (I think) sold the net butterflies, had $1 grab bags, must have picked up a dozen or more...Krazy Kreations...these are what come to mind. Did not see Scrapbook and Stickers (I like their pp selection) and the Cat's Pajama's stamps (they are soooo cute!). Only one booth even had BG packs and coordinating cardstock. But there were at least 3 - One Dollar type booths. I did go to one, Scrapbuck...but passed on the others.
Though I missed a couple; overall, I wasn't disappointed.
Came home yesterday, and still haven't fully unpacked...I'll try to get some pics of layouts up...but, here is my 'take' from that embellie booth...
from the $1 grab bags.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
anyways, over the weekend something got me thinking...
We had another couple over for dinner. During the course of the conversation, dh shared a 'compliment' I had given the young lady earlier. I just commented on one of her strengths as a Christian. Her ability to be compassionate and love people and simply believe God's word. So, Michael repeated this to her...and made the comment, "And you can take that to the bank, because, Karen does not compliment ANYone, I should know".
to which I replied, "Well, I WAS raised by Ayako" (my mom is a pretty negative person, always complaining and pointing out the bad about everything)
But he is right, I'm not as bad as my mom, where I will 'look' at people and have something bad to say...but I also don't compliment/praise the people around me.
So, I've added to my daily journal the line "compliment" and am going to make it a point to say something to at least one person every day.
Yesterday, it was Betsy. She handled an odd accounting situation perfectly, and it balanced just right. So, I went to her and told her that. She looked so startled and confused....aye yi yi.
oh, my journal, because I let July get so out of hand, I am back to keeping a daily checklist of disciplines. Included are things like taking my vitamins, daily exercise, Bible reading, leaving for work on time (which I'm pushing with this blog entry) and now a daily compliment.
I'm not tracking food...but will if I start regaining. It's just a little tool to help me stay focused. Not gonna let August get away from me, and I still have weight to lose.
okay, gotta get going, I have 16 min till I gotta be out the door, and need to hang some shirts out of the dryer and pack lunch before I go!!
have a great hump-day!
to which I replied, "Well, I WAS raised by Ayako" (my mom is a pretty negative person, always complaining and pointing out the bad about everything)
But he is right, I'm not as bad as my mom, where I will 'look' at people and have something bad to say...but I also don't compliment/praise the people around me.
So, I've added to my daily journal the line "compliment" and am going to make it a point to say something to at least one person every day.
Yesterday, it was Betsy. She handled an odd accounting situation perfectly, and it balanced just right. So, I went to her and told her that. She looked so startled and confused....aye yi yi.
oh, my journal, because I let July get so out of hand, I am back to keeping a daily checklist of disciplines. Included are things like taking my vitamins, daily exercise, Bible reading, leaving for work on time (which I'm pushing with this blog entry) and now a daily compliment.
I'm not tracking food...but will if I start regaining. It's just a little tool to help me stay focused. Not gonna let August get away from me, and I still have weight to lose.
okay, gotta get going, I have 16 min till I gotta be out the door, and need to hang some shirts out of the dryer and pack lunch before I go!!
have a great hump-day!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
scrappin again!
I haven't scrapped much this month...so it feel good. I'm participating in a weekend progressive on scrapbook.com AND a correlating Bingo game.
Yesterday's progressive resulted in this lo:

A progressive is fast and crazy...it is like a 'simon says' with scrapbooking, a moderator tells a story, and based on the first response from the participants she gives instructions. Like yesterday's started with "it's been a long hot summer, how do you cool off, go for a swim or air conditioning?" AC was the first answer, so the first instruction was to do a 'sketch'. And it goes on like that for a couple of hours.
This progressive was, 1) a sketch (I found one in an old Scrapbooks Etc. mag) 2) distress your pp or bg papers, 2 different ways. I distressed the edges of the large cardstock and crumpled the small strip across. 3) 1 pic double matted and distress mat or pic 4) handmade embellies but not flowers...I made my tag and the reindeer is a cut out that I added glossy accents..5) had a list of embellies to add, I chose brads and glitter with the glitter pen. Also had to use either ribbon or fibers, I used ribbon. Then 6) the title had to be bling (so used stickles on the letters)
Also for the Bingo:
all lines have a 'lift' of some type, for this one I lifted an old lo of mine...that had masking/misting and mosaics...also needed something representing the letter C and E/F...my C is cats and E/F is fiber.
There will be another progressive today at 3pm Eastern. Ya'll should try it out.
its at Scrapbook.com under the Interactive Forms then Challenge Thread. I can't find a thread for today's progressive, but HERE is yesterday's.
Yesterday's progressive resulted in this lo:
A progressive is fast and crazy...it is like a 'simon says' with scrapbooking, a moderator tells a story, and based on the first response from the participants she gives instructions. Like yesterday's started with "it's been a long hot summer, how do you cool off, go for a swim or air conditioning?" AC was the first answer, so the first instruction was to do a 'sketch'. And it goes on like that for a couple of hours.
This progressive was, 1) a sketch (I found one in an old Scrapbooks Etc. mag) 2) distress your pp or bg papers, 2 different ways. I distressed the edges of the large cardstock and crumpled the small strip across. 3) 1 pic double matted and distress mat or pic 4) handmade embellies but not flowers...I made my tag and the reindeer is a cut out that I added glossy accents..5) had a list of embellies to add, I chose brads and glitter with the glitter pen. Also had to use either ribbon or fibers, I used ribbon. Then 6) the title had to be bling (so used stickles on the letters)
Also for the Bingo:
all lines have a 'lift' of some type, for this one I lifted an old lo of mine...that had masking/misting and mosaics...also needed something representing the letter C and E/F...my C is cats and E/F is fiber.
There will be another progressive today at 3pm Eastern. Ya'll should try it out.
its at Scrapbook.com under the Interactive Forms then Challenge Thread. I can't find a thread for today's progressive, but HERE is yesterday's.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
long time...
this has been a busy month at work, lots of govt forms and stuff. But, one by one, was able to get through them. Was able to 'wipe off' the last one, the quarterly census, off the white board yesterday! F R E E D O M !!
AND TWO odd issues from 2007 to deal with. One a customer who realized their po's were wrong and so they ended up paying tax. So they want us to refund them and shortpay our present taxes to the State. UMMM, no, your mistake, you appeal to the State and I don't 'jerry rig' my returns. I am sure if you go to the State and say, "hey, my purchase orders were incorrect 3 years ago"...they would be more than happy to audit you. But I ain't lying on my forms!
AND the City of Vallejo informed us that because we sold $200 of product to them in 2007, we are required to file a business license with them! WHAT! The reg they cited has to do with contractors doing work in the city, but they are saying it also covers companies that ship! I've heard they are bankrupt and desperate, but YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!
So, I'm a little behind in prepping for the monthly close....I've usually got all my spreadsheets ready to just 'plug and go'...oh well!
And I'm off for the rest of the month, 2 days, an eye doctor appt this morning and my bookkeeping at the church on Friday.
What to do? since my eye dr appt is in Modesto, think I'll go SHOPPING!!
I've signed up for Fri/Sat all day crops at Santa Clara Expo, so need to start planning/packing. I ordered pics from the cruise, just the first 2 stops, Rome and Monaco...over 100 pics! So, guess I'll concentrate on those lo's.
And of course, there is plenty of housework to keep me busy. Been cleaning window sills and casings (fun, fun)...got half done, can finish the other half. AND been thinking about re organizing my kitchen cabinets. There is a thread on 2 Peas, called Branches, that is inspiring me. ahhhhh man!!
Over the past weekend, did reorganize a bit in my scrap room. Actually, moved more to mom's suite to make room. Pretty soon, that suite will be an extension of the craft room, one corner already is! ha!!!
AND TWO odd issues from 2007 to deal with. One a customer who realized their po's were wrong and so they ended up paying tax. So they want us to refund them and shortpay our present taxes to the State. UMMM, no, your mistake, you appeal to the State and I don't 'jerry rig' my returns. I am sure if you go to the State and say, "hey, my purchase orders were incorrect 3 years ago"...they would be more than happy to audit you. But I ain't lying on my forms!
AND the City of Vallejo informed us that because we sold $200 of product to them in 2007, we are required to file a business license with them! WHAT! The reg they cited has to do with contractors doing work in the city, but they are saying it also covers companies that ship! I've heard they are bankrupt and desperate, but YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!
So, I'm a little behind in prepping for the monthly close....I've usually got all my spreadsheets ready to just 'plug and go'...oh well!
And I'm off for the rest of the month, 2 days, an eye doctor appt this morning and my bookkeeping at the church on Friday.
What to do? since my eye dr appt is in Modesto, think I'll go SHOPPING!!
I've signed up for Fri/Sat all day crops at Santa Clara Expo, so need to start planning/packing. I ordered pics from the cruise, just the first 2 stops, Rome and Monaco...over 100 pics! So, guess I'll concentrate on those lo's.
And of course, there is plenty of housework to keep me busy. Been cleaning window sills and casings (fun, fun)...got half done, can finish the other half. AND been thinking about re organizing my kitchen cabinets. There is a thread on 2 Peas, called Branches, that is inspiring me. ahhhhh man!!
Over the past weekend, did reorganize a bit in my scrap room. Actually, moved more to mom's suite to make room. Pretty soon, that suite will be an extension of the craft room, one corner already is! ha!!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
in Florence!!
so, we are spending the weekend in Florence, Florence Oregon, that is..the central coast visiting with Merritt and Carita (my inlaws)...very nice relaxed visit.
Oregon is beautiful, if you like coastal views, sand dunes, and bears and stuff...and a cool to cold breeze. However, for me...nah, I grew up in Texas...so no cold for me. I SHOULD not be wearing a jacket to take a walk in JULY!! something about that just throws me off center! However, it is really pretty...and no mosquitos! But can you imagine the weather in winter! no way.
when I get home to upload, I'll have some pretty pictures ...and for us scrapbookers that is all that matters, right?
as you can guess the 'diet' is out the window! last night was dinner at Riley Steakhouse, YUMMMY!! clam chowder, garlic toast, hand trimmed NY steak, baked potato with cheddar cheese...yeah. Tonight, we are going to have another couple over (friends of the in laws) and dungeness crabs.
Today, while the boys hop on over to the nearby Indian Casino, Carita and I are going shopping in 'old town'. We drove thru yesterday, very nice seaside town.
Wonder what Adriana 'needs'...ha!!
Yesterday, they took me a scrapbook store in town...and it had a good selection! It really specializes in cards, stamps and such, and her samples were awesome! She actually let me take a picture of a set she was throwing out..for inspiration for a product I bought. I was expecting just 'old' product..but I picked up some good stuff. Can't wait to go home and play! If I lived here, I'd be going to her classes and crops, there is also a big quilt store and a bead store that offers classes. (guess I should reconsider wanting to live here) nah! still too cold!
I'm sure I can find these things in the DFW...where we are presently planning to retire...hey, where the grandkids are, that is where we are going. (DS talks about moving to FW)..and dd and dsil are already there!
Oregon is beautiful, if you like coastal views, sand dunes, and bears and stuff...and a cool to cold breeze. However, for me...nah, I grew up in Texas...so no cold for me. I SHOULD not be wearing a jacket to take a walk in JULY!! something about that just throws me off center! However, it is really pretty...and no mosquitos! But can you imagine the weather in winter! no way.
when I get home to upload, I'll have some pretty pictures ...and for us scrapbookers that is all that matters, right?
as you can guess the 'diet' is out the window! last night was dinner at Riley Steakhouse, YUMMMY!! clam chowder, garlic toast, hand trimmed NY steak, baked potato with cheddar cheese...yeah. Tonight, we are going to have another couple over (friends of the in laws) and dungeness crabs.
Today, while the boys hop on over to the nearby Indian Casino, Carita and I are going shopping in 'old town'. We drove thru yesterday, very nice seaside town.
Wonder what Adriana 'needs'...ha!!
Yesterday, they took me a scrapbook store in town...and it had a good selection! It really specializes in cards, stamps and such, and her samples were awesome! She actually let me take a picture of a set she was throwing out..for inspiration for a product I bought. I was expecting just 'old' product..but I picked up some good stuff. Can't wait to go home and play! If I lived here, I'd be going to her classes and crops, there is also a big quilt store and a bead store that offers classes. (guess I should reconsider wanting to live here) nah! still too cold!
I'm sure I can find these things in the DFW...where we are presently planning to retire...hey, where the grandkids are, that is where we are going. (DS talks about moving to FW)..and dd and dsil are already there!
Friday, July 9, 2010
will I finally 'do it'
I've had this sitting on my scrapdesk since the weekend..I pulled out a piece of the Webster's Pages I've been collecting. I think it is perfect with the pic...but oh, will I actually use it? these papers are so darn pretty!!
Feels like its been a looooooong week. So ready for today..though I have my church duty, and a guy is coming to fix our alarms. We've been having them go off in the garage...but the rest of the day...hmmmm. There is a slight possibility of going to see Eclipse. I plan to make enchiladas for dinner. My enchiladas are very plain, no spicy for me, so I figure they would be okay to take as leftovers and share with Adriana tomorrow. Yay!
Saturday will be an Adriana day, her parents are taking a friend to Yosemite! Gotta feeling I'll be exhausted...but I can't wait! I haven't seen her since Weds, for her dad's birthday...and I am having withdrawals...ha!!
I'll share one of my fave recent pics, I was sitting there taking her picture (again) when she came up and sat on my lap and gave me this look...what do you think she was 'saying'? teehee.
Monday, July 5, 2010
been making cards...
for the swap on Scrapbook.com...here are the last 3 sets I did:
these are the men's b-day cards, used the cricut Summer Vacation cart for the cars.
and here is the mess I made while working on the fall cards, I wanted to use my 'radiant rain' glimmer ink on the leaves. First I did a layer of gesso, cuz in the past when I used the ink on cardstock, it would soak in...the first layer of brown ink looked gray...so I used red and it poured out instead of daubered out...
my finger is still red from it. What I wanted was orange/brown leaves with a touch of red...what I got was red/purple leaves ...so I ended up layering them with some tea dye crackle paint, glitter and glossy accents...what a mess! BUT I did use my slice for the frames and tags. My slice is acting up, cutting through the image, but what I am doing is when I see the blade go back to the start point, I am lifting my Slice off the paper. And it works for me. I really like my Slice, I don't like that it is acting up. siiiiiiiigh
last but not least, my women's bday card. Used the Bloom Cricut Lite cart from Walmart...bought it yesterday while shopping with ddil. I KNEW I loved those bird cages...ha! and the flower is a fabric technique the scrappin' group was taught during a crop last weekend.
I won't 'give it away'... but its pretty cool and simple.
but working with that black ink...aye yi yi...I had to restart a couple of times from ink smears.
So, today is my day off...making it pajama day..think I'll do some layouts next.
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