Saturday, December 29, 2007
Do you let what others think about scrapbooking/card making products influence your buying/creating?
When it comes to some tools, yes. When I read about bad experiences and tools that simply do not work, I do avoid them.
When it comes to stores, yes. I will stay away from the stores with reports of horrible customer service.
But product/embellies, no. I just use what I want, whether or not its popular.
I work today. Oh, well. I traveled so much in the month of December, I am so far behind. Christmas was good, dh's family was here and it was nice. The one brother's drinking was monitored, so no 'fight' this year. but I have to admit one of the highlights was trying to weigh the Christmas ham with my mil. She took it out of the box so it would fit in the fridge, we ended up weighing her and then weighing her with the was goofy.
Had fun spoiling dh and dil...we will celebrate with dd and her sweetie at the end of the month. So I plan to leave the tree up.
2008 is promising to be interesting. We have 3 graduations in the family, dd and neice from college in May, ds from the police acadamy in June and sister's wedding reception in March...and dare I say it, a potential wedding this fall. Nothing official, just talking and planning...a little.
Oh, and my mom wants to move back. With sister marrying, she wants to come here...should be ineresting. So as ds and dil move out of the suite, I am moving her stuff back in. (its been stored here since last December)
and I'm still working on my Christmas journal...hopefully tomorrow there will be concentrated time to type up my journaling.
Take care and have a great pre-New Year weekend. If I remember correctly, the Japanese 'tradition' is that what you do on New Year's day is what you will be doing the rest of the year. So don't shop or do major cleaning that day..good day to scrap, huh. Oh, and there is the Japanese tradition of giving money. I changed it to giving a Christian book to each of the family members, something that 'fits' with what they are going thru.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve

from 2 peas: What are your plans for Christmas Eve?
Well, gonna finish a couple of pages for dd's book, we are doing it together.
The top page is her very first one, I like how she used the journaling stips as photo matting. The 2nd page is my fave of the ones I did. But I think its the sequence of pics that I like about it.
and the 3rd pic is the top of our finally finished Christmas tree!!
I'll get a better non-lit pic of it and post it tommorrow, its gold, white and purple and looks very nice.
Oh, back to plans...cuz dd is leaving for So Cal tonight, we will probably exchange her gifts with the grandparents this afternoon. Then I'll take her to the airport for an evening flight.
Tomorrow is the big family day....
Ya'll have a great Christmas Eve.
Friday, December 21, 2007
winter season and busyness
What are three things that you enjoy most about the winter season? What three things do you dislike?
I hate winter! its cold and rainy and dark way too soon.
the only redeeming feature about winter is Christmas.
Christmas is great...though a busy time.
Been sooooo busy, so behind on all fronts. Work, home...good thing about Christmas on Tuesday is we also get Monday off. so that makes 4 days in a row without work. Still need finishing touches on decorating and the scrapbook for the in-laws.
Oh!! great news (only a fellow scrapper can understand)
DD wants to make her boyfriend a book!! So last night we pulled some papers, I told her start with her pics, choose paper and coordinating cardstock..get them down and we'll worry about embellishing later. Its a Start! But seeing the room with her eyes, I can see how intimedating it would be for someone 'new' to the scrappin world.
Have a great Friday!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
holiday memory from school.
Share a memory you have from a holiday celebration you had in school.
Can be a holiday sing, gift exchange, etc
uhhmmm, nope, can't recall a thing, only that I've pretty much blocked my school years. Not good memories at all...but I do remember my son's kindergarten program, he was the back end of a was a one-dimensional camel with cut outs for 2 kids to hold it. He is also the one who had 'lines' was all very cute.
I've been taking part in Shimelle's journal your has been fun to use the prompts to journal. Right now the journaling are in a notebook, waiting to be typed...and I have a few pages ready for the journaling and pics. I went with a landscape 8 1/2 x 11 sketch book that I will add my scrappin' to. I don't participate in the board, except to lurk a little...just no time to sit and type.
Actually my board 'participation' is down to checking out the blog thread here on 2 peas, and the swap thread...just not responding very much these days. Hopefully, I'll get a little computer time soon. But I used to be fairly active on a couple others, but I can see that they have slowed down quite a bit, guess we are all so busy.
OH, since dil and ds have moved out, I have now taken over the other half of the scrap each day, I spread my stuff out to the other side just a little more.
I have one cabinet left...(I'm packing for her)...
yeah, as I organize my space...I DO HAVE ALOT of PAPER!!!
so, gotta plan my organizing strategy.
Have a great Weds ya'll!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I'm so happy, I got a new printer!
or 2- 3x4's thru the Kodak.
from 2 peas:
What is one thing you look forward to during these last few days before Christmas?
Being done and resting. Wrapping and sending those gifts.
Visiting with friends and fact today, Monday, is an annual luncheon with 'the girls'...our kids grew up together and though they've 'moved' on us moms meet twice a year to get together and catch up. We get together in May, cuz 4 of us have May birthdays, then in Dec...for the lone birthday girl...too much fun!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm baaaaack from the wilds of Nevada...and it was COLD!! temps in the 20's...Yucky!!! Def not a gal for cold weather.
from 2 peas: What is the latest product out on the market that you couldn't live without these days?
I soooooo miss my photo printer, it broke last Oct so I sent it to the warrenty center to be fixed. A couple of weeks ago I rec'd a replacement, but a different model that I cannot use!!! it is the model with the docking station, and I use a Canon not a Kodak! and this thing did not come with a usb cord and the ones I have do not fit!! even ordered another one, still does not work. I miss my printer!!
Well, no decorated tree yet. Cierra left for SoCal on Thursday...but she returns Tues. so, hopefully she will take care of it then. I've done some of the smaller areas of the I'll just leave her the tree!!
got a hair appt and a crop today!! should be fun!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
a Christmas memory
A Christmas memory...hmmm, as a child I remember when my dad got my mom a gift, a jewelry box..after we had opened our gifts, he went to the car and got it for her. It was memorable, because I don't remember my dad giving my mom any other gift.
Another one was when our family rented a house in Long Barn, we could have a white Christmas...well, it was a shack..the entire building was not even level, the electricity was a series of extension cords, and the bunk beds broke when my son jumped into the top one..(thank God dd was not in the bottom one) BUT it was a great Christmas, kept simple, we just gave each other homemade notes in stockings and went to the local restaurant for dinner. It was great!!
so, those are my memories.
Christmas is coming on too fast for me. BUT we got the tree up tonight, DD is helping a friend plan a wedding and looking into the possibility of a career as an event planner, so I told her decorating the tree and home would be perfect practice!!
Don't you agree? Soooo...she is going to decorate for me tomorrow...yay!!!
I still haven't sent Christmas cards and I am starting to panic!!
so I better get off the computer and get started!!
trip to AZ
it was quite nice, it rained pretty much the whole time we were there, BUT the hard rain was at night, soft during day. So, I can liken it to being in Hawaii, yes it rained but it was kind of nice.
OH!! Scrapbooks Etc in AZ!! whoo-wee!! whatta stop! We also ate at the little restaraunt across the street, the name escapes my but there is a pic of a girl eating a was sooooo good! run by a Greek couple, but don't think its just Greek food, I had clam chowder and a southwest chicken sandwich, and the homemade potato salad..all were soooooo goooood!!
anyways, I digress...lets just say I managed to spend over $100.00 at Scrapbooks Etc
and only got 2 packs of cardstock, the rest was in embellies and stamps. At their 50%off table were Autumn Leaves clear stamps..had to get a couple...I did get a gift for my sis Brenda, laser cut ribbon adhesives, so I wasn't totally selfish!!
then we spent the night at our friend's houseboat on Roosevelt Lake, though it was storming outside and you heard rain all night, we were securely tied to the dock, so there was no rocking. I did tell DH that if the boat starts to sink, he had to save my Scrapbooks Etc bag, first. Hey, we gotta have our priorities, right?
the rest of the weekend was spent at their home in Safford, but on the way there we stopped for some antiqueing in Miami...that's Miami, AZ...a bit of a ghost town, but the antique stores there were fabulous. Lets just say, my friends UPS'd me 2 boxes, cuz I did not have room in my luggage. I even bought a backpack to use as carryon...
Yup, eating great, lots of shopping, good friends, all equal a great weekend.
now,I'm back to work, but only for 2 days,
next up is a trip to the wilds of Nevada...Reno, that is....
Thursday, December 6, 2007
2008 scrap goals
Organize my scrap room and just start accomplishing more.
actually, for 2008, I'd like to finish a 'mother/daughter' journal I started years ago, but recently found. Start a book journal, re: 2 Peas Book club, also saw an idea on someone's blog about an art techniqe journal...thought I'd use it for different stamp/ink, its gonna be a 'journal' 2008
I'll be out of town for the weekend. DH and I are going to Arizona, to visit friends of his. I was promised a stop at Scrapbook Etc in Mesa, (that was the carrot he used)..soooooo I can't wait!! We then meet his friends at their houseboat then go their home. He's been friends w/ Mike since 3rd grade, so this could be cool.
I feel so overwhelmed, not much is done for Christmas, so I thought I'd bring my address book and Christmas Card envelopes and at least address them on the plane ride.
Ya'll have a great weekend, and if I can't get to a computer see ya Monday night, or Tues morn!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
My swap stash
Here's my 2 peas Ornament/Secret Sister Exchange gifts!!
so much fun, love the papers and ribbon and vintage buttons, bling, a couple of transparancies, Prima hydrangea petals, KItatoo rubons, MME Bohemia rub ons, even glue dots and a handmade fold out album in pink and green( very cool)...but no name, so I don't know who to thank.
but Thank You!! I love it all, and will use it!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Do you prefer to attend crops online or in person? Explain why you like one over the other
In Person!! I know its harder to pack...but I do prefer being with the gals.
I'm going to stamp camp this morning, so I don't have much time to blog.
Yesterday was a good day, well, the work part was okay. But after work, we went to our friend's house for a tree trimming and Cioppino...yummmmmm
They are so smart, the don't like to trim the tree, so they invite friends over...they cook a great meal and we trim their tree. It works!!
after stamp camp, I hope to scrap...I may work tomorrow, as I have 3 days off and it is month end. (for accounting, it is my busiest time, getting those books closed)
maybe I'll have some pics of projects to share tomorrow..or Monday..
have a great weekend, ya'll
Friday, November 30, 2007
goodness...and good news..
I think goodness is ultimately practiced when we truly do put others before ourselves. When we think of someone elses needs, both physical and emotional and seek to fulfill those needs, even without reward to ourself.
Goodness is also in the first taste of fresh baked brownies, the smell in the air after a rainstorm, the feel of my cat's fur in the morning, the sound of genuine heartfelt laughter and the sight of a package delivered to me!!
Good news...
It's official, my son is a new recruit for a Bay Area police dept. Because he values his privacy, I'll only say its a town South of San Francisco and North of San Jose. Orientation starts Dec 10, the acadamy starts Dec 17...YIKES!!
I'm happy for him, because this is his dream...but...a police officer!
So, son and dil are making plans to move into an apt closer to his I can turn the suite of rooms into my library/crop room, right...But this morning I got the news that my sister is engaged!! Soooooo, my mom wants to move back to Ca with us!!!
My mommy is coming home!! poor Michael...
and I get to buy a new Christmas tree, Michael went to pull it out of the garage for me, and says it reeks of mouse urine. a reason to shop! oh, I never need a reason, do I?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
one skill...
Only one? I wish I could sing, dance, draw, paint...budget my spending, eat well and exercise... how do I pick just one? hmmmmmmmm
Above all, I wish I could 'say the right thing', I have a friend who is going thru a painful time...and I wish I could say something to help. (this is her first holiday since losing her 18 year old son over the summer) I leave her unanswered voice messages, I just don't know how to reach her. should I give her space, should I show up at her door...should I keep calling?
Usually, I'm comfortable with my social awkwardness...but sometimes...I wish I just knew the right thing for someone who is hurting.
I know how much it meant to me to receive the comments from yesterday's post about my dad.
Thank you to those who did.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
a tough day,
He was killed in a car accident 16 years ago on a Nevada highway.
He was an IBM computer programmer during the 60's and 70's,you know when a computer was a whole room of machines and they used punch cards to key info and got those big green and white computer reports...we kids had so much fun when he brought those reports home.
He was contracted by IBM to work on the NASA Apollo Projects...he was one smart cookie. You know, in the Apollo 13 movie when those guys pull out slide dad was one of those guys.
I remember when he said that he buys "on the obsolete edge of technology", because even 16 years ago, once you get the new computer product, there was a new better one coming out. I wonder what he'd think today with the laptops, ipods, usb key fobs, digital cameras...and that KIDS have these things.
My dad was also the kind of guy, that if he found out you were passionate about something like politics, he'd argue the other side, just to get a 'rise' out of you.
I do miss him,
Happy Birthday, Daddy.
I Love you.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
holiday tradition
from 2 peas:
If there was one holiday tradition you could share with someone other than your family. What would it be and what does it mean to you?
I thought of 2... First, I send out family letters with Christmas cards, I would LOVE to receive some from friends and family (with pictures) . I love getting these (maybe thats why I blog)..maybe the why is because I am nosy.
And the second, is each year we participate in Operation Christmas Child
and Angel Tree
and both are a simple reminder of what Christmas should be about,
as opposed to getting swept up in the materialism...
(though I do love to shop, so I tend to overshop also)
I do want to decorate, but with our naughty grand-kitty, the consensus is he will climb the Chrismas tree.. the above pic was taken when he was a kitten (not a tree, but you get the idea) , he is now 3 years old..I am hoping he's outgrown the habit. Am I being naive?
I have the day off for a dentist appt, I think I'm gonna put up the tree (undecorated) and see what happens.
Monday, November 26, 2007
friendship essential. and a lesson learned
What is the essential core of friendship for you?
Honesty, I always appreciate honesty in a friendship...I find that I am drawn to people who are even very blunt in their honesty...some people are put off by that, may see it as rude, but I find it refreshing and delightful. Maybe because that is how my mom is. But I'd say my closest friends are those who will look me in the eye, and tell me when I am wrong. Some are subtle (like Michele) some are godly (like Lucy) and some are just blunt (like Francine). Even my dd and dil are honest with me, and I appreciate it.
well, I learned a little lesson yesterday.
We have 6 people living at the house for now. 2 over 40, 4 in their 20's...we are sharing one set of washer and dryer...and those machines were busy all weekend.
Well, I had a load to put in the when the dryer buzzer went off, I went to check..I thought it was dd's laundry (so no big deal). I see these red/green/white nylon shorts, so I thought, she got herself some shorts from I pull them out to see...
Oh, they were shorts from Italy, from Florence...yeah
there was a picture from the statue of David, a picture of his male-ness,
placed at the anatomically correct place on the shorts!
It wasn't disgusting, just surprising, so I let out a loud gasp!!
who should run in to check on me? DD and Chris! They thought I saw a mouse or spider. As soon as he realizes what is going on, Chris tells dd, 'she saw the shorts!' and started laughing so hard, he was doubled over. DD tells me, 'it was
just a joke....' in between her own giggles.
Lesson learned, when sharing a washer/dryer with young people..and the buzzer goes off, yell out 'the machine is done', do not open the door!!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
last movie...and...
what was last movie you watched?
does High School Musical on Friday count? as far as going to the Theater...ummm, last May, saw Georgia Rules...or DVD, would probably be Transformers.
So, yesterday DH met 'the boy'(Chris)...he did very well, kinda.
He introduced himself and told Chris,"mi casa, tu casa"..then supervised while Chris worked on his brakes and rotors. DD and I had to leave for an appointment,
so by the time we got back, Chris and DS were in the "back forty" shooting at targets...DH was reading a paper in the garage. The rest of the day was spent with the 3 of them fixing a section of fence and Chris rode the horse. By the end of the day, the boys had bonded. DH even told DD, "when do you bring him back?"
We have a nice dinner, and right after everyone eats...DH pulls out his "Application to Date my Daughter"...Chris was a good sport and verbally answered each question.
We were laughing so hard..there was one question that said something about "What part of Don't Touch My Daughter don't you understand", at this time DD had her hand on Chris's DH gestured at her to move her hand...she responded, "it doesn't say I can't touch him!!"
After dinner, we are standing around talking and DH says, 'hurry up and have babies"
DD and I were so flabbergasted, we left..then he says, "I sure do know how to clear a room!" Chris simply explained he wanted to finish school before babies.
Just too much fun.. Watch out mothers of daughters!! Your Hubby's can become goofballs (oh, my dh already was one) when their 'princess' brings home a boy!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
creativity is important
Why is creativity important?
I think creativity is important because it takes us outside of ourselves, it is a way to express what is inside..I cannot imagine a world without the arts, without would be a very cold mechanical world.
My feet are still hurting from yesterday's shopping!! DD and I got up at 2:30 am to be at Mervyn's opening at 4 am. YIKES!! Then, I was so stupid, went to Wallyworld a li'l after their 5am opening...CRAZY-NESS...but some good doorbusters...but there was NO getting into the electronics dept. Then off to the mall, Macy's, Sears, Borders Books...C tried Victoria's Secret, but there was no way to even get in!!
The worst line was Express, curved throughout the store. So while C was in the dressing room I got in line...and their sale was only 20% off!! BUT we were done by 11AM...and had a nice Olive Garden lunch, our waiter was J's best friend in high school, so we gave him a mega-tip...and went home and napped!! Pulled out my credit card and told dh, 'its melting!!, see the smoke coming off this thing?"
I was so tired, my own snoring would wake me up a couple of times!!
I watched High School Musical, I wanted to see what the hype was about...
it was cute!! and the tunes were catchy...I just might get a cd!!
and around midnight, the 'boy' arrived, but it was so late, we have not officially welcomed him yet. DH (completely 'egged on' by DS) was going on about how he would step out on the driveway with his wife-beaters and boxers, pretend to have chewing tobacco and of course, his shotgun...but he slept.
I told dd that 'I'm sorry, I probably should have had 3 more daughters so you wouldn't be the only one, and they wouldn't carry on like that" Geeeeeee
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I'm back, airport fun and travel!!
I'm back from the 'wilds' of Los Angeles!
Monday, I arrived at LAX at 2:30, C's flight did not arrive till 6:10, but that was okay...I had my book. 3 hours later I finish my book and look up and guess what? the flight was delayed till 7:40!!!
but I did okay, and I was good, though assaulted by the scent of cinnabons...I did not cave. (at my weakest moment I just figured I'd drop it all over my shirt, and C would 'catch' me)
I finally saw her at 8:30, after she went thru customs...I was soooooooo happy...but I did not squeal and cry like the people around me. As you can guess, there were also groups of college kids and families to greet the kids as they got off the plane, the kids probably felt like rock stars...cuz people would cheer and squeal and stuff as they walked up the platform. C said after 24 hours of travel..from Greece to London then London to was a bit overwhelming and she just wanted to leave.
BUT waiting for her at the hotel,(her surpise) was a tall, cute Okie...and he is cute in she had a little space to get a little refreshed. It was a great surprise, he brought her roses and red pearls (her b-day gift)...
ANYways....yesterday was a long day before Thanksgiving drive, but not toooo awful. We left the hotel at 7:30 for an appt she had in Hollywood, then left that about was a "crawl" for a while but after the Grapevine (around 2pm) there was people around us, but we were moving pretty much at 75 to 80 mph, except for a few brake lights. so we were home by 6pm...
from 2 peas, what are you thankful for?
I am soooo thankful for my family and will be fairly small, just 7 people, us and dh's brother and girlfriend...but that sounds great to me...
and thankful to live in the USA...
after some of dd's stories, it just reinforces that we do live in the greatest country in the world.
Saturday, November 17, 2007

from 2 peas: What are you scrappin plans for today?
No scrappin for me, but there is a crop tomorrow I'll go to for a while.
Monday I leave for LAX to pick up DD...I haven't seen her since August and I am so excited! So, today will be laundry, cleaning, a little packing, yesterday was payday, so bill paying, shop for Thanksgiving (won't be home till Weds evening) and I'd like to settle down and start a Christmas list.
I got a call from her sweetie on Thurs night. He wants to plan a surprise for her... now, they have an 'odd''s the nuts & bolts...met last year at the Marine Corp ball...
up/down off/on relationship (to their credit when they broke up it wasn't cuz of fights or lying or cheating, it was cuz it was getting too intense too fast) because when they met in Novemeber (at the Marine Corp ball) they both knew he'd be leaving for Iraq in April and she was leaving for Europe in August.
So, they would try to cool it, then stay 'friends', then it would get 'intense', break up, try to be 'just friends'...well you see the cycle.
So, right now, after being separated, they have decided that they can't fight what they honestly feel for each other and are going to accept it...and be in a relationship. (actually I'm just a little dizzy, at one point told her I don't want to hear anything about them till they are having their first child!!)
So, he calls on Thursday, now I've been teasing dd, after he got out of Iraq in the beginning of this month, they were able to finally talk to each other as opposed to email and text, and she told me, "that she had forgotten how 'cute' he sounds". Now, after Thursday's call, I have to say, um,yeah, he does sound cute...he has an Oklahoma accent that is quite dreamy.
HA!! (oh, baby, I'm not gonna talk about the surprise!!) so there.
So I get to pick up my baby on Monday!! help Chris surprise her!!
But no 2 peas for 3 days, unless she hooks me up to her laptop in the hotel room.
If this is my last post till I get home, just want to wish all of ya'll a
HAPPY THANKSGIVING and hope that it will be just a blessed time for you and your families and friends.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
had a good time at my stampin up class, Terry taught us how to "diaper fold" to make paper holders (used Apple Cider paper) and we made coaster ornaments (using their Wintergeen paper)...wintergreen looks ho-hum in the catalog, but IRL very nice.
They are having a buy 3 packs get one guess who spent too much money, again!
So, I come home, only to find the above cat, Castor, in my craft room. (This is the only pic on my work computer..but you can tell his personality from it)
Anyways, yesterday during lunch I made a Walmart run, and had bought the mega-stockings filled with cat toys. Well, guess what I found out of the bags and on the floor of my craft room...the stocking of toys...and guess who was looking oh, so innocent. I tell you, Castor is worse than a toddler...but I sure will miss him when the kids move and take him...
But, then.. I can put my Scarlett O'Hara doll back on the entertainment center...I had to put her up on the mantle, cuz Castor was fascinated by the feathers in her hat.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Ya'll are probably wondering why I don't have many pics and layouts of ds and dil...well, let me tell you...Those stinkers don't take pictures!!
They went to a Renassaince Faire, "hey, kids, take pictures!!" "don't worry we will"
They come back with 12 pictures, they forgot the memory card, it was a new camera...okay learning curve!! Out of the 12 pics, are they in them? NO!!
pics of a sign, of the Queen, of acrobats, but none of the I explain to dil, I WANT PICS OF YOU AND J!!!...(good explanation, huh?)
So, last weekend they went to Oregon to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday with my inlaws..great time for pics, right? Pics I was planning to use in my yearly letter. So, "hey, kids, take pictures!!" "don't worry we will"...when they come home..."where are my pics?".."um, we left the camera in the truck"...
Now, they are going camping this weekend with a family from church...I am sooooo tempted to call the mom and ask her to make sure they take pics!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I spend a lot of time online because...
I'm addicted!!!
pure and simple.
I'm having a busy week, which I love, last night was a craft night with the girls, we learned how to make 'pinecone' ornaments from styrofoam shapes with folded paper and lots of pins...but they are so cute...even Nyki liked it when I brought it home.
Thinking of making a 'fall' one for the thanksgiving table.
Weds, is my Stampin Up stamp class...Terry always has cool projects and techniques.
Sat is potluck at church and Sunday is a crop (yay!!) and Monday...I PICK UP MY ANGEL from the Airport!!! insert happy dance. I'm even smiling at work and that causes my co-workers to wonder what I am up to!!
I haven't seen her since August!! and she hasn't downloaded pics since Switzerland,okay a couple from Ibiza and a couple from Italy, but not a lot!!
sooooo I am hoping she has a camera full to download...or I may send her back.
My baby is coming hooooome, my baby is coming hooooome...yay, yay, yay!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007

from 2 peas:
Close your eyes and write about what immediately pops into your head.
Last night we had dh's best friend and wife over for dinner, when the topic turned to dd's boyfriend's visit in a couple of weeks, Don, dh's friend, said, "we need to take him to the back and shoot him...we'll shoot him in the foot, so he can limp for 6 weeks"...then dh and Don started in on WAS funny. BUT come'on are all dads like this? After they left, I asked dh, "what was that about?". Dh just said "He has daughters, he understands"
So, I'm including a recent pic of dd..she is getting ready for a night out in Ibiza.
I love this pic, but it also, takes my breath away...I still think of her as my baby, and to see this young woman takes some getting used to. Will I ever get used to her being grown up and yes, even looking a little 'gasp' s*xy?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Whatta week!!

It has been a long week! Work with minimal time at home. and what time is at home has been spent trying to put together a photo-less scrapbook for a baby shower I'm going to this afternoon. Computer time has been minimal. most unfun.
I am nervous about the gift book, cuz I know some people like them...some people don't. AND since for me, pages start with a picture, it is hard to do a page without pics.
BUT did discover this wonderful digital website. K-joi studios, lots of great ideas, kits available to download and yes, freebie and $1.00 this "chocolate" kit I can't wait to play with. I'll add a link to the sidebar
Though, I'm having 'odd' trouble with my PSE6...when I open a new element, it becomes my 'background' and I lose the previous layer. I've tried 'locking', I've hit the create new layer and highlighted it, before opening the new...but the same thing keeps happening....
2 peas question: If you could donate $1 million to any charity, which would it be and why...
I would choose Focus on the Family, because I know as a young mother starting out, they were invaluable to me. The books "Dare to Discipline" and "The Strong Willed Child" by Dr. Dobson, were at my bedside for many years. Also my kids grew up on and loved the "Adventure in Odyssey" series, I believe it could be a big reason why they look at the world and themselves the way that they do. And their counselors are terrific, when someone I know went through a traumatic experience a couple of years ago, talking to someone who understood, really helped and they also sent even more resources and recommended a counselor in her area who specialized in helping with this area.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
In less than two weeks I'll be picking up Cierra from LAX...I miss her and can't wait till she is home. But I think I've already made 4 or 5 appointments for her in the first couple of weeks she is home. Hey, when you are gone so long, you need to take care of things. AND hopefully she'll have TONS of photos to download...she says it wasn't easy, cuz it was time consuming at the internet cafes. She is in Greece now.
I left work early yesterday, I think it may have been a 'reaction' to my decongestant, I took one, then I got all 'flushed' (you know red creeping across my nose and cheeks) and clammy so I came home had soup and slept. I don't feel 100% today, a little sinus headache, sore throat and all, but that is not contagious, and I can work, so I'm going in...just a little late. I'm going to take my time getting ready, have something hot to drink...take a tylenol sinus. there is too much to do to stay home. go...go...go
Sunday, November 4, 2007
my first digital layout!

It would have helped if I had the same version of Photoshop. but since I have 6.0 and the demo was 5.0...I had to translate the menus and clicks to 6.0...since I am sooo challenged, it was hard! I still did not get the elliptical cut, drop shadow and magic wand..oh time, right? Though the 'class' had 2 layouts, I don't know when I'll have time during the week to try that one.
I started around 8 am and finished it by 3pm...took a 'frustration break' around noon.
Cost $ 99.00 for adobe program, @$35.00 for winzip (to unzip downloaded files),
$20.00 for class and $ 4.00 for digital kit...
I am on the lookout for an "Adobe Photoshop 6.0 for Dummies" book.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
class choice and well, a note about bugs
from 2 peas:
Let's talk classes at LSS
What is a class you would love to attend/see at your LSS?
I really enjoyed the Tim Holtz alcohol ink class I took and I would sign up for one of his classes again, what I liked in the class was how he concentrated on technique instead of doing a project. So, I'd like more technique classes.
Got a funny email from dd this morning, she is presently in Italy, she'll be home on the 19th...
"ALSO, can we PLEASE have the clark man come right before i get there... it will be SO nice to be in a bed where i am not being bitten... the garlic pills havent helped too much lately... PLUS, just the fact that everytime you itch in bed here, its usually because a bug actually is crawling on you! it would just be really nice to enjoy sleeping without freaking out everytime i have an itch... "
tee hee, is it mean to laugh? Traveling Europe as a poor college student, staying in hostels is character building, right?
When Michele and I go on our cruise in Italy and Greece next year, we are going to be in a stateroom on the Grand Princess, I don't think bugs will be a problem for us!! but we don't need to build character, cuz we are characters...ha!!!
Not brave enough to do...
Get surgery! I would love reduction on the bottom half and an increase on the top.
but the thought of way...I can't handle shots very well.
oh well.
I signed up for Scrap a faire!!
signed up for Digital 101 and Heritage...but I am so techno - challenged...I don't know, how its going to work out.
Thought I had Adobe Photoshop 4...turned out to be a 30 day went and bought Adobe 6 last night, went to install it and COULD NOT DO IT!!
went to get Michael, he changed it to another tray..and no problem!!
I bought the Sassy Digital kit from 2 peas, I know downloading is a push of a button...but where on my computer do I download it to? Do I put it in the Adobe file? should it be its own file? I am so lost, and class has not started!!
This should be interesting.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
7 random things
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog -- we all want to know them).
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I'll do step 3 like her,
and not " tag specific people, so if the spirit moves you, please consider yourself tagged! Post a comment here so we can zip over to your blog to read your 7 random and/or weird facts!"
cuz I don't think I know 7 bloggers...
1) I used to be afraid of dogs as a young child. My dad said he thought I was knocked over be a large dog as a toddler, I don't know about that, but I do remember throwing my lunches at dogs and jumping on ANYone's back whenever a dog approached us on the way to school. (this is back in the late 60's when those thermoses were glass inside)
2) After my parents divorced, on our weekends with Dad, we'd play Monopoly all night. I remember my dad would say, "That will cost you" whenever we landed on his property
3) I met my best friend Michele on the bus route to school. I had just moved to San Jose for my senior year of high school...had to walk a woundy bus route home and for a few days she would walk in front of or behind one day, I turned around and introduced myself. We became inseperable that year. I LOVE her family...but her big sis did not like me, she thought I'd be a bad influence...cuz...
4) I was arrested for drug possession my Jr. year of high school. (now not as bad as it sounds) I was playing hookey and the apt I was in was the target of the bust, I just happened to be there. long story short, this is one of the reasons I got sent to live with my dad my senior year.
5) I LOVE mexican food, esp texmix. I think enchiladas are God's perfect food.
6) I homeschooled my son from 4th thru 9th grade. The reason I started homeschooling was bacause daughter was in Catholic school and during 2nd grade, they have first communion, so I thought it would be confusing for her..that the other girls get to wear white dresses...homeschooling J was an afterthought.
But she was too social, and did not do well in homeschooling but J did much better. He was never a trouble kid, but when I started with him, he could not add 8+3 without his fingers!! I guess teachers liked him so much, they did not notice he wasn't learning very much.
7) My house has 30 colors of paint. I even have colors on my ceilings. I LOVE IT!!
every room has a different character. IF it has a door, its all bets off.(some even have different floors) Now, adjoining rooms and halls, I went for similar,
for flow (but not same) An example, entry way is a dark gold that leads into the great room that is an Olive green w/Burlap ceilings...the halls off that are the same color as the ceiling (burlap) but the walls are Latte...the kitchen and nook(to the left) is a color called Great Green w/ the Latte ceilings and the dining room is painted Timeless Taupe w/ pink ceilings.. The great room's 'decor' is Ca Wine Country, the Kitchen and nook is retro (with a poster of Elvis) and the dining room is leaning toward a shabby chic..
Saturday, October 27, 2007
crops and Beatrice
Whats one thing you look for in a crop?
I ain't picky, I just wanna crop. But when I get there, I like plenty of space, good lighting and M&M's. Its always nice when basic die cut tools and such are provided. I've been to crops by myself and with friends. Thoug friends is nice, I'm good by myself also.
Its been a couple of days since blogging. Beatrice has not been feeling good the past couple of days. I even left work early, cuz I thought it was going to get ugly for a while. Oh, Beatrice is my tummy. Yes, I've named my tummy. Since she is such a BIG part of my life, I figured we may as well be friendly and gave her a name.
I know most women name their boobies...dd did at a young age...okay, C won't give you away...teehee.
Anyone watch Women's Murder Club on Friday nights, its a good show, I like it.
but the end, when the coroner seduces her husband was sooooo me. (okay, I am so bad with names, last night I just figured out the lead character is Lindsay)
ANYways, she was complaining to Lindsay that the s*x life has been nothing, since hubby is in a wheelchair,"able", but not motivated. So Lindsay said, "It's up to you." and gave her a cute little she goes to her husband (who is watching tv in bed) and simply says, "I'm here to seduce you". He turns off the tv, "I'm interested"...she says how in her head she had planned a dance and all..but it was easier in her head....and that would be soooooo me! I could never dance around for dh! I'm embarrassed, when no one is home, and I catch myself dancing around the house! I think the cats are ROFL'ing.
oh well, I think I'm going to work today, to catch up on quarterly sales tax after a li'l housework...thrilling, huh
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tough question, my thoughts are 'muddled' right now. I live in the Central Valley of CA...far from the fires...but this is what is on my mind right now.
I guess I am inspired by these evacuees who are behaving in such a civilized manner. They are not hurting each other, destroying the stadium they are in, its just such a different story than what happened during Katrina. but, why? why so different?
many of them have lost everything also...
The news report is saying that many of them become volunteers as they arrive, creating a sense of community instead of chaos.
Then the news reports of many businesses sending truck loads of groceries and supplies... then you think of the internet story of the Starbucks that charged big bucks for a case of water for 911 rescuers...
so, I guess they are my inspiration today.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
looking back..
What were you doing 5 years ago around this time?
What are you doing right now?
What do you think you will be doing in the future?
10 years ago, was homeschooling my 13 year old son. and helping my 11 year old dd go thru the girl drama at Sacred Heart...OMG!! 6th grade drama, by the end of the year out of 9 girls, all but one (dd) was 'following' the Queen Bee. We did leave the school for 7th grade...a good move for us. ( A teacher aproached me a couple of years later, saying that they (the teachers) did not realize what a bi**h that girl was, till the next year...hmmm when 3 girls leave the school because of one...that's a hint!)
5 years ago, Son was graduating from MCRD and we were all going to his graduation and afterwards, dd and her friend and my mom took a tour of So Cal college campuses...Pepperdine, Westmont, Loyola, Vanguard, Chapman...just to name a few. Beautiful campuses, only one felt like 'home' and that is the one she went to.
(it was funny, as we waited in the reception area of one of the campuses, one of the most beautiful young men we had all ever seen walked thru..we called him a 'ringer' that the college has it set up for him to walk thru when young girls are in the reception area)
Today, I'm at work...pooey ... and a scrapaholic, at least that is fun.
Future, hope to be spoiling grandkids!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Here's a layout of the "Vespa" girls in France..using my Bad Girls proud of myself, I even used the little bad girls label that came identifying the kit!!
2 peas asked about fave fall activity...hmmm Thanksgiving and Christmas Shopping!
LOVE getting together w/family and eating great food and well, shopping is a given.
this will be an interesting holiday season, as dd is bringing a young man over to meet us...Michael found his Application for Permission to Date My Daughter.. he has been wanting to use. My poor baby girl, guess Michael is gonna put his shotgun over the fireplace mantle, too (better not give him any ideas). He has already said, he's gonna set up a sleeping bag and flashlight in the barn, so the young man will have a place to sleep...don't worry...Michael is sure the dogs will help keep him warm at night.
reminds me of one of my fave songs, by Little Big Town, called "Welcome to the Family"
Saturday, October 20, 2007
This is a pic of goodies from the swap where her package was a li'l delayed going out, something unexpected came up and she had to leave town.. I sure did appreciate the heads up.
But isn't this package wonderful!
First, as I cut into the tape, I could smell the Cherry Shower gel, yummmmm.
then I could see a big box of Toblerone...that is already in hiding from my dh.
The papers, I had put a bid on Ebay and did not win...but they are sooo perfect (I think) for pages about C's stop in Greece. I mentioned that I am doing a mini album for the she sent me this Heidi Swap album.
and the goodies, I am addicted to Queen and Co, and this blue I did not have already.
the bling and travel doodads and rubons and nail polish (I only had brown and pale orange)...
Goodness, I've gotta get off this computer and PLAY!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
wanted to post a layout, I know this is plain as far as layouts go...but I loooove this pic of my dd.
2 peas topic:, not something I think about...
Is Kindness the same as consideration, or is going out of your way to do something helpful to someone else. hmmmmm. is it kind not to lash out at someone who makes you angry? or is it kindness to not let small actions irritate you.
something to truly think about.It is a part of dh's fave verse, 2Peter 1:5-8...
"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance and to perseverance , godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ"
You know, I always looked at this verse as our steps in our growth as Christians, our first step is faith...we've gotta believe...then we start 'cleaning up', we are no longer attracted to the "bad", we seek to change for the "good". And we grow in knowledge, as we study the word and fellowship with other Christians. Then, we must practice self-control and perseverance, in order to live that Christian life.
Then we do reach out with brotherly kindness and love...cuz it reflects Jesus in us. And though I do not have the greek, but I'm betting that love in this verse is agape love...the love that is not based on how I feel or what you do, but a love that accepts.
Thanks for making me think about this.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
swap 1, the coordinator contacted my swap buddy, and she says she sent it a couple of weeks ago. I have not rec'd it, but she is probably thinking I'm the ungrateful one.
swap 2, I did get a pea mail from the recepient of my package!!
It was dated the I feel sooooo much better and a little foolish about my little vent.
guess its like getting a package, once you give up it if only the shoes my dd sent me from England on Aug 28 would get here.
and my missing swap package and my delayed one!!
oh well!!
an artiste? nah....prob not a swapper either.
I don't consider myself a creator/artist...I just enjoy scrappin my family memories.
so those four things would be:
1) I am a nurturer...I love to that my kids are grown and a li'l out of that picture (I do still try, a little) , I spoil my cat.
2) I am a busy-body...yes, I wanna know what is going on in my kid's lives, of course, it is altruistic...I just wanna scrap it for ya! ha!
3) I am a I do have great stuff to pursue this hobby with.
4) I have time and space now...with kids grown and a scrap room...
I'm having some trouble with the last swaps I've been in.
One swap, nothing from the person who was supposed to send me a package, I sent hers early and really thought it out and packaged it in a fun way...used one of those Target Tinkerbell purses for the ribbon and such...and nothing.
The other swap, I don't get much of a thank you. I even 'angeled' a couple of ladies who were left out..., so in 2 swaps, I sent out 4 sent me a nice heartfelt email..and that was sooooo appreciated. One sent me a pea-mail and all it said was 'you are my angel' in the title I guess that is an acknowledgement. The latest acknowledgement...not even a note that she rec'd it.
I feel like I send out nice packages. I certainly spend more than asked for. Hers was Basic Grey 'Mellow' package set , prima flowers, brads, ribbon..stapler w/colored staples, cookies and a CD...
But maybe I'm all "wet" and I should stop swapping.
Oh, and I still have not rec'd my package from the person who is supposed to send to me, but I did receive a peamail letting me know what has come up to delay it...and I appreciate it.
oh well...such a tiny thing...but it does bother me.
Monday, October 15, 2007
rude comments
What do you think of ppl who leave hurtful anonymous comments?
Your thoughts?....
I find it cowardly and unacceptable. And sad, why lash out at someone, esp publically, who you don't even know? I try to keep my comments positive, or don't say anything. (I admit, sometimes, I don't post anything cuz I think what I have to say may sound stupid.)
Once when someone asked for a critique of a project and I did not think she made the best choice in photoshopping her picture, I sent a private message to let her know how I thought and why.
I'm also a little leery of those who create new id's to start 'something' on the boards, like last weeks HOF stuff...
oh, Michele, I'm on the phone with C right now, she said she loved Portugal, the people were friendly, the only observation is it was a little 'dirtier' than some other poo left on the ground and all...she said that is in a lot of European cities..guess they don't have the laws and regulations that we do about disposing your pets' waste.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
5 things
Blog about 5 things you want to do before your time is up.
Could be anything.
Blog about those 5 things.
Be a grandma...I REALLY, REALLY want to be a GRANDMA!!!
Plan, okay, help plan my dd's wedding (a nice wedding) (cuz dh and I eloped and ds and dil went to the courthouse, so dd MUST have a wedding!!!)
Use up my scrap supplies, okay, that will keep me here a while.
Travel to Greece and Italy...been wanting to since I was 14 years old.
And, last but not least, grow some 'balls'
Yes, I want to be one of those brave women who says what she thinks
and just plain does not give a '______' what others think.
I want to be one of those persnikerty old women who wags her finger in your face and insults you with panache. or praises you when I like you...but the other will be more fun!!
My friend Michele came down, we met in Tracy, did our running around, but while at Youngplays, I got a call...the local crop is cancelled. The young mother hosting the crop had to take her daughter to the doctor Sat morn. Soooooo...Michele and I set up at my house, on the dining nook table and went at it. It was fun.
She is working on her grandson's book...a baby book!! insert sigh...and I'm working on my daughter's Europe trip.
Michele is a 'beginner' scrapper, one of the things we bought her in Tracy was her first rolling tote.. so my scrap room with all my stuff overwhelms her a little.
We had a great time, now Cassandra (the cat pictured above) was less than thrilled. We set up in 'her' by 9 pm, she settled herself on Michele's stack of papers, growling all the way.(top pic) When Michele tried to give her a pet, Cassandra snapped at I moved grumpy Cassandra onto the couch.
Around 10:30 Michele and I went to bed, when we woke up this morning we found Cassandra happily curled up on the chair Michele was using! (bottom pic)
Friday, October 12, 2007
yoohoo! crop weekend and tips for travel in Italy
Been waiting for this weekend!! Michele and I are gonna meet for breakfast, then shop at Youngplays!! then go to an all day crop with my local group.
BUT I haven't had time to prep for it, dh has rediscovered online video poker, so if he gets home before I do (which is all the time) I don't get the computer for the night. And I have a Kodak Easy Share printer set up to this computer, so I need to print some pics and pick some papers for tomorrows crop. Guess this will be after work tonight, as dh is out of town!!
Cierra called from Italy, yesterday. It was a brief call. But in that time, I did hear the squealling of car tires and honking of horns. (it was 10 am our time and 6pm her time) Which reminded me of what my co-worker has been telling me about Italian drivers:
1) Do not try to cross the road, unless you are with a nun. Because they WILL hit you. (not to injure you, but to nudge you out of the way)
2) When in Rome, find a corner cafe around 5pm, kick back and prepare to enjoy the show. since Italians talk with their hands, its chaos!!
3) You gotta ride in a taxicab at least once. It will be the ride of a life.
When I repeated this to C., her response was an emphatic..."I am NOT getting into one of THOSE cars!!" My co-worker's response..."chicken!!"
Thursday, October 11, 2007
out of the box?
from 2 peas: Are you a person who will go out of your norm to try something new at least once. Or stay with that your comfortable with?
the above layout is one that is outside of the box for me. My first use of Love, Elsie papers and paint like that. I think it was to a challenge from Scraptalk.
So, for me, when it comes to scrapping, yes, every now and then, but usually when I do a challenge. Probably why I like them so much.
In life, not so much. I'm pretty set in my ways and a li'l stubborn, too.
My one attempt at ski-ing is an example of that. All I can say is NEVER AGAIN.
I fully agree with the quote "If God had wanted Texans to ski, he would have made bullshit white".
so, its been a while since I've added a blog. In honor of my Love, Elsie layout, I bring you...Elsie's blog. For you seasoned scrappers, you probably have a link already. For you newbies and family who aren't in "the scrappin know", be prepared for a treat. Her layouts are stunning to say the least. Enjoy!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
monthly kits..and stinky room
yes!!, I get two now...I am a Scrapaholic and Bad Girls...and I love both
what I like is that someone who knows what they are doing chooses coordinating paper, embellishments for me...but does not pre-lay it out for me...and I can make great looking layouts! I have links to both on this blog.
and I love the websites and ideas the DT's have. They are non-snarky sites, too!
also, this month I picked up an Oct Jenni Bowlin kit, just too yummy to pass up!!
Yes, I have an extensive kit collection that I file together by kit.
A couple of days ago I complained about the drinking in dh's family,
how do you like this: (I paraphrased from an email to my dd)(its her room)
a couple of family members spent the night Saturday, and yesterday I walked into the room, cuz my friend Michele is coming over so I wanted to prepare the room for her, and...
the room smelled like stale alcohol and cigarettes!!
I am sooooo mad! DH says he doesn't think they were smoking and drinking in the house, so I guess this just emenated from his/her pores as he/she slept.
so, I've had windows open and been Febreezing the room
not only am I gonna wash sheets, I'm gonna wash the comforter too
(it is white taffetta, one of a kind, made of old gowns, from ebay, wish me luck)
Hell, I may just throw away the pillows on the bed
as you can tell, I am 'spitting' mad.
Monday, October 8, 2007

This was from an email sent to me, isn't that just a cool pic!
from 2 peas: Share with us one technique you find your self using on layouts over and over again....
I still like to ink and is that called distressing? would you believe I've just discovered double matting (over the summer) ...but I'm excused, I'm so new to this, right? scrap lifting is a fave technique, too!! ha!!
its Monday, and my back hurts and I am so tired. Barely got out the door before my deadline, (I commute w/dil) and she is a former Marine, who likes to be ON TIME!!
Longhorns lost to the Sooners, honestly, I'm not big on sports, but this game is important cuz one of dd's friends is a diehard Sooners fan...and I just want the Longhorns to whip 'em. Just so I can tease him. Oh well. I was thinking of inviting him for Thanksgiving, but not anymore!!!
I'm just counting down the days till my friend Michele comes down and we go cropping. My sis was at a crop down in Houston for the weekend, when I talked to her she said, " I'd be so proud of her, she's using all kinds of stuff on her pages and spending all kinds of money. and since she has so much stuff, she'll have to send some to me, cuz she'll never use it all!!" YAY!! I am proud of her! esp when she shares!!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
alcohol ink tags, and alcoholics
here's a sampling of the alcohol ink tags I'm making for a goodie bag exchange with my scrap group next weekend. The Christmas ones are not quite done.
2 peas question about getting together w/fellow scrappers. I am lucky, to be part of a small local group. We get together at least once a month. But the next couple of months, have added a craft prepare for the holidays.
Not much happening, the inlaws have been down, so, well you know.
We had the family over last night, Dh's parents, brothers, sig others and J and Nyki, a total of 10 for dinner. Dinner was nice, after...well, there are a lot of drinkers in this not so great for me. I did sneak away to work out on the treadmill. Lets just say I've never been comfortable around people who drink like that, the 'sniping', loudness, ...nah, not interested. One person, won't say who, got so he/she was constantly repeating him/herself and could not stand.
I'm just not impressed by people who get this way.
Why do this? They think they are 'functioning' drunks, but NOT!
oh well, I'll get off my soap box. just letting ya'll know, I HATE IT!!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
pumpkin patch and the art of the flirt
from 2 peas: Do you like to go to the Pumpkin patch to pic your own or do you just get time at the store? Share a fun photo
no, pumpkin patch...maybe when grandkids are in the pictures, but here is a 'fun' pic of the 'kids'...Jim, C, Keoni, Jason...the boys have been friends since 4, 5 years old, so, C considers all of them her big 'bros'. And, cuz she did not 'connect' with the girls in the neighborhood, she practically grew up with them.
One reason she is so comfortable with guys, and didn't act all 'stupid' around them in Jr. High...oh, the girl could/can flirt, but she never looked stupid doing it.
Actually, she has it down to an art, just ask her Macy's co-workers from her days at the men's fragrance counter. I went to pick her up one day, and saw her do the cutesy head tilt...think she got this from one of her stage roles, Karla Zeller from Oklahoma Rigs. Really, I was just waiting for her to giggle and walk her fingers up his arm.
Yesterday, was a tough day...the electricity went out right before my wake-up time at 7am..well, no electricity, no water (our water is off a pump), so I had to go to work without a shower. YUCK. THen, no access to my personal email all day.
Then, toward the end of workday, 2 peas goes kablooey...can only type titles, nothing else. But when I got home, at 7pm, I went directly to bed and did not regain conscienceness till 2 am. So, I feel great this morning!! Lots of sleep and according to Dh, I took a 30 min shower!!!
Friday, October 5, 2007

2 peas, weekend plans...
boohoo, don't get me started.
my inlaws are down, they arrived Weds and will stay till Monday,
so, interrupts my tv schedule, no ANTM on Weds, 1/2 of CSI last night.
so, prob no scrap time this weekend. but I gotta do some tags, for a goodie bag exchange next weekend.
I make it sound worse than it is..I enjoy my in-laws...they are very nice and mil cooks great. And since we all work, she has made dinner for us.
I just miss, the li'l block of "me" time I've gotten so spoiled with. (frownie smiley here)
It's funny, dh LOVES to entertain, he is constantly looking and asking people to come over for so much, wow, me..not ever. But I guess its cuz I feel like I have to clean the house and stop everything and it adds more work and all. Now, I don't cook, he does, so that is not an issue.
But I am having company next weekend, my BF from high school, (yes, high school)
(I am 46 yrs old) is coming down and we are going to Youngplay in Tracy, then an all day crop with my local group. NOW that is what I call entertaining a guest!! HA!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
inspiration and consequences
it happened recently, I was working on some layouts for J's Marine Corp album, and it felt a li'l blah to me. So, I checked out the Pea gallery for some guy layouts.
Yes I do get a lot of inspiration from the 2 peas gallery and blogs.
I'm watching the news, so disgusting. Do you remember the line from Batman Begins,
" Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding."
(I know he turned out to be the badguy, cuz he wanted to destroy the entire city)
But I guess I am just a "law and order" girl, if someone is guilty of a crime, they should be punished. Simple. No, don't punish them all the same, like cutting off their hands, it should be according to scope and all. But there should be consequences EVERY time.
Like raising our kids, consequences for chosen behavior. That was my mantra.
When J brought home rocks from the church playground, I made him take them back,
cuz you know, the church had to pay for those rocks...and I hope I taught him to respect other people's property.
J was asked over the weekend if he considered border patrol, as he is looking into law enforcement for his career. He said, yes, but the 2 agents who were put in jail for shooting that drug runner in the butt, changed his mind. And I agree, why should he put his life on the line, for an agency that DOES not have his back!!
Monday, October 1, 2007
from 2 peas: Do you make Halloween cards? If so share some of your work.
No halloween cards, but did make some fall alcohol ink tags yesterday..will post pic
So, my car has been in the shop for the past 3 weeks or so, first it was new tires and alignment and then to ghe body shop to fix a dent in the door and total detailining. 3 weeks later and oh, 2k later it was a brand new car.
so, I took it out on Saturday, for my mad shopping spree, and, well, here is a pic of the very first parking job at Target. Hey, I'd been driving for over an hour and had to GO!!! Oh, well....
Sunday, September 30, 2007
shopping fun
from 2 peas:
Share your fondest Halloween memory.
Last year, we now live in the country so it was a quiet night watching movies...I'm not that into halloween, so it was perfect for me.
Though the year Jason and Keoni dressed up like IRS men was pretty good, they had all kinds of reactions from slammed doors to extra candy to "bribe" them. It was good and funny...they wore suits and made ID tags and carried briefcases.
Yesterday I went shopping!! Went to the Original Rubber Stamp show in San Jose,
found the Cat's Pajamas (I went for) and got the next to the last acrylic set w/naughty or nice...whew..that was close. so, the stamps on the left of the package are Cat's Pajamas, on the right, the fan, clock and drama are from Leavenworth Jackson, and the glitter and Queen & Co (my present addiction) are from Miss Vickey's place.
and I was good, I had my envelope of cash and when I used the last 20...I left.
But, then came the Great Mall down the street. Think a 1 mile mall filled with outlet stores. (Oh, Cierra, H&M outlet is opening soon!!)
I had an assignment to get Queen size bedding for a friend's son's wedding gift. DONE! My nieces 12th b-day....I got her an Izod cable sweater for $20.00!! Baby Phat t-shirt for about the same and a BeBe sporty hoodie for a little more!! So if she is into preppy, urban or sporty...I've got her covered!!!
and of course had to stop by at Richards on the way home...stickles!!
and the local store to see my friend Dorlene...ribbon, punch and floss!!!
May have to work a little overtime....
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Titles and a movie
No, in fact I rarely have titles and I really should make it a point to...and add more journaling. Wonder if this could be a personal challenge.
Last night I watched the DVD "Music and Lyrics"...yes, stupid premise..BUT
so funny. If you loved Hugh Grant's dance moves in Love Actually, you will Love this! From the opening 80's style was fantabulous. and goofy.. but FUN!!
and I liked the lack of anorexic bodies in this movie also.
my sis and I have been in an 'email' discussion about tatoos.
she is adament that tatoos are T R A S H, well an overabundance of tats would be, but a couple of cute, discreet ones aren't so bad.
in fact if I ever get down to 120 lbs again,( HA!!), I plan to get one on my lower back. DIL told me those are called "tramp stamps"...I told her if I ever see 120 again, you know I'll be showing off that body!! and you jealous people can call me tramp! SNAP!!! (insert attitude smiley here)
the only thing is I am afraid of needles...could be a small problem...
Friday, September 28, 2007
bah humbug, just a li'l
No, been thinking about the holidays. And did a little Avon shopping.
but because all kids are pretty much grown, It's probably going to be gift cards for everyone!! whoo hoo! I don't know, hard to get excited about buying/ exchanging gift it really takes away from the holidays for me.
Last year, we mixed it up a li'l, by having a white elephant w/a gift card exchange with the family. It did make it a li'l fun and hope we do it again.
This is the side of the family we usually pick names for adults and buy for kids.
but since the youngest kid is now 20...last year it was the exchange.
My side of the family, we just always bought for kids and didn't worry about adults, except mom. But now that the youngest is in double digits...11 or 12!! yikes
it will probably be gift they are in Tx...pooey.
The tradition with my kids has been to make their last, big gift a 'treasure hunt'
they'd receive a series of clues. Last year...I hid the gifts in the same place and so the last clue was a '3' parter (one line on each card) ..they had to work together, ha!! Well, Jason being Jason 'stole' the girl's clues....the girls being the girls...proceeded to lock him out of the house. It was fun!
I'll probably do it this year for the gift cards...well, at least gift cards are easy to hide!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Kema and Murphy's law
from 2 peas: Share of a time when you have had a health scare from one of your pets..
that would be Kema...
lets see, when he was a puppy, he was hit by a car. luckily no major injuries, not broken anything, but limped a little bit. Michael took him to the vet, xrays and all. scary
Then, the closest call, he got parvo..get your puppies vaccinated for parvo...$1200 later and 2 days and nights at the vet, he made it.
Then, last winter he was gone for 10 days. The worst 10 days I can remember, its like the sunshine was gone during that period. But early one morning, we heard his signature bark (he sounds like an adolescent boy during the voice change). Michael went out toward that bark, even had a homeowner point a gun at him...cuz we do live in the country and when you enter someone's property at happens. But we got Kema back...sooooo happy.
I don't mind saying it, Kema is my favorite dog. He is so gentle and funny and sweet, but he has had some adventures.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
from 2 peas: How often do you meet with friends to scrap? Do you wish it could be more?
Lucky enough to be part of a local group that gets together at least once a month.
heard from C yesterday,
they are in Spain.... had a bit of an adventure when one of the girls' purse was stolen while it was between her feet at a restarant. My friend at work keeps assuring me that Europe is not the 'cesspool' I think it is...but, lets see, so far, 13 kids' bank accounts were cleared out, possibly by the Eastern European Mafia in this...hmmmm...
Since I'm a 'natural worrier' about my kids....oh well... All I can do is pray everyday for her safety and be prepared to help her out if needed.
But I'm guessing, this is still a wonderful trip for oh man...hope I get thru it...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I scrub the bathtub...really, you can tell how happy I am by how dirty the tub is. I'm pretty content these days...ha!!
I am taking 3 days off this week, I'm supposed to get started on cleaning the garage of the stuff stored there for oh, 18 months....but, I'm at the computer instead. so bad,
right now, we have our stuff stored in the garage (we moved in May of last year) and stuff in storage. My mom's stuff is in the front bedroom...cuz when she went back to Tx, she left me like a 'refugee', taking only a suitcase. And C's stuff in her bedroom, cuz she doesn't have a dorm while in Europe. AND Michael has invited his friend, John to come out and live with us for a while. So, I need to clear that front room...and C comes home from Europe mid - November, since she doesn't have a dorm till Jan....she'll prob live with us. YEAH! but I gotta go make some room!
I am having so much fun scrappin her Paris pics...even found some paper by Reminisce w/ black kitties and poodles....
Monday, September 24, 2007
any regrets?
Yeah, a little, I guess because of the 2peas atmosphere, I'm a li'l afraid to type about anything controversial. Afraid of being flamed....? gee, on 2peas, you can get it about how you spell.
pretty intimidating to really open up.
So, I will try to keep this light and about scrapping. Already talked to my sis about starting a joint private blog, so we can share layouts (she does not want her kids' pics on a public forum).
also, would love to figure out how to add a "time ticker" to the blog and a video.
Tried, but couldn't figure it out.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
from 2 peas: With the holidays being close. Do you have a scrapbooking wish list started? If so whats on it.
Been thinking about it, so far, would like some truly wonderful fonts, more stickles and BG's Figgy Pudding...and KI Memories alphabet soup acrylic letters.
here's a layout using some of those letters...I LOVE Them!! and I hope that is a pic of Dublin...
off to create some more layouts, if I can get away from Tequila Sunrise, young Mel Gibson AND young Kurt Russell....hmmmm eye candy.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
card making in my future?
no, last year I bought quite a few card packs from Current's after Christmas markdown...but...the gals in the local group are planning a craft night to make cards. So I thought I'd use that time to make set of an assortment of cards to give as gifts. Because in the past, whenever Terry would give me a pre-made assortment for my birthday...I LOVED them.
oh, I'm just waiting for my scraptalk that ketchup commercial..."anticipation, anticipation, is making me wait!!"
preordered daisy-d sewing rubon tape, and Tim Holz tools and, and..
tomorrow morning I am taking the Alcohol Inks class by Tim Holz at my lss...Youngplay! Oh, I can't wait!!
maybe I'll have some cool stuff to share after!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
EASY...that chrome yellow and bright halloween orange,
I just don't like won't find them in my house, my clothes...
though I like muted tones of these colors.
I might be taking a couple of days off from work next week, now that the weather is cooled down, I really should go thru all the stored stuff and boxes. lets see, we moved into the house April of last year...uh huh,
its time. I'll probably toss all clothes, the thought of mice in the boxes really creeps me out. Maybe, I'll be really good and borrow J's truck and actually move stuff out of storage! ha!!!
ps. C is in Switzerland this week...the kids are planning on skidiving, night sledding, hang the Alps, pray for her safety please...yikes!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
so, Monday's 2 peas asked for pics of you girlie space
and Tuesday asked if we ever applied for design team, ummm, no. I scrap very simple and basic, nothing design team worthy.
so, this morning Michael asked me if I could go on vacation anywhere in the continental 48 states and Hawaii and Alaska, where would I like to go?
After some discussion, we are thinking about driving from Boston to Charleston, and hitting Bed and Breakfast's along the way (guess I'd have to throw in some scrap stores)
I'm thinking next year, around Sept...maybe get some of the fall color but hopefully, it won't be too cold.
sounds good, huh?