like I'm really going to do them! ha!!
1) lose weight......always resolve to do this. This year I have a plan, riiiiight, gotta have the discipline to do what I know I should do, but don't do. Keep the notebook Kristen started me on, treadmill every day, cut the pepsi all the stuff.
2) already have a list of 2009 scrappin' goals: projects to finish, no more stuff shopping! (except club kits and such that I am committed to.) I made the list to put on my scrap room, so hopefully I will use it, mark it off and motivate..right?
I'm tempted by the idea of the Project 365, but think I'm going to try 2 Peas Calendar Girls, though my calendar is a 2007...but I think that will be okay.
If not I'll lift from the other calendar girls!!
3) get the stuff in storage, OUT! We've lived here over 2 years, its time. Now, both dh and I have 'bum' backs, so this is going to have to be done a little at a time. So, even if I just grab a couple of boxes a week, right?
4) Work More, I committed myself to 4 days a week, 8 (?) hours. I'll take every Monday off to be my appt/errands/mom day. (after the 2008 close) We have 3 babies due in 2009 in our office,(including my grandbaby) so everyone is going to be needed to help and adjust to some new duties.
5) Read more, esp to study the Bible, watch less tv. time to make it treadmill tv, again. My one hour in the evening on treadmill. no more couch potato! HA (how long will THAT last?)
6) Cook more, while living in the trailer (while house was built)...(think camping trailer, not double wide)...I got totally out of the cooking/planning meals habit.
an icebox instead of a fridge will do that to you...double ha!!
okay, that's enough resolutions to break!!
Hope ya'll have a wonderful New Year's Eve, we actually have plans,old fogies that we are, we will be with our Bible Study group,a li'l potluck. We told them we usually celebrate New Years Eastern Standard Time, so we are in bed @ 9 pm here in CA...let's see if we make it!!